Shared posts

21 Jun 18:22

pagalini: pagalini: preach it, my feminist dragon...



preach it, my feminist dragon princesses

now complete! this set will be going up on my redbubble shop as tshirts and stickers c:

21 Jun 18:21

lesbeehive: Les Beehive – Revenge by Ellen von Unwerth

21 Jun 18:21


21 Jun 18:21

gender-necromancer: literally the worst that people with depression or anxiety get it “just...


literally the worst that people with depression or anxiety get it “just exercise more, you’ll feel better!” or “just learn to distract yourself from it”

while “scary mentally ill” people get murdered my the police for having an episode in public (even while harming no one) and get blamed for mass shootings and treated like ticking time bombs

21 Jun 18:19

asexualityresources: Based off this article.

21 Jun 18:19

newartemis: Instrucciones de fácil manejo para saber el género...


Instrucciones de fácil manejo para saber el género de unx desconocidx

21 Jun 18:18

riskpig: brodingershat: iforgotmytampon: thechronicleofshe: t...





they only let us narrate yogurt commercials. 


Click the link.

21 Jun 18:16

i-effed-it-all-up: some people feel pressured by labels, and therefor don’t like to label their...


some people feel pressured by labels, and therefor don’t like to label their sexuality

some people find comfort in labels, and labeling their sexuality has given them a feeling of belonging

both are completely fine

i’m not sure why some people still can’t comprehend this

21 Jun 18:16

"It’s always surprising to me how many young women think they have to be perfect. I rarely meet a..."

““It’s always surprising to me how many young women think they have to be perfect. I rarely meet a young man who doesn’t think he already is.””


 Hillary Clinton speaking at Simmons Leadership Conference (via femininefreak)


(via unforgettabledetritus)

21 Jun 18:16

akeppleaday: I can’t imagine why Google prefers their FIFA...


I can’t imagine why Google prefers their FIFA World Cup Doodles over my well-researched one. Oh well, their loss I guess.

21 Jun 18:16


21 Jun 18:16

malkavianacts: ashkenazi-autie: eileenthequeen: eileenthequeen: So apparently in my sister’s...





So apparently in my sister’s class, there was a trans girl that had been on the cheerleading squad for a while. When she came out, the other girls on the squad made the agreement that whatever boy made fun of her would never get a date. And if you think that’s not the most metal girl alliance ever, you can sit down.

Wow, 500 notes

Girls protecting girls.

This is awesome

21 Jun 18:15

jahanzebjz: Racism is not ended by being nice. Nice is an attitude. You could be nice to your...


Racism is not ended by being nice. Nice is an attitude. You could be nice to your slave. Racism is not an attitude; racism is about power. 

21 Jun 18:15

"When children attend schools that place a greater value on discipline and security than on knowledge..."

“When children attend schools that place a greater value on discipline and security than on knowledge and intellectual development, they are attending prep schools for prison.”

- Angela Davis (via anarchei)
21 Jun 18:15

shakesphobic: pansexualpagan: kaylamariesmiley: toenail-fister...








Mila Kunis Against Men Saying “We Are Pregnant” - Video

What the fuck is this bullshit and why was it recommended for me?

It’s not like men are involved in the creation of the baby or anything.

I mean shit, I understand that pregnancy is an extremely strenuous thing on the woman, but that doesn’t mean that a dude can’t be proud of the fact that he’s going to be a father.

Hmm. Weird how someone would want to be considered a part of the pregnancy…
There goes all of my respect for Mila Kunis.

My goodness, women like this have some fucking nerve. Good luck Ashton.

Please stop.

Pregnancy is a very dangerous time for cis-women. Until cis-men are capable of nine months of pain without the ability to take painkillers, followed by hours of one of the most painful experiences a human can undergo, I agree with Mila Kunis. It is your child. Not your pregnancy. You don’t get a fucking medal for sticking your dick inside someone and impregnating them, you get a child. So no, you don’t need a fucking spotlight highlighting your months of work and pain and the fact that you can potentially die trying to bring life into the world when you have not undergone any of the physical effort.

Things you can expect during pregnancy: Anemia, urinary tract infections, constipation, mental health conditions including intense depression, hyperemesis gravidarm (basically when persistent vomiting is more than just morning sickness and requires hospitalization). Not to mention there are dozens of infections that can cause serious problems. (x) (x)

Oh and the fact that 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriages which obviously requires hospitalization for the pregnant woman and causes a lot of emotional trauma.

Or that you can’t consume alcohol, most types of fish, you can’t expose yourself to hot water (or any heat, really), or get an x-ray. You cannot eat lunch meats, raw sprouts (radishes, alfalfa, etc.), soft cheeses, anything unpasteurized is out, as are foods with raw or undercooked eggs. And caffeine can lead to miscarriages, so say goodbye to coffee, teas, and chocolate. (x) (x) (x)

About 2 million pregnancy losses occur annually in the U.S.; 6 million babies are born. 25% of pregnancies are lost.

14.5% of pregnant women will experience at least one pregnancy complication.

11% of women are diagnosed with post partum depression.


800 women die because of pregnancy-related problems in the U.S. annually. (x)

Labor can last for 36 hours or more. You’re in a room full of strangers, who are all seeing your vagina, your blood, your shit, your piss, and your agony. It’s common for tearing to occur during the delivery (x) and after the baby is born you still have to deliver the placenta (essentially an organ).

Pregnancy is terrifying, dangerous, and uncomfortable. None of you have the right to shit on Mila Kunis for telling the truth: You do not deserve the spotlight of your wife’s pregnancy. So get over yourselves. Yes, the father CAN be proud, and he should be. But it’s not his pregnancy. He is not the one who will endure it.

It is not weird that someone would want to be involved in their wife’s pregnancy. It is weird that you have the fucking nerve to lose respect for someone reminding you that the father is not the pregnant one in the picture.

So please, stop.


21 Jun 18:15

reinohueco: kellysue

21 Jun 18:15

i-m-a-good-viper: Lesbians: Men:






21 Jun 18:15

killbenedictcumberbatch: trans women are female if you think that ‘male and female’ arent gendered...


trans women are female

if you think that ‘male and female’ arent gendered in the same way as ‘men and women’ and think that calling a trans woman “male-bodied” is okay you’re a transmisogynist

you are misgendering women. a woman’s body is her own. If she identifies a female, her body is thusly female as well

21 Jun 18:14


21 Jun 18:14

squishietechies:One of my biggest insecurities is my stretch...

squishietechies:One of my biggest insecurities is my stretch marks. After I had my son I was covered in them. It’s been over two years and the deep gashes have made no progress on disappearing.

So in an attempt to try to not hate them (and myself) as much, here they are.

21 Jun 18:14

typhonatemybaby: mishawinsexster: Friendly reminder that the...



Friendly reminder that the Duckbill Platypus is not beaver sized but the tiniest most cutest patootie being in existence 


i thought these things were the size of like, large cats or something. ITS FUCKING TINY JESUS

21 Jun 18:14

shakesphobic: Every single morning.


Every single morning.

21 Jun 18:14

allsnargents: "Do you have to be so vulgar about men, like...


"Do you have to be so vulgar about men, like they’re pieces of meat?"

21 Jun 18:13

Male Writer: Ah, anniversary jokes are so funny. Because chicks always hate it when you don't remember anniversaries! A plus gold very original

Male Writer: Ah, anniversary jokes are so funny. Because chicks always hate it when you don't remember anniversaries! A plus gold very original
Male Writer: Mother in laws amirite?
Male Writer: My male character who is an author insert of myself pines after a woman I used to pine after in high school. Then they have sex. This is good literature.
Male Writer: Ugh female books are so romance filled
Male Writer: And girl fanfics, so mary suey
Male Writer: Now listen about this original middle aged man who is an expert in everything, suffers from ennui, looks like me, acts like me, and gets all the girls i want.
Male Writer: She was sexy in an alluring, boring way, filled with purple prose and riddled with objectification
Male Writer: If i make a female character parrot my misogynistic views, they cease to be misogynistic! Are you saying you don't respect my fake female characters opinions, feminists?
Male Writer: a good action girl is one who looks hot at all times
Male Writer: If the female main character got in an asskicking line, my work is Feminist with a capital F and no one can criticize me
Specifically White Male Writer: Heroic tropes are so overdone. I'm going to create a boring white guy with stubble to be a completely original antihero no one has ever seen before TM.
Same Guy: It's original because he is a jerk who gets away with bad behavior, just like I wish i could.
Another Specifically White Male Writer: It's in my universe to only have white men do things in my book. I mean, don't you care about historical accuracy
Same Guy: I mean, it's a generic fantasy verse with no real life time period equivalent and i haven't done any research, but i'm SURE that it's historically accurate. To that dark mideval dragon fighting europe period
Same Guy: Where in Europe? Who cares!
Male Writer: There is no better way to introduce a female character to a male character than by him saving her.
Male Writer: Characters hating each other is good sexual tension!
Male Writer: One female character and five male characters is a good team balance
Male Writer: If my female character chooses to act in a sexist tropey way, it's not sexist. In fact, because she CHOSE to do it, it is Feminist.
Male Writer: I am original
21 Jun 18:13

Bisexual/Pansexual/Polysexual Definitions

Bisexual/Pansexual/Polysexual Definitions:


So there’s been some posts on my dash recently about how people are confused about what exactly constitutes bisexuality, how it’s different from pansexual, what even is polysexual, etc. So I thought I’d make a post to explain it for those of you that are confused.

21 Jun 18:13


21 Jun 18:13


21 Jun 18:13


21 Jun 18:13


21 Jun 18:13

Adèle dancig I Follow Rivers ♥ Blue is the warmest color

Adèle dancig I Follow Rivers 

Blue is the warmest color