Shared posts

12 Oct 21:57

- Autor(rafael sica)

12 Oct 21:47

Le "Crâne d'oeuf" - Une création Deadlicious - Deadlicious release

by Filo Loco

Le "Crâne d'oeuf". 300 gr de chocolat noir 65% et des dizaines de jolis petits oeufs et crustacés à l'intérieur.
Une exclusivité Deadlicious. 45 euros. Une série limitée pour des fêtes de Pâques mortelles !
on se renseigne à Joyeuses Pâques / Happy Easter ! Filo Loco
12 Oct 21:46


09 Oct 21:51

NEW YORK - fashion week ss 13, day 7, 09/12/12

by (Yvan Rodic)
09 Oct 02:28

Floppy Dogwood Tree

09 Oct 02:21


09 Oct 02:16

tras a ultima ai garçam

tras a ultima ai garçam

09 Oct 02:16

ali joves jkkkkkkk

ali joves jkkkkkkk

09 Oct 02:11


by aloadai

04 Oct 19:24

British Centre for Literary Translation

by Bernardo Bueno

From the website:

“Britain’s leading centre for the development, promotion and support of literary translation. Our programme offers something for everyone whether you are a professional translator, student, arts industry professional or simply looking for something new to read.

BCLT was founded in 1989 by the late W G ‘Max’ Sebald. It is based at the University of East Anglia and supported by Arts Council England.”

04 Oct 12:56

Invasões bárbaras

by odyr

Aqui está, amigos, para quem não teve a chance de ver impresso, capa e centrais da Ilustríssima de ontem, que retratou a pequena cidade onde vivo (Pelotas) e uma movimentação que vem acontecendo aqui, como em outros lugares fora do que costumamos chamar de centro. Centro é uma palavra que perde o sentido a cada momento que passa, o mundo se descentraliza, fica maior e menor ao mesmo tempo, tudo isso. Evoé.

Uma nota paranóica desnecessária: quando falo em fracassos, não estou me fazendo. É que a idéia original era que a matéria fosse ilustrada com nossos retratos e da cidade, o que falhei de fato em produzir – fazer em quadrinhos foi uma forma de aproveitar o que de bom surgiu no processo ( e incorporar o processo ao invés de escondê-lo, o que me interessa cada vez mais). Porque retratar alguém (ou uma cidade) é uma outra coisa, que talvez esteja além de mim. Meu negócio é fazer quadrinhos. Ou ser historietista, como disse uum amigo argentino me disse hoje e gostei tanto.

04 Oct 03:41

Only humans shed emotional tears

by geth

Only humans shed emotional tears

Learn Something Every Day is 2!

To help celebrate we have called in some of our favourite artists & illustrators to contribute for the whole month!

We would like to thank everyone who has visited & shared our little side-project, we have been flattered with all the attention it has gained.

However, every good thing must come to an end, and sadly as of August 31st so will Learn Something every Day.

Thanks again for your loyal support & kind messages. See you around! :)

Drawn by Marcus Walters
© Marcus Walters 2011

04 Oct 03:38

Un arbre à sushis.

by Laurel

04 Oct 03:37

Puycelsi, 8.

by Laurel

(et d'autres en lien sous l'image)

04 Oct 03:35

Free Antique Odd Graphic: Victorian Die Cut of Frog Boy Creature Smoking Pipe

by Carolyn

Well, isn't this an odd little image! This image of a half-frog, half-boy creature, smoking a very long pipe no less, comes from my 1879 Victorian scrapbook. It's rather humorous and would add funny, yet charming, touch to any project. Enjoy!
04 Oct 03:35

Free Vintage Advertisement Clip Art: Vintage Illustration of Perfume Advertisement Hoyt's German Cologne

by Carolyn

This is an incredibly beautiful vintage advertising card for a perfume. I love the graphics on this illustration. It's so pretty! The greens and blues with the soft-white roses are so gorgeous I think this would make a very lovely gift or hang tag. I hope you enjoy!
04 Oct 03:35

Free Vintage Botanical Graphic: Vintage Illustration of Ague Root Plant

by Carolyn

This is a pretty botanical illustration of a plant, known as Ague Root, from a 1916 medical and health book. This would be so pretty decorating a tag or greeting card. Enjoy!
03 Oct 22:12

Prébublication : El paso Récit complet

El paso Récit complet [Sarbacane]
Le livre commence avec la visite d'un jeune garçon à son père, détenu en prison. Au parloir, entre échanges de regards et petites phrases, les souvenirs vont refaire surface… Flash back.<br /> On retrouve le père et le fils, qui tels des hors-la-loi, de ville en ville, parcourent les routes mythiques des États-Unis, la violence en embuscade. Au fil d'une série de tableaux, on assiste au changement de ce père inflexible, brutal et amer, hanté par ses échecs, et dont la carapace va peu à peu se fissurer face au regard pur de son fils. On comprend alors que sa vie d'homme en sera irrémédiablement changée.

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