Shared posts

26 Jul 15:32

Barack and Michelle Obama endorse Kamala via planned, filmed phone call—she still hasn't received a single vote


'guess that means they will resort to election rigging once again. What should we do? I only have one option and it would work, but I dont see anyone mad except ivan raiklin......

"Michelle and I called our friend Kamala Harris. We told her we think she’ll make a fantastic President of the United States."
26 Jul 14:03

FBI director questions whether Trump was struck by bullet: ‘Conspiracy bulls–t’

by Diana Glebova, Isabel Keane
"With respect to former president Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear," FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a hearing Wednesday.
25 Jul 15:27

Non-citizens convicted of crimes while protesting to be deported under new GOP bill

“The actions of the pro-Hamas lunatics at Union Station in DC are shameful, and anyone on a visa who took part should have it revoked immediately.”
25 Jul 14:32

Senate Set to Vote on 2 Child Online Safety Bills


i just read the kid safety bill. looks like horseshit. I like Trumps "get rid of the DOE and kick it back to states". That will foster innovation.

The U.S. Senate is set to vote Thursday on two online safety bills that would force social media companies to take responsibility for how their platforms affect children and teens, a step parents and advocates have demanded for years.
25 Jul 13:54

Young Democrats release maggots and crickets at Netanyahu’s hotel in DC.

by Kane


25 Jul 13:52

New details on Thomas Crooks.

by Kane

tore maras had people in the audience send her vids. 'says official vids are easily edited realtime....

25 Jul 13:50

Elon Musk — I am not donating $45 million per month to Trump.

by Kane
25 Jul 00:03

To summarize the fact check (and thank you for it!)


i am sorry you are a trump hater. I have spent 4 years trying to unrig elections. I have spoken all over my county, commissioners, Maricopa, Springfield, Memphis. When trump wins I will still be out there getting rid of rigged voting machines. Want proof?




A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity ……….

The Trump crime Syndicate

trump and his family stole from a kids’ cancer charity.

Just a reminder this isn’t exactly true. Trump’s done enough evil in his life that’s very easy to find evidence on, you don’t need to spread false information too

To summarize the fact check (and thank you for it!)

The tweet conflated two separate and unconnected issues.

1. A past New York AG sought for Trump to be banned from operating any charity in the state of New York. This was ultimately not granted. So he has never been banned from operating a charity in NY.

2. Eric Trump’s foundation engaged in inappropriate self-dealing, paying money to Donald Trump’s properties. This isn’t straight stealing as in embezzlement, but it is improper use of funds in a way that enriched the Trump family, which is… not unrelated. However, this was not part of the issue that was being prosecuted when the request for charitable management ban was made.

24 Jul 23:56

I Got Banned by LinkedIn for Using ‘American’ in a Job Posting

by Bradley Haley

owned by gates

After I posted a job opening on LinkedIn last summer for my new online journal, New Guard Press, the social media site removed the listing, citing “discrimination.”

My crime? I wrote that my post sought “young writers who believe in our mission of reviving American culture.”

 A label on that job posting for New Guard Press in my LinkedIn account still says it was “removed for discrimination.” I originally got the notification on July 4, 2023.  

This was not the first time I had trouble with LinkedIn’s Jobs section. Two days earlier, I had received the same notification for an almost identical job posting. I appealed, asking LinkedIn to take a second look.

I hoped that a more reasonable person would review the job posting, see that there was nothing remotely discriminatory about it, and return the post to the platform.  

Twelve minutes after I requested a review of the earlier post, I got another email. LinkedIn confirmed that my job listing did in fact violate its “Jobs Terms and Conditions.”  

After capitulating and removing the word “American” from the job description (a decision I now regret), I tried to post an entirely different job. Following this, I got an email July 7, 2023, saying that my ability to post jobs had been suspended for a week.  

In August, LinkedIn banned me for another six days for “recurring violations of our Jobs Terms & Conditions and Quality Job Post Guidelines.”

By this point, I had found out that LinkedIn doesn’t have accessible customer service. The only option is to direct-message LinkedIn on X (then still called Twitter), which I did after getting banned a second time.  

Thirteen days later, I got a message back saying: “It looks like this has already been resolved.  Please let us know if you still experience issues.” 

Keep in mind that when all of this took place, New Guard Press had not published a single article. It was barely more than an idea in the head of an 18-year-old in rural southern Ohio who wanted to build a publication for young conservatives.  

Some may dismiss this incident as just a flaw in an otherwise good algorithm that keeps the LinkedIn community safe and professional. Even if that were so, LinkedIn has annual revenue north of $13 billion. If removing a job posting on the Fourth of July because it contains the word “American” is a flaw in its automated system, surely LinkedIn has the means to rapidly fix that flaw.  

But more to the point, behind algorithms are human beings with ideas.  

After LinkedIn removed my job posting for New Guard Press, I made a post on my personal account containing screenshots of a job posting by Planned Parenthood for a “Lead Clinician” that openly included performing abortion as part of the job description.

My personal post included screenshots from a job posting by Indiana University Health titled “Academic Ob/gyn and trans/Gender Health Hybrid Position” and one from Rush University Medical Center looking for a “Gender Affirmation Advanced Practice Provider.” 

LinkedIn allowed the listings for these two paid positions to remain on its website but removed my posting for an unpaid job at a new publication, New Guard Press. It’s clear that LinkedIn isn’t even pretending to be politically neutral.  

“LinkedIn is not only as woke as other social media companies, but probably even more so,” The Heritage Foundation’s GianCarlo Canaparo and Daniel Cochrane wrote for The Daily Signal in April.

“And it doesn’t hide it,” they added. “On the contrary, LinkedIn devotes a great deal of its resources to publicizing its ideological bias.”  

LinkedIn “regularly publishes blogs touting its commitment to DEI,” Heritage’s Canaparo and Cochrane noted. “It produces hundreds of videos and classes to teach other people how important DEI is. It celebrates the DEI awards it wins from left-wing groups.” 

This suggests that LinkedIn took down my job postings not because “reviving American culture” is discriminatory, but because LinkedIn discriminates against conservatives.  

If LinkedIn truly wants to be a respected professional platform, it should at the very least fix its algorithms, so they don’t flag the word “American” as a form of discrimination.

And if LinkedIn truly wants to be a beneficial part of the online landscape, it should do away with policies that enforce the Left’s political agenda.   

The post I Got Banned by LinkedIn for Using ‘American’ in a Job Posting appeared first on The Daily Signal.

24 Jul 13:38

SpongeBob SquarePants is autistic, voice actor says: ‘That’s his superpower’

by Eric Todisco

if you have time, this Dr says 1 in 37 kids are now autistic and she says its cordascene (roundup).

Tom Kenny has voiced SpongeBob since the cartoon show premiered in 1999.
23 Jul 21:21

Sat 13 Jul, 2024: (Part 2 of 2) Trump Shooting - Two Shooters - Lynching Fakery - Pinky AI - In The Bullseye - Total Alpha - True Courage


tore maras said earbloodspatter was forward, implying a shooter behindTrump. I could easily fabricate a bb-gun in the size of a drinking straw with a laser on it, so i could literally take his ear off from my hip..... So obviously the CIA could do similar..... I think it was a warning, more bargining against any reduction of the CIA.

Right now there exists chaos, confusion and an entire line of questions to be answered. How the left will use the shooting to blame Russia. Directions and trajectories. Video feeds zoomed in when we needed wide angles. Evidence is strong for multiple shooters. Taken out by their own people possibly. Complications abound. Deranged leftists celebrating. Darwin and the VAXXX at work. What the hell was the Secret Service doing? Other plots are well known. Cory Booker and Kammy planned the Jussie lynching op. Don Lemon was first on the scene. He'd been tapping the actor. All of the MSM is shaping their shooter story. Don't listen to them. Brandon is up after 10 tonight. Checking those crosshairs. Actual facts cause problems with many. Let's talk about daddy issues and lipstick lesbians. Being careful not to offend, well, never mind. What role for the military now? USA, Turkey and Greece are NATO. Their flags are now burned by citizens. The international situation will be shaped by this shooting. We must all stay focused and prepared. Our country's crisis situation can only intensify.

22 Jul 16:28

Ukraine Rushes to Create AI-Enabled War Drones


lasers might be perfect defense against drones. Assuming hypersonic speed drones, laser would work

In Ukraine, a handful of startups are developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to help fly a vast fleet of drones, taking warfare into uncharted territory as combatants race to gain a technological edge in battle.
20 Jul 15:39

Florida man arrested for threat to kill President Trump and JD Vance.

by Kane

Years ago I hated Madonna. I actually wrote her a letter telling she had no talent and just shock lyrics. Later I loved her music. Crazy....

18 Jul 13:26

That was a pretty low bar to sink BELOW, too.


what are you doing to make the world better? Memes? Go bitch at meetings. At least do that.

17 Jul 13:54

RNC attendees sport ear bandages in support of Trump: ‘This is the newest fashion trend!’

by Olivia Land

this will last!

Some attendees at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee are sporting makeshift ear bandages in support of almost-assassinated former President Donald Trump -- with one calling it "the newest fashion trend."
16 Jul 13:59

LinkedIn co-founder, Dem donor tries to clean up comment wishing Trump was an ‘actual martyr’

by David Propper

i left them years back. Bye bye

Hoffman said he was “horrified and saddened” over the shooting while wishing Trump a fast recovery.
16 Jul 13:48

Biden Cursed: Woman Moves to Open 3rd Degree Sex Abuse Charges Against POTUS

by Michael Austin

tara reed's story seems very credible. I have seen victims before, and they plow thru it, but it never leaves you.

The last month has been disastrous for President Joe Biden and Democrats’ hopes of maintaining the White House in 2024. As of Monday night, that month just got a whole […]

The post Biden Cursed: Woman Moves to Open 3rd Degree Sex Abuse Charges Against POTUS appeared first on The Western Journal.

16 Jul 13:38

BREAKING: President Trump makes triumphant first appearance since assassination attempt, RNC convention in Milwaukee explodes with standing ovation


great picture

He entered the floor of the convention to a massive standing ovation from the crowd that had nominated him that day, a wounded political warrior fresh from the fight.
15 Jul 14:02

There Can Be No Unity With The Violent Democrat-Media Industrial Complex

by John Daniel Davidson

yea, I am going to put signs up on telephone poles. Which one you like?

1) "County Commissioner Bibbs likes rigged elections",

2) Vote Trump, no taxes on tips.

3) Learn how to rig your election. PROOF

Biden giving speech in front of red lit backdropYou can’t incessantly use rhetoric designed to incite violence and then call for calm when violence inevitably erupts.
10 Jul 13:42

My son used this clever method to convince me to allow his girlfriend to start sleeping over

by Kidspot
A mom has shared her son’s clever attempt at convincing her to let his girlfriend start sleeping over.
10 Jul 12:55

Pennsylvania Election Officials Have Never Worked So Hard To Hide The Work They’re Not Doing

by Linda A. Kerns

I hope you all have watched this 5 minute video named PROOF.

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al SchmidtIt's time for the Pennsylvania secretary of state to realize that election administration requires more than empty talking points.
09 Jul 17:22

Teen shot by Sonia Sotomayor's bodyguards during attempted carjacking in DC



Flowers was struck in the mouth, and received first aid treatment from Black before being transported to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
09 Jul 13:47

Meet the Tennessee judge blocking release of the Tranny Killer Manifesto.

by Kane

i am starting to think its not that hard to become a lawyer....

08 Jul 16:52

US Coast Guard Says Hurricane Beryl Might Shut Oil Ports


thats the black swan we want

The U.S. Coast Guard warned of possible Texas port closures from Corpus Christi to Houston and began restricting vessel traffic because of Tropical Storm Beryl, which is expected to become a hurricane before making landfall by Monday morning south of Port Lavaca.
05 Jul 13:53

Without these 8 republican votes, Steve Bannon would not be in prison.

by Kane

he broke the law. He will be fine

02 Jul 14:02

BlueCross BlueShield Forced To Pay $700,000 To Fired Employee Over Vax Mandate

by Kamden Mulder
A syringe and bottle of medicine.A former employee of BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee was awarded a settlement after she was fired for refusing the Covid-19 jab.
01 Jul 19:46

AI and the Meaning of Life

by Corey Mohler

i just confirmed that on chatgp73.5. It did fail however in knowing what 27 meant....

PERSON: "Finally, through the power of AI, we are able to answer any philosophical question. "

PERSON: "How does it work?"

PERSON: "Well, it uses a complex statistical model to finish sentences the way that humans might finish them."

PERSON: "That doesn't sound like “answering” anything..."

PERSON: "Just wait until you see it work."

PERSON: "Okay..."

PERSON: "What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?"

PERSON: "Why did it say that?"

PERSON: "Well, it probably learned off human datasets, and humans always say that because that's what the computer says in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

PERSON: "I probably learned  off human datasets."

PERSON: "42."

PERSON: "So the computer is immitating people who are immitating a joke computer? That's even dumber than the original idea. I'm out of here."

PERSON: "Wait, you didn't even hear how it solved literature by writing randomized, derivitive novels!"
01 Jul 19:28

Redbox Owner Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection

by Erik Gruenwedel

prime real estate...

Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment (CSSE), parent of Redbox Entertainment, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The June 28 filing by Redbox Entertainment CEO Bart Schwartz in U.S. … Continue reading "Redbox Owner Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection"

The post Redbox Owner Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection appeared first on Media Play News.

01 Jul 19:27

Biden admin offers 'temporary amnesty' to over 300,000 Haitians already in US


haitians in south florida caused havoc in the 90's. The cubans were fine, but hatians for some reason did most of the murdering.

"We are providing this humanitarian relief to Haitians already present in the United States given the conditions that existed in their home country as of June 3, 2024."
01 Jul 13:46

Babylon Bee nails the cheater’s dilemna.

by Kane

ima gonna send the bee some money