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16 Aug 12:51

Your Guide to the Free August 2nd Concert: Mindy Gledhill with Mideau & Scott Shepard Hosted by C. Jane Kendrick

by (C. Jane Kendrick)
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Mindy Gledhill is an "indie singer-songwriter that will leave you floating like a scoop of vanilla cream in a strawberry soda" but she's also our friend and co-Rooftop Concert Series founder and we're thrilled to have her on our stage on Friday night.

After writing and touring with her hit album Anchor, Mindy is back with a new album Pocketful of Poetry (out on Sept.10). On Friday night we'll be treated to Mindy's newest tunes as well as the beloved songs we have fallen for in the past.

Want a taste of things to come? Mindy just released her album title track Pocketful of Poetry--a sweet, snappy tune that will surely start the Rooftop mood swinging in your veins. You can listen to it here:

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Joining Mindy is the art pop duo Mideau (Spencer Harrison and Libbie Linton).  photo 20130730_8860_zps668421ae.jpg
On the brink of the release their new album (Sept. 13th) they will also bring new sounds and tracks to our stage. Having each played and performed in the Provo/Utah music scene for years, both Libbie and Spencer are a dream team of vocals and instruments. You won't want to miss their unique sound and style.
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For samples off their new album, see here:

Warming up the stage for the evening is the great singer-songwriter and vocal perfectionist Scott Shepard (of Book on Tapeworm and recently Oceanear).
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Scott is known for selling out shows and sending his audience into emotional fits of devotion. Do not miss his set starting at 7:30.

Here's Scott with his band Book on Tapeworm:


What time and where? Show starts at 7:30, "doors" open at 6:00, as always we suggest you get there early to set up your blankets, low chairs, bean bags, mattresses, flying carpets, bear rugs etc. The location is on the third level of the Provo Town Square parking terrace at 100 North & 100 West.

Who should come? This show is great for everyone! Even Grandma!

What's the weather? After last concert's rain-out we've been watching the weather forecast like hawks. The skies look clear and sunny. We predict a colorful cloudy sunset. Bring a light jacket just in case.

Where should I park? Here.

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What's the social media info? Every mention, like or comment helps us spread the word about our concert series, so think of your instagram shot of our lanterns as a service to us. Thank you. Also, we live tweet, instagram and facebook during the concert.
Find us or tag us here:

Where should we eat before the concert?  There are over 50 restaurants in the downtown area! And so many of them are delicious and award-winning. See here for well-designed comprehensive list.

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 photo 845696b4-d91e-441c-a9ed-dfd89bcfddd1_zpse1921361.jpgBUT you can also eat at the venue! Just south of the Rooftops in the alley below we've curated a Restaurant Row where you can order warm food to eat on the rooftop before, during, and after the show starting at 6pm. Also on site is the southern style hot plates of Station 22 Cafe.
Represented at Restaurant Row this Friday are:
Rocco's Taccos
(Plus, Sammy's and Provo's newest food truck Sweeto Burrito are across the street.)
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! We'll also have venders from Provo's craft and vintage scene, so plan a little time to shop as well.

What else is going on in downtown Provo on Friday? Thanks so much for asking.  A lot, actually.

 photo kidart_zps68297d9b.jpgFirst of all, you can bring your kids down to Provo Town Square's KID ART ROCKS TOWN SQUARE (or KARTS)--a free children's art festival where kids get to learn different mediums of art from our local artist population. The festival runs from 3:00-7:00 right up until the concert starts and there will be treats served! Don't miss it, see here for more information.

Also, going on Friday evening is Downtown Provo's Art Stroll. You'll want to check out the opening reception for the all-female landscape and nature show from these three talented Utah County artists: photo flowerart_zps8abd46b0.jpg
What do we do after the show? Well, don't just go home. There's still plenty to do. Restaurant Row will stay open for your foraging pleasure, and Muse Music Cafe is putting on an after show dance party:

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And let us show you some other options in this fancy video here:

We can't be there, where can we see the concert? You can watch the Rooftop Concert Series in these ways:
If you're a Provo citizen you can watch on the government access Channel 17
Channel 17 online

Thanks Provo City and Downtown Provo Inc for a great partnership in bringing this concert together. Also, we'd like to thank our sponsors the Utah Tabacco Quit Line:
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See you on the Rooftops!
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*photography by Justin Hackworth