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21 Sep 01:11

An Aqueous Rechargeable Zinc‐Organic Battery with Hybrid Mechanism

by Fang Wan , Linlin Zhang , Xinyu Wang , Songshan Bi , Zhiqiang Niu , Jun Chen
Advanced Functional Materials An Aqueous Rechargeable Zinc‐Organic Battery with Hybrid Mechanism

Zn2+ insertion/extraction and dual‐ion mechanisms are combined in aqueous Zn/polyaniline (Zn/PANI) batteries. Such Zn/PANI batteries exhibit excellent electrochemical performance, especially a long cycle life over 3000 cycles with high‐capacity retention of 92%. Furthermore, quasi‐solid‐state soft‐packaged and cable‐type Zn/PANI batteries are assembled. They display stable performance even under different bending states.


Aqueous zinc‐ion batteries have been considered as potential energy storage devices owing to their high safety and low cost. Traditional zinc‐ion batteries often implement a typical Zn2+ insertion/extraction mechanism. Compared with traditional Zn2+ insertion/extraction mechanism, supercapacitor‐liked dual‐ion mechanism often endow the batteries with higher operating voltage, better rate capability, and longer cycle life. Herein, aqueous Zn/polyaniline batteries are developed, which can combine the Zn2+ insertion/extraction and dual‐ion mechanisms. The Zn/polyaniline batteries deliver excellent electrochemical performance, especially a long cycle life up to 3000 cycles with high‐capacity retention of 92%. This hybrid mechanism provides a promising battery chemistry. Furthermore, Zn/polyaniline batteries can be assembled into quasi‐solid‐state soft‐packaged and cable‐type configurations and display stable electrochemical performance even under different bending states, showing potential applications for flexible electronics.

13 Aug 13:27

Materials and Structures toward Soft Electronics

by Chunfeng Wang , Chonghe Wang , Zhenlong Huang , Sheng Xu
Advanced Materials Materials and Structures toward Soft Electronics

Soft electronics are intensively studied as the integration of electronics with dynamic nonplanar surfaces has become necessary. The advances that have been made so far in materials innovation and structural design for soft electronics are summarized and some key challenges and future directions of this field are discussed.


Soft electronics are intensively studied as the integration of electronics with dynamic nonplanar surfaces has become necessary. Here, a discussion of the strategies in materials innovation and structural design to build soft electronic devices and systems is provided. For each strategy, the presentation focuses on the fundamental materials science and mechanics, and example device applications are highlighted where possible. Finally, perspectives on the key challenges and future directions of this field are presented.