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29 Oct 12:25

Another link is broken

by Shaun Usher

On January 30th of 1937, two years after his older brother, Baoth, succumbed to meningitis, 16-year-old Patrick Murphy passed away following a seven year battle with tuberculosis. The boys' 20-year-old sister, Honoria, remained. A few days later, the children's distraught parents, Gerald and Sara Murphy, received the following letter of condolence from their friend, F. Scott Fitzgerald.

(Source: The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald; Image: Sara Murphy in 1926 with her children, via.)

January 31, 1937

Dearest Gerald and Sara:

The telegram came today and the whole afternoon was so sad with thoughts of you and the happy times we had once. Another link binding you to life is broken and with such insensate cruelty that it is hard to say which of the two blows was conceived with more malice. I can see the silence in which you hover now after this seven years of struggle and it would take words like Lincoln's in his letter to the mother who had lost four sons in the war to write you anything fitting at the moment. The sympathy you will get will be what you have had from each other already and for a long, long time you will be inconsolable.

But I can see another generation growing up around Honoria and an eventual peace somewhere, an occasional port of call as we all sail deathward. Fate can't have any more arrows in its quiver for you that will wound like these. Who was it said that it was astounding how deepest griefs can change in time to a sort of joy? The golden bowl is broken indeed but it was golden; nothing can ever take those boys away from you now.


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28 Oct 23:09

Alex Kidd in Miracle World (1986)

by Title Scream

1986. Sega Master System. Developed by SEGA. Published by SEGA of America.   Buy on Amazon
28 Oct 22:06


28 Oct 22:05


28 Oct 17:05

The Funhouse (Tobe Hooper, 1981)

The Funhouse (Tobe Hooper, 1981)

27 Oct 20:43


Stephanie Fernandes


27 Oct 11:56

Highgate Cemetery

by (Annetta, littlebrumble, anthonyhogg and Rachel)
Stephanie Fernandes

melhor subtítulo.

Image of Highgate Cemetery located in London, United Kingdom

Highgate Cemetery

London's creepiest cemetery was once the site of dueling magicians and mobs of stake-carrying vampire hunters

Opened in 1839, Highgate is one of London's most infamous cemeteries. Among the impressive Victorian and Egyptian influenced tombs, are the gravestones of Karl Marx (recognizable by the glowering bearded bust), sci-fi author Douglas Adams, James Holman a sightless 19th-century adventurer known as "the Blind Traveler" (a pioneer of "human echolocation," he was able to sense his surroundings by the reverberations of a tapped cane or horse's hoof-beats), and Adam Worth, a famous criminal and the possible inspiration for Sherlock Holmes's nemesis, Professor Moriarty.
The cemeteries tombs and buildings are built in an imposing Victorian Gothic style and during the mid to late 1800s it was a highly sought after burial ground. However, by the end of WWII the cemetery was overgrown, unattended and in serious disrepair all of which added to its already creepy feel. In the 1970s the infamous cemetery became the location for another English gothic tradition, the Hammer horror films. With these films a new found public interest in the cemetery was created and stories of grave robbing, desecration and vampires in the cemetery began appearing in the news.
As described in the book Beyond the Grave, "many claimed to see a particular creature hovering over the graves. Scores of 'vampire hunters' regularly converged on the graveyard in the dead of night. Tombs were broken open and bodies were mutilated with wooden stakes driven into their chests. These stolen corpses, turning up in strange places, continuously startled local residents. One horrified neighbor to the cemetery discovered a headless body propped behind the steering wheel of his car one morning!"
Known as the Highgate Vampire sensation it culminated in 1970 with two magicians, Farrant and Manchester, claiming that each would be the first to find and kill the supposed vampire. Manchester announced an official vampire hunt, and on Friday the 13th, "a mob of 'hunters' from all over London swarmed over gates and walls into the locked cemetery, despite police efforts to control them."
The two magicians were supposed to settle the debate with a magicians' duel' but it never happened. Farrant was arrested in the churchyard next to Highgate Cemetery with a crucifix and a wooden stake and in 1974 was jailed "for damaging memorials and interfering with dead remains in Highgate Cemetery." Though neither magician found the supposed vampire, in the various "hunts" graves were ransacked and real corpses were indeed staked and beheaded.
The debate between Farrant and Manchester continues to this day, while the cemetery remains a popular location for occult, paranormal and vampiric enthusiasts.

Read more about Highgate Cemetery on Atlas Obscura...

Category: Catacombs, Crypts, & Cemeteries
Location: London, United Kingdom
Edited by: Annetta, littlebrumble, anthonyhogg, Rachel

27 Oct 11:42

(1) Tumblr

by walkman
26 Oct 23:47

Deddy, don’t chop off my titty.

Deddy, don’t chop off my titty.

26 Oct 01:56


Stephanie Fernandes

em Ipanema, há um taxista igual.

26 Oct 01:53


25 Oct 21:38


25 Oct 11:11


25 Oct 01:27


25 Oct 00:57

"açougada, acracia, adevão, alarma, alarme, alteração, alvoroço, alvoroto, anarquia, angu,..."

“açougada, acracia, adevão, alarma, alarme, alteração, alvoroço, alvoroto, anarquia, angu, angu-de-caroço, anguzada, aperta-chico, aranzel, argel, arregaço, atabalhoação, atrapalhação, auê, bababi, babel, babilônia, bacafuzada, bachinche, badanal, baderna, bafa, bafafá, bagaço, bagunça, bagunçada, balborda, balbórdia, balbúrdia, bambá, bambaquerê, bananosa, bandoria, banguelê, banzé, banzé-de-cuia, banzeiro, barafunda, baralha, baralhada, barrilada, bereré, berzabum, bilbode, bochinche, bochincho, bode, bolo, bololô, brenha, briga, bronca, bruega, bulha, burundanga, cambulhada, caos, chinfrim, chinfrineira, chinfrinice, choldra, choldraboldra, cinza, cocoré, coisa-feita, coluvião, complicação, confa, confusa, cu-de-boi, cu-de-mãe-joana, danação, dédalo, desalinho, desarranjo, desarrumação, desgoverno, desmancho, desmanho, desmaranho, desordem, desorganização, desorientação, destempero, deus-nos-acuda, dificuldade, distúrbio, emaranhamento, embananamento, embaralhação, embrulhada, embrulhamento, embrulho, encrenca, enrolação, entuviada, envolta, esbregue, escangalho, esculhambação, esparrame, esparramo, estalada, estrago, estralada, estripulia, estropelia, estrupício, fandango, fecha, fecha-fecha, felga, ferga, flamengaria, forrobodó, frege, frevo, fritada, fubá, fula-fula, furdúncio, furdunço, fuzuê, galho, gambérria, gangolina, garabulha, garbulha, gódia, grude, imbróglio, indisciplina, inferneira, inferno, insubordinação, joldra, lambança, langará, lubambo, maçarocada, maranha, maria-da-fonte, massagada, mastigada, matinada, melê, melê-de-cuia, mexerufada, mexida, miscelânea, mistela, mistifório, mistura, misturada, mixórdia, motinada, movimentação, movimento, paçoca, pampeiro, pandemônio, pega-pega, pega-pra-capar, perequê, perereco, perplexidade, perturbação, pipoco, poeirada, porqueira, presepada, quebra-quebra, quebra-rabicho, quelelê, quilelê, reboldosa, reboldrosa, rebordosa, rebulício, rebuliço, recacau, rififi, roldão, rolo, ruge-ruge, rusga, salada, salgalhada, salsada, salseiro, sangangu, saragata, sarapatel, sarilho, sarrabulhada, sarrabulho, sarrafascada, sarrafusca, seribolo, sinagoga, sororó, surumbamba, sururu, tempo-quente, tiborna, tibornice, touraria, trabuzana, trança, trapalhada, trapalhice, tribuzana, tropel, tropelia, trovoada, tumulto, turbamulta, turbulência, turumbamba, turundundum, ula, valverde, vavavá, xirimbamba, zaragalhada, zaragata, zona, zorra, zungu”

- Sinônimos de “confusão” no Houaiss (via rafaelcapanema)
25 Oct 00:48


25 Oct 00:46


25 Oct 00:30

grail life

grail life

25 Oct 00:24

o bar da esquina

by magnomagno
Stephanie Fernandes


um dia eu pensei é hoje

na verdade foi depois de uma serie de fracassos que so restava a opcao de enche completamente a cara e pratica algo parecido com a automutilacao que entrei no talvez mais escroto estabelecimento do hemisferio sul

cortinas cheia de fundo azulejos de quinta categoria mesas de plastico com pedaços de papel pra tenta mante um nivelamento que obviamente nao existia copos trincados garçonete com cicatriz na cara e um gordo careca de cabelo comprido do outro lado do balcao

entra nesse bar siginifica admiti a derrota pra vida e abraça todas desgraça que dali em diante iriam acontece foi o que fiz sem pestaneja

imaginava que a bebida seria barata porem nada podia custa tao poco quanto eu tinha no bolso

o pensamento logico seria senta naqueles banco mais alto encostado na bancada so pra parece cena de filme mesmo porem logica é o que nao havia naquele momento e sim me deitei no chao imundo

uma atitude estranha e inconveniente ate para os maiores padrao de insalubridade de repente todo bar repetia o gesto

abri os olhos e as pessoa jogava cerveja pra cima e se jogava no assoalho outros mais bebado quebravam garrafa na propria cabeça se atiravam na parede ainda tinha os ainda mais inconsequente que usava drogas inimaginais e se pendurava no teto com super bonder um pequeno grupo advertia pra nao tenta faze isso em casa

o careca cabeludo agonizava de desespero e a garçonete sangrava espontaneamente pela cicatriz que se expandia por todo rosto e agora parecia toma viva propria saiu um ovo da boca dela

gosmas e nojeras em geral naceram dali e em segundos se alastraram todos riam nem sabiam do que

os piores seres humano do mundo se encontravam naquele recinto ou no minimo os mais conformado com seus desastres pessoal nao foi surpresa quando alguem decidiu tira sua propria vida ingerindo um risoles

qualquer pessoa com um minimo de sanidade que entrasse ali chamaria rapidamente o hospicio porem todos eram sumariamente tomados pela demencia

me dei conta que nao pertencia aquilo quando vi um sujeito usando nariz de palhaço me levantei e fui embora pobres almas

24 Oct 18:04


24 Oct 11:22


22 Oct 13:30


22 Oct 13:29


22 Oct 13:28


21 Oct 15:31


21 Oct 15:28

Os dois mandamentos

by (João Pedro Goulart)
20 Oct 22:07


19 Oct 01:33


19 Oct 01:30


19 Oct 01:26
