Shared posts

16 Jun 09:40

Security engineer after their first battle with dev

16 Jun 09:40

When a developer says their app is secure because it's behind the firewall

How they perceive my reaction:

How I perceive their competence:

by inf0sys

16 Jun 09:40

DevOps tools applied in real life

by sharhalakis

by @juan_domenech, Alex and others

16 Jun 09:39

Just decreased response time by 100ms

by sharhalakis

by kelly-dunn

14 Jun 13:42

1938 Bugatti Atlantic  *when clicking link, turn up speaker...

1938 Bugatti Atlantic 

*when clicking link, turn up speaker volume*

14 Jun 13:40

When I find out that today is Friday

/* by WJP */

14 Jun 13:39

When I'm working and somebody asks me if I want to play video games with them

/* by Cell */

14 Jun 13:39

When it's Friday and the test team were busy Thursday night

/* by red */

14 Jun 13:37

Expected US government's reaction about PRISM

by sharhalakis


image by @dtsomp

14 Jun 13:36

Just when you thought you finished working on a project

by sharhalakis

by martinnavarro

14 Jun 13:36


by sharhalakis

by @patrickramsey

14 Jun 13:16

Comic for June 14, 2013

14 Jun 13:15

Comic for June 12, 2013

14 Jun 13:15

Comic for June 11, 2013

14 Jun 13:01


New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.
14 Jun 13:00


New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.
13 Jun 16:15

Reviewing the APT1 report, when suddenly

13 Jun 15:22

China's reaction to most recent reports of Chinese hackers stealing military and trade secrets

13 Jun 15:22

How it feels realizing I am in a honeypot

by kanor

13 Jun 15:22

When I told a former director I could still crack his password after he only changed one letter


by anonymous submission

13 Jun 15:21

Upon discovering that all the production machines have port 22 open, and allow remote root logins.

by anonymous submission

12 Jun 17:24

Grand Theft Mario

by Jill Harness

Aren't sure if you want to play Mario or GTA? Well, with any luck, the furture we will be able to play GTM as imagined by Malaysian artist Amirul Hafiz. He's even created a whole collection of art for the game, including real-world versions of Bowser and Sonic. Put me on the pre-order list!

Link Via Rampaged Reality

12 Jun 15:28

Chewbacca vs TSA

by Alex Santoso

Image: @TheWookieeRoars/Twitter

It's not wise to upset a wookiee, as the TSA learned the hard way.

Peter Mayhew, the actor who played Chewbacca in Star Wars, was upset that the TSA detained his lightsaber-shaped cane while traveling after attending Denver Comic Con. But instead of using the Force, Mayhew used something even more effective: Twitter.

The 69-year-old actor tweeted about the incident through his account @TheWookieRoars, posting the picture you see above.

"Won't allow me through the airport with me cane!" he said. "Giant man need giant cane. Small cane snap like toothpick. Besides, my lightsaber is just cool. I'd miss it."


11 Jun 14:19

Forgotten password email includes my password in cleartext.

09 Jun 15:08

Merging your own pull request

by sharhalakis

by @sdolotom

09 Jun 15:07

Whenever I see SSH running on a non standard port


by @surbo

08 Jun 16:26

Trying to refactor Perl code

by sharhalakis

by Torsten

07 Jun 21:33

41414141: RT @PRISM_NSA: Man, ever wake up and find literally a billion emails piles up overnight?

41414141: RT @PRISM_NSA: Man, ever wake up and find literally a billion emails piles up overnight?
07 Jun 11:17


New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.
07 Jun 11:10

Canal Plus, poker and hacking

by Steven K
The 13 May Canal Plus (a french premium pay television channel) have broadcast a program "Foot, chevaux, poker: des paris sous influence"
During this story they interviewed a 'hacker' just before the subject, a voice-over do an introduction and say "il a conçu ce qu'on appelle un trojan ou troyen ou cheval de troie en jargon informatique"
You can translate simply this by "He created a trojan blablabla insert some random name for trojan here"
Then the 'hacker' show us Teamviewer with Darkcomet RAT:
As far as i know, Darkomet RAT is coded by DarkCoderSc, not this guys but well...
And this is not DarkCoderSc in this interview.


The 'hacker' tell us how he infect poker players: Youtube
A classic way: videos of fake applications to cheat on online poker rooms.

By searching the Youtube description on Google we have this:

And we got a profile:

Malwares are hosted on Mediafire servers, the 'hacker' have also do some blogspot like this one:

Some md5:

Let's take a file:

• dns: 1 ›› ip: - adresse: HACKGS.NO-IP.ORG

Fynloski.A config:

To the 'hacker':
Hidding in a hotel and using remote PC for Darkcomet don't make you anonymous, i know who you are since you are registered on some forums.
Canal plus:
If you're going to make a program and talk about hacking, then at least have a feel for the subject first.

Edit 11 June 2013:
My most sincere apologies to a french site i've quoted before the edit: they are absolutely not involved in this story.
and same for the YouTube account associated.
(I deleted the pictures, this part is for people who saw my first version of this article)
The YouTube account in question got hacked, and I concluded (too quickly) that the actor behind was also involved in 3D activities. (due to videos found)
After being contacted by those guys to clarify the situation, it seems reasonable for me to 'mea culpa' once again for the false 'accusations' i've do.
I rarely do mistake like this but when i do it's normal to get back on facts and re-analyse the whole situation.

Mes plus sincère excuses à un site internet français que j'avais cité, ils ne sont en aucun cas impliqué dans l'histoire tout comme le compte YouTube associé que j'avais impliqué (j'ai supprimé les images ceci s'adresse au personnes qui on vu mon article quand il y avais ces fameuses images.)
Le compte YouTube en question avais été piraté par ce hacker et j'ai conclu (un peut trop vite) que l'acteur derrière était impliqué dans des activités de travail 3D.
Après avoir été contacté par ses personnes et avoir clarifié la situation, il me semble légitime de ma part de m'excusée pour ses fausse 'accusations'