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17 Oct 23:47

ancient-serpent: Hendrick Goltzius - “Cadmus Slays the Dragon”...


Hendrick Goltzius - “Cadmus Slays the Dragon” (1573 - 1617), detail

17 Oct 23:34


17 Oct 20:12

On the Street….Somerset House, London

by The Sartorialist

On the Street….Somerset House, London

17 Oct 20:06


17 Oct 03:43


17 Oct 01:48


16 Oct 01:21


16 Oct 01:14

Date unknown A crow tucks a little boy into bed. (via...

Date unknown

A crow tucks a little boy into bed.

(via submission)

16 Oct 01:13

Patricia Piccinini The Surrogate from her nature’s little...

Patricia Piccinini 
The Surrogate 
from her nature’s little helpers series

16 Oct 00:04


Stephanie Fernandes

há vida além do Photoshop.

15 Oct 23:45

The giant golden-crowned flying fox (Acerodon jubatus), also...

The giant golden-crowned flying fox (Acerodon jubatus), also known as the golden-capped fruit bat, is a rare megabat  and one of the largest bats in the world. The species is endangered and is currently facing the possibility of extinction because of poaching and forest destruction. It is endemic to forests in the Philippines.

15 Oct 23:40


15 Oct 20:39


11 Oct 21:43


10 Oct 23:49

by (alison scarpulla)

alison scarpulla posted a photo:

10 Oct 23:48

by (alison scarpulla)

alison scarpulla posted a photo:

10 Oct 23:48

by (alison scarpulla)

alison scarpulla posted a photo:

Please contact me if you're interested in personal print orders.

10 Oct 23:48

by (alison scarpulla)

alison scarpulla posted a photo:

10 Oct 23:48

by (alison scarpulla)

alison scarpulla posted a photo:

10 Oct 20:05

Present family name: CERNAForename: BARBORADate of birth: 9 December 1972 (38 years old)Place of...

by comandolegal

Present family name: CERNA
Forename: BARBORA
Date of birth: 9 December 1972 (38 years old)
Place of birth: PRAGUE, Czech Republic
Nationality: Czech Republic
Categories of Offences: FRAUD
Arrest Warrant Issued by: DISTRICT COURT IN PRAGUE 10 / Czech Republic, the Municipal Court in Prague / Czech Republic

10 Oct 04:20

laroseetlespleen: Hieronymus Bosch, Le Jugement Dernier (après...


Hieronymus Bosch, Le Jugement Dernier (après 1482), Détail.

10 Oct 04:04

the beloved lion of grippsholm, sweden the result of a...

the beloved lion of grippsholm, sweden

the result of a taxidermist who had never seen a lion

09 Oct 20:07


09 Oct 13:25


08 Oct 23:31

Wax Model of a Decomposing Body in a Walnut Coffin, Italy, 1774-1800, The Science Museum, London

by JE
Wax model of a decomposing body in a walnut coffin, Italy, 1774-1800
The body in this wooden coffin is in a severe state of decomposition. It may have had two purposes: as ‘memento mori’, a reminder of death, or as a teaching aid. The figure is surrounded by three frogs. Frogs are symbols of rebirth and regeneration because they change so much in their lifetimes. Wax modelling was used in Europe to create religious effigies. From the 1600s, they were also used to teach anatomy. The creation of wax anatomical models, centred in Italy, was based on observing real corpses. The museum known as La Specola, or ‘the observatory’, in Florence was famous for its wax collection.
Found in the always delightful Macabre and Beautifully Grotesque Facebook Group.
08 Oct 23:31

Human Anatomy, Jan Švankmajer, “Historia Naturae,” 1967

by JE
Stephanie Fernandes

não só de Silvia Saint vive a República Tcheca.

A gif animation of some human anatomy from Jan Švankmajer's “Historia Naturae” (1967), as found on the Wunderkammer blog. You can watch this delightful film in its entirety by clicking here.
07 Oct 18:47

postcard from Colas, Cognac, Charente.

postcard from Colas, Cognac, Charente.

06 Oct 03:19

mayan-themed playing cards

by Thombeau

From the Soviet Union! More here.

05 Oct 17:41

Mystery surrounds British “Frankenstein” mummies

by Sevaan Franks

Researchers are delving into the mystery surrounding two 3,000-year-old skeletons which appear to be made up of at least six different people who died hundreds of years apart.

The researchers now believe that large extended families, living under one roof, may have shared their homes with the mummified remains of their dead ancestors, before deliberately putting the bodies together to look like single corpses – possibly in an attempt to demonstrate the uniting of different families.

Professor Mike Parker Pearson, an archaeologist at University College London who led the research, said: “It looks like these individuals had been cut up and put back together to look like one person.”

[tweetmeme][Full story]

Story: Richard Gray, The Telegraph | Photo: The Telegraph

05 Oct 03:06
