Shared posts

29 Aug 20:12

A 150-Year-Old Porcelain Warehouse in Japan Opens for Daily ‘Treasure Hunts’ for Just $45

by Johnny Strategy


The Kouraku Kiln was founded in Arita (Saga Prefecture, Japan) in 1865 and has been producing ceramics for the past 150 years. Over that time the facility has accumulated a vast collection of pottery that has, for one reason or another, gone unsold. The warehouse is so vast that some workers use a bicycle to get from one side to the other. And they’ll be the first to admit that even they don’t really know what’s in there. The production facility is now inviting visitors on a “treasure hunt” to try and get rid of some of their stock.



Here’s how the treasure hunt works:

— Make your reservation by phone (they only allow 10 people per day)
— Show up at your designated time and select your course and pay: 5,000 yen or 10,000 yen (about $45 to $90)
— Get a 30-min tour of the facility
— Begin your 90-min treasure hunt. You’ll be given a pair of gloves, a flashlight and a basket. You can take home everything you fit in your basket.
— The more expensive course gives you access to a special section of decoratively painted ceramics but both allow you to take home as much as you can fit in your basket. Once done you’ll get to wrap everything up in newspaper so that nothing breaks on your way home.

It sounds like a really fun excursion! They even have an English-speaking staff on hand to assist foreigners.



(Syndicated from Spoon & Tamago)

28 Aug 15:40

Escucha música sin límites, sin instalar nada, sin registro y gratis

by Gabriela González
Escucha música sin límites, sin instalar nada, sin registro y gratis

Este sitio web ultra minimalista te deja escuchar música de la forma más simple posible, sin instalar nada, sin registro, gratis y sin límites.

En Internet hay infinidad de sitios web, aplicaciones, y servicios para escuchar música en linea. Todos tienen sus propias características interesantes y atractivas, la mayoría se pelea el título al mejor catálogo, a la mejor calidad de streaming, a las mejores recomendaciones, y al mejor precio. Ahora bien, si lo que buscas es algo extremadamente simple, y que básicamente funcione, te aseguro que qroom es el descubrimiento de tu semana, o de tu mes, o del resto de tu vida.


qroom música en linea gratis

El minimalismo de la web es an extremo que quizás te confunda por unos segundos. Lo único que vas encontrar es una foto de fondo y un cajón para ingresar texto. En él puedes escribir el nombre de una canción o de una banda/artista, luego solo tienes que presionar el botón de play y estás listo. A partir de ahí se reproducirá música de la banda que elegiste hasta el final de los tiempos, o podrás escuchar una misma canción en loop, y si tiene varias versiones, puedes esperar que lluevan covers.

No hay que registrarse, no hay que instalar nada, no hay que pagar un centavo. La calidad del streaming es muy buena, funciona genial incluso con conexiones extremadamente lentas (lo he comprobado de primera mano), funciona en cualquier navegador moderno, y es simplemente perfecto.

28 Aug 15:38

New Oil-Based Cityscapes Set at Dawn and Dusk by Jeremy Mann

by Kate Sierzputowski
"NYC #19, oil on panel, 30 x 30 inches, all images via Jeremy Mann

“NYC #19, oil on panel, 30 x 30 inches, all images via Jeremy Mann

Jeremy Mann (previously here and here) paints cityscapes set during the low-lit moments of the early morning or evening, just when natural light has begun to creep in or fade from a city’s car-lined streets. Using oil paints, Mann applies and wipes away areas of the canvas to recreate these hazy environments, adding layers of paint back on top of the slightly smeared works with more detailed strokes. This layered effects makes the works appear like double exposed images, two scenes gently blurring into one.

Mann’s work will be featured in an upcoming June 3 exhibition at John Pence Gallery in San Francisco which will run through July 9, 2016. You can view more of his cityscapes on his Instagram and Facebook.


“Market St., Midnight” (2016), oil on panel, 36 x 36 inches


“The Geary St. Storm” (2016), oil on panel, 48 x 48 inches


“Cityscape – Composed Form Study 13,” oil on panel, 6 x 6 in.


“NYC #20,” oil on panel, 48 x 48 inches.


“NYC #22,” oil on panel, 36 x 36 inches


“Morning Downpour on Market Street” (2016), oil on panel, 25 x 25 inches


16 Aug 08:47

El mapa que cambiará tu punto de vista sobre México

by Valeria Ríos
El mapa que cambiará tu punto de vista sobre México

¿Cuántos países europeos caben en México?

México es un país enorme. Los casi 2 millones de kilómetros cuadrados de territorio continental que tiene, lo hacen merecedor del undécimo puesto de los países más extensos del mundo.

Tal vez no es tan grande como Rusia, Canadá o Estados Unidos, pero es lo suficientemente grande como para albergar 23 países europeos.

Para demostrar lo vasto de México, un usuario de Reddit compartió una imagen del territorio nacional con 23 países europeos sobrepuestos. Si bien, los países más grandes del viejo continente no están contemplados, algunos de mediano y pequeño tamaño pueden caber bien sabiéndolos acomodar.



Así es como quedarían algunas naciones europeas a lo largo de la república :

  • Baja California Sur: Portugal
  • Baja California: Macedonia y Eslovaquia
  • Sonora: Austria y Albania
  • Parte de Sinaloa y Sonora: Serbia
  • Chihuahua: Bélgica, Estonia y Bulgaría
  • Nuevo León y Coahuila: Dinamarca
  • Coahuila, San Luis Potosí y Zacatecas: Países Bajos
  • Zacatecas, Coahuila, parte de Sinaloa y Chihuahua: Alemania
  • Guanajuato: Bosnia Herzegovina
  • Nayarit: Montenegro
  • Jalisco, Colima y Michoacán: Rumania
  • Guerrero y Oaxaca: República Checa
  • Centro de México, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi y parte de Nuevo León: Reino Unido
  • Oaxaca este y Veracruz sur: Lituania
  • Tabasco y Chiapas: Irlanda
  • Quintana Roo, Campeche y Yucatán norte: Chipre, Suiza y Luxemburgo
  • Quintana Roo, parte de Yucatán y Campeche: Hungría
28 Jul 01:47

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Motivation


Hovertext: Let it never be said that Weinersmith stopped crapping all over people's hopes and dreams.

New comic!
Today's News:
26 Jun 08:06

Лайфхак для Гугл.Докс

26 Jun 04:27

This Ludicrous New Instrument Makes Music with 2,000 Marbles

by Christopher Jobson

Swedish musician Martin Molin has long had experience with esoteric instruments like the glockenspiel, traktofon, or Theremin, but he may have topped his musical prowess with the invention of his own new instrument: the Wintergatan Marble Machine, a hand-cranked music box loaded with instruments including a circuit of 2,000 cascading steel marbles. As the devices cycles it activates a vibraphone, bass, kick drum, cymbal and other instruments that play a score programmed into a 32 bar loop comprised of LEGO technic parts. The marbles are moved internally through the machine using funnels, pulleys, and tubes.

Molin began work on the marble machine in August 2014 and hoped to spend about two months on the project. Its complexity soon spiraled out of control as all 3,000 internal parts had to be designed and fabricated by hand, a time-consuming process that eventually took 14 months. An early version was designed using 3D software, but it was easier for Molin to create parts on the fly leading to it’s Frankenstein appearance. The musician shared much of his progress in regular video updates that he shared on YouTube.

Despite the extreme interest an oddity like the Wintergatan Marble Machine is bound to generate—especially on the internet—don’t expect to see it on tour anytime soon, as the contraption has to be completely disassembled to move it. Molin hopes to build additional music devices, some smaller, or perhaps more suited for transport. You can read a bit more about it on Wired UK.












25 Jun 21:35

Turn-Ip For What?

23 Jun 01:28

Full-Width Justification

Gonna start bugging the Unicode consortium to add snake segment characters that can be combined into an arbitrary-length non-breaking snake.
18 Jun 19:22

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Paternity Test


Hovertext: Okay, but this fanny pack is PACKIN' HEAT

New comic!
Today's News:

SMBC is now 83% jokes about poor fashion choices among aging men. 

18 Jun 19:19


Listen, in a few thousand years you'll invent a game called 'SimCity' which has a 'disaster' button, and then you'll understand.
18 Jun 19:09

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Reverse Captcha


Hovertext: Also, you can tell humans from replicants, because a human will literally walk 10 miles to use an elevator instead of stairs.

New comic!
Today's News:

 I'm doing a guest series over at Drive!

01 May 23:45

03 Apr 11:23

Tire Swing

If we find one of those tire dumps, the next time he tries to get his truck back we can just retreat and let him have it.
03 Apr 10:52

An original comic

by The Awkward Yeti

An original comic

03 Apr 10:40

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Talk


Hovertext: Now, let's have the talk about how individual effort may matter less than other people's inherent ability.

New comic!
Today's News:

After 800 people pointed out my crappy base-11 number line (that's what I get for doing base-11 before bed), I have altered to votey. So, please press z to go back and give it a look! 

03 Apr 10:36

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Election Probability


Hovertext: Look, you can't argue with math.

New comic!
Today's News:

My reliably awesome nerd pal, Rosemary, has a new comic called Wild City. A comic for little (and big) science geeks.  

09 Mar 10:20

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Stats Device


Hovertext: It can violate conservation of information, but it can't have rounded corners.

New comic!
Today's News:
09 Mar 10:12

Prepara tu smartphone: 500 episodios de Los Simpson a la vez en vídeo esférico

by Álex Barredo
500 episodios de Los Simpson a la vez en un vídeo 360º

Los Simpson, como no los has visto nunca: 554 episodios a la vez en este vídeo esférico.

El otro día elegimos los 10 mejores episodios de Los Simpson, pero si quieres ver 500 episodios de The Simpsons a la vez en vídeo esférico. En tu ordenador, mueve el pequeño cursor en la parte superior izquierda para moverte entre los episodios.

Si entras con la aplicación de YouTube oficial en Android o iOS, podrás mover el smartphone para poder centrarte en el episodio que quieras. Si tienes unas gafas de realidad virtual como las Gear VR o las Google Cardboard, disfrutarás de una experiencia única aunque muy, muy estrambótica.

En total son 554 episodios, y si quieres verlo en las tradicionales 2 dimensiones, puedes hacerlo también, aunque es menos espectacular. Pero desde que hace unos meses Google añadiera la opción para vídeos esféricos y de 360º en YouTube, nuestra vida ha cambiado.

Vía: Álvaro Cuesta.

09 Mar 10:10

Maniquí robótico se adapta a cualquier talla

by Troy


El sueño de todos los modistas, un maniquí inteligente que puede deformar en segundos su figura para adaptarse a la talla de cualquier silueta femenina.

Es obra de estudiantes e investigadores del Polytechnic University’s Institute of Textiles and Clothing de Hong Kong. Le han llamado iDummy y está basado en una estructura robótica que, rápidamente, puede cambiar su morfología según las indicaciones de un programa informático. El Dr. Allan Chan y su equipo han recolectado masivamente información antropométrica de población de todas partes del mundo, gracias a un scanner corporal en 3D.

Práctico para los profesionales y entretenido para el resto.

Visto en

Ver más: maniquíes, Moda-Complementos, robots
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

09 Mar 09:57

Lecturas de tabaquería, un oficio vivo portador de la cultura y el pensamiento

by Ivonne Lara
Lecturas de tabaquería, un oficio vivo portador de la cultura y el pensamiento

El lector de tabaquería realiza un oficio "simple" y poderoso: llevar la cultura a los trabajadores de las tabaquerías cubanas con su voz.

Sabemos que hay oficios que, con el paso del tiempo, terminan siendo obsoletos generalmente por la introducción a nuevas tecnologías. Pero hay otros, como el denominado "lector de tabaquería" que sigue prevaleciendo y forma parte de otra actividad, también antigua e importante en Cuba, como son los torcedores de tabaco, quienes producen los famosos puros cubanos.

Es importante reconocer que la lectura de tabaquería no sólo es un oficio sino una tradición sui generis que conjunta el esparcimiento y el enriquecimiento intelectual de los oyentes. Básicamente, el lector de tabaquería hace eso: leer; y lo hace mientras los artesanos del tabaco fabrican los puros. Se trata de una actividad que data aproximadamente desde mediados del siglo XIX, y el oficio en sí ha cambiado muy poco, aunque ha contribuido en grande al pensamiento y filosofía de los obreros de ese gremio, siendo una especie de incubadora tanto de la Independencia Cubana, de la Revolución; así como de la organización obrera.

El oficio de lector de tabaquería data de mediadios del siglo XIX

Las tabaquerías en tiempos de la Colonia usaban la mano de obra esclava para forjar los puros, y se dice que para mitigar las largas jornadas se utilizó ese tiempo en el que las manos de los torcedores hacían lo propio acompañando esta actividad con lecturas. Al principio eran los propios trabajadores que se turnaban para leer y sus compañeros lo apoyaban con una cantidad para compensar ese tiempo en el que no estuvo realizando puros. Pero más tarde, la figura y puesto del lector de tabaquería sería instituido en diversas tabacaleras, para convertirse en un oficio respetado y casi de prestigio, después de todo se necesita buena voz y actitud para mantener a toda una planta entretenida.

En la historia de los lectores de tabaquería se dice que debido al despertar de pensamiento que logra la lectura, esta, aparente sencilla actividad, fue clave en los distintos movimientos sociales que se gestaron en los dos siglos pasados en la de la Isla. Por ahí circularon los textos que hablaban del poder del pueblo, de la necesidad de la organización obrera, y, más tarde, de los discursos y filosofía de la Revolución.

Una de las cosas más interesantes de este oficio es que ha perdurado luego de todos estos cambios sociales y se le considera un vínculo con la cultura. Incluso, en el 2012 se le catalogó como Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación Cubana (también con la intención de convertir este oficio en Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad) porque, según puede leerse en la Resolución del Consejo Nacional de Cuba, la lecturas de tabaquerías:

... muestra del diálogo cultural permanente entre obreros de la industria tabacalera y la sociedad que lo circunda, reconocidas como una importante expresión del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la nación.

Cabe decir que no solo las ideas independentistas, sindicalistas o revolucionarias estuvieron presentes en las lecturas, también clásicos de la literatura universal fueron (y son) leídos a los trabajadores de las tabaquerías. Se dice que los nombres de las vitolas (es decir, los diferentes formatos que puede adoptar un puro según su longitud, grosor y figura) se derivan de las lecturas de las novelas "El Conde de Montecristo", de Alejandro Dumas, así como "Romeo y Julieta", de William Shakespeare.

Por último, la influencia de los lectores de tabaquerías no se quedó solo en la Isla, sobre todo luego de que se instalaran tabaquerías por emigrantes cubanos en otros lugares. También, y para los no torcedores de tabaco, la podemos ver en forma de blog y podcast que tienen el mismo nombre y que, aprovechando la tecnología y los alcances de Internet, nos ofrecen lecturas interesantes para acompañar nuestras actividades, no de escribir porque para esto se requiere otra clase de acompañamiento sonoro. Sin duda una buena alternativa.

04 Mar 14:37


04 Mar 14:22

ca-tsuka: Gifs by Golden Wolf for Nike+ Run Club


Gifs by Golden Wolf for Nike+ Run Club

04 Mar 13:19


Since its beginning, humankind has been under constant attack by bacteria. To counter this attack, our distant ancestors evolved a manifold collection of molecules for protection. Many of these are hard-wired to fight the most common foes, and make up our "innate" immune system. Many attack weak points of the bacterial cell wall, for instance, lysozyme lysozyme breaks down the protective coat of peptidoglycan and dermcidin pierces their cell membranes. Siderocalin attacks an entirely different weak point of bacteria: their need for iron.
22 Feb 04:01

californiasteph: This makes me feel nice


This makes me feel nice

19 Feb 00:15

metocoymedisgusto: sharpington: Yeah

17 Jan 21:32

Wow! Today we’ve got five Galileo quotes that will make...

17 Jan 21:27


12 Jan 11:03


In the latest round, 9-year-old Muhammad Ali beat 10-year-old JFK at air hockey, while Secretariat lost the hot-dog-eating crown to 12-year-old Ken Jennings. Meanwhile, in a huge upset, 11-year-old Martha Stewart knocked out the adult Ronda Rousey.
13 Dec 19:36

The Tail End

by Tim Urban

In a post last year, we laid out the human lifespan visually. By years:


By months:


And by weeks:


While working on that post, I also made a days chart, but it seemed a bit much, so I left it out. But fuck it.


The days chart blows my mind as much as the weeks chart. Each of those dots is only a single Tuesday or Friday or Sunday, but even a lucky person who lives to 90 will have no problem fitting every day in their life on one sheet of paper.

But since doing the Life in Weeks post, I’ve been thinking about something else.

Instead of measuring your life in units of time, you can measure it in activities or events. To use myself as an example:

I’m 34, so let’s be super optimistic and say I’ll be hanging around drawing stick figures till I’m 90.1 If so, I have a little under 60 winters left:


And maybe around 60 Superbowls left:


The ocean is freezing and putting my body into it is a bad life experience, so I tend to limit myself to around one ocean swim a year. So as weird as it seems, I might only go in the ocean 60 more times:


Not counting Wait But Why research, I read about five books a year, so even though it feels like I’ll read an endless number of books in the future, I actually have to choose only 300 of all the books out there to read and accept that I’ll sign off for eternity without knowing what goes on in all the rest.


Growing up in Boston, I went to Red Sox games all the time, but if I never move back there, I’ll probably continue at my current rate of going to a Sox game about once every three years—meaning this little row of 20 represents my remaining Fenway visits:


There have been eight US presidential elections during my lifetime and about 15 to go. I’ve seen five presidents in office and if that rate continues, I’ll see about nine more.


I probably eat pizza about once a month, so I’ve got about 700 more chances to eat pizza. I have an even brighter future with dumplings. I have Chinese food about twice a month and I tend to make sure six dumplings occurs each time, so I have a fuckton of dumplings to look forward to:

dumplings small

But these things aren’t what I’ve been thinking about. Most of the things I just mentioned happen with a similar frequency during each year of my life, which spreads them out somewhat evenly through time. If I’m around a third of my way through life, I’m also about a third of my way through experiencing the activity or event.

What I’ve been thinking about is a really important part of life that, unlike all of these examples, isn’t spread out evenly through time—something whose [already done / still to come] ratio doesn’t at all align with how far I am through life:


I’ve been thinking about my parents, who are in their mid-60s. During my first 18 years, I spent some time with my parents during at least 90% of my days. But since heading off to college and then later moving out of Boston, I’ve probably seen them an average of only five times a year each, for an average of maybe two days each time. 10 days a year. About 3% of the days I spent with them each year of my childhood.

Being in their mid-60s, let’s continue to be super optimistic and say I’m one of the incredibly lucky people to have both parents alive into my 60s. That would give us about 30 more years of coexistence. If the ten days a year thing holds, that’s 300 days left to hang with mom and dad. Less time than I spent with them in any one of my 18 childhood years.

When you look at that reality, you realize that despite not being at the end of your life, you may very well be nearing the end of your time with some of the most important people in your life. If I lay out the total days I’ll ever spend with each of my parents—assuming I’m as lucky as can be—this becomes starkly clear:

parents small

It turns out that when I graduated from high school, I had already used up 93% of my in-person parent time. I’m now enjoying the last 5% of that time. We’re in the tail end.

It’s a similar story with my two sisters. After living in a house with them for 10 and 13 years respectively, I now live across the country from both of them and spend maybe 15 days with each of them a year. Hopefully, that leaves us with about 15% of our total hangout time left.

The same often goes for old friends. In high school, I sat around playing hearts with the same four guys about five days a week. In four years, we probably racked up 700 group hangouts. Now, scattered around the country with totally different lives and schedules, the five of us are in the same room at the same time probably 10 days each decade. The group is in its final 7%.

So what do we do with this information?

Setting aside my secret hope that technological advances will let me live to 700, I see three takeaways here:

1) Living in the same place as the people you love matters. I probably have 10X the time left with the people who live in my city as I do with the people who live somewhere else.

2) Priorities matter. Your remaining face time with any person depends largely on where that person falls on your list of life priorities. Make sure this list is set by you—not by unconscious inertia.

3) Quality time matters. If you’re in your last 10% of time with someone you love, keep that fact in the front of your mind when you’re with them and treat that time as what it actually is: precious.


If you’re into Wait But Why, sign up for the Wait But Why email list and we’ll send you the new posts right when they come out. Better than having to check the site!

If you’re interested in supporting Wait But Why, here’s our Patreon.


More things to reflect on:

Your Life in Weeks. The post this one was based on.

Life is a Picture, But You Live in a Pixel. So obvious, so hard to remember.

Clueyness: A Weird Kind of Sad. A new name for an old phenomenon.

  1. In order to help me not jinx myself with this post, please mentally add an “If I’m really lucky” before each of the following statements.

The post The Tail End appeared first on Wait But Why.