Shared posts

08 Nov 17:54

Somebody wrote an email bot to waste scammers' time

by Mark Frauenfelder

I love this. When you get a scam email, forward it to and a bot will keep the scammer busy emailing back and forth with it, giving the scammer less time to rob gullible humans.

Introducing Re:scam – an artificially intelligent email bot made to reply to scam emails. Re:scam wastes scammers time with a never-ending series of questions and anecdotes so that scammers have less time to pursue real people.

If you think you’ve received a scam email, forward it to and we’ll take it from there. We’ll even send you a summary of the conversations Re:scam has had with the scammer – sometimes they can be quite funny!

Re:scam is an initiative aimed at helping people from becoming fraud victims by occupying the time and resources of scammers through deploying a well-educated artificially intelligent chat bot. Instead of junking or deleting a scam email, you can now forward it to Re:scam who will continue the conversation indefinitely – or until the scammer stops replying.

Re:scam can take on multiple personas, imitating real human tendencies with humour and grammatical errors, and can engage with infinite scammers at once, meaning it can continue an email conversation for as long as possible. Re:scam will turn the table on scammers by wasting their time, and ultimately damage the profits for scammers.

31 Oct 15:21

Can a supermagnet dangerously affect the iron in blood?

by Andrea James

YouTuber Brainiac75 got a lot of questions about the possible dangers of a supermagnet affecting the iron in his blood, so he did an experiment with real blood. (more…)

31 Oct 15:11

Headline fail: Kansas students get 'first hand job experience'

by Rusty Blazenhoff

Students from Pratt High School in Kansas didn't get their "first hand job experience" as reported, but they -- and a headline writer at The Pratt Tribune --did get a lesson in grammar. On Saturday, the local newspaper printed an inappropriate, though hilarious, headline for an otherwise benign article about Disability Mentoring Day. The hyphen-less headline was completely rewritten for the online version of the story.

image via Tigerfan56

Thanks, Tim!

20 Oct 12:45

Link About It: The Ampersand's Storied Origin

The Ampersand's Storied Origin
Learning that the ampersand is a ligature of the letters E and T ("et" being the latin word for and) used by the Ancient Romans doesn't even begin to touch upon its storied history. With Roman global expansion, the ampersand made its way around as......
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19 Oct 16:02

Jake Likes Onions: damned funny webcomics

by Cory Doctorow

My latest Twitter follow is @jakelikesonions, whose bi-weekly cartoon of the same name has been going since 2015, and represents a very deep set of funny stuff to lose yourself in. Some recent gooduns below: (more…)

19 Oct 12:35

Link About It: Airbnb Alternative for Architecture Enthusiasts

Airbnb Alternative for Architecture Enthusiasts
An Airbnb alternative for design and architecture enthusiasts, PlansMatter allows customers to explore new cities and places while staying in stunning modernist homes. Founded by trained architects Connie Lindor and Scott Muellner, the company has......
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18 Oct 12:48

Swedish-to-English IKEA product name dictionary

by Rusty Blazenhoff

My Swedish-born (former Rubik's Cube champion) pal Lars Petrus has created a Swedish-to-English IKEA product name dictionary.

He writes:

Part of what makes IKEA unique is their product names. Each name means something, often in a funny or ambigious way. When IKEA went international, they decided to use the same Swedish names everywhere. This makes sense from an organizational sanity standpoint, but it deprives most of the world of this particular joy.

It's not complete nor current but it still is a lot of fun!


Previously: IKEA now has furniture for cats and dogs

18 Oct 12:46

Boba tea advertisement: edgy or bad translation?

by Mark Frauenfelder

Joey deVilla says of this sign found in a Thailand boba tea bar, "I can’t tell if they’re trying to be edgy or just got a bad translation."

16 Oct 13:44

Watch a praying mantis watching videos

by Andrea James

Turns out it's not just cats who like to watch videos on smartphones. InsecthausTV played one for a praying mantis, who responded in quite a catlike manner. (more…)

13 Oct 12:41

#1350; Here, There, Everywhere

by David Malki

''You teach the KIDS, Ray! You teach it to 'em when they're KIDS!!''

12 Oct 17:39

Here are the three most common dishonest arguments used to derail universal healthcare proposals

by Cory Doctorow

The US is the only developed country in the world without universal healthcare. Americans pay more for their healthcare than anyone else, and get significantly worse outcomes than people in every other developed nation. The majority of Americans support universal healthcare. And yet, we are told that universal healthcare is impossible in America. (more…)

04 Oct 03:28

Here Be Cannibals: Mapping Generic OSR-Land

by Joseph Manola
You've probably all seen those maps of Generic Fantasy Land. This one was made years ago;  more recently James Hutchings posted two similar ones over on his Teleleli blog. You might also have seen this post over on Throne of Salt,  which took a whole bunch of OSR settings (including mine!) and squished them all together into a single hexmap - which is also, incidentally, pretty much how I built the game setting for my current Team Tsathogga campaign.

Reading these two posts in close succession made me think about what the OSR-fantasy version of those maps would look like. The OSR, after all, has its distinctive preoccupations and areas of focus: a lot less Generic Fantasy Kingdoms, and a lot more crashed spaceships and mutant snakemen. We have our own fads and fashions - islands and whaling seems to be in this season - and one doesn't need to read very widely in the OSR blogosphere to start seeing the same motifs surfacing over and over again. (There seems to be no limit to our collective fixation with cults and cannibals, for a start.) So I idly opened Hexographer, and an hour later, I came up with this...

03 Oct 13:17

Roland Barthes: Dungeon Master

by (Zak Sabbath)
From Roland Barthes' lectures, Collège de France, 1977 (from How To Live Together: Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces, Tr: Kate Briggs):

Of Games

Novels RPGs are simulations that is to say fictional experimentations on a model the most classical form of which is the maquette. The structure, an outline (a maquette) through which topics, situations are let loose.

More than one language game exists because more than one desire exists.

Take note: the game is normative it wants to resist, prevail over the disorder of the given, it thinks of chance as disorder.

But our method—the one we're adopting here—involves shuffling the cards and dealing them in the order in which they appear. For me now whenever I'm working anything any thematic grouping of traits (of index cards) always makes me think of Bouvard and Peuchet’s question: Why this? Why that? Why here, why there?=An automatic distrust of associative ideology (which is the ideology of the ordered presentation genre.) The card players motto: “I cut the deck”. I react against the fixity of language.

The systematic gradually breaks down, is disappointed—the non-systemic flourishes, proliferates. Yes something direct has to be put in place in order for the indirect, an unforeseeable to emerge.

Of Fantasy

Now the first force I am able to investigate, to interpolate--the one I can see is it work within myself even through the illusions of the imaginary--the force of desire. Of, to be more precise (since it's the point of departure for our research)--the figure of the fantasy.

Let's be clear that a fantasy requires a setting (a scenario) and therefore a place.

Now fantasy=scenario but a scenario and bits and pieces always very brief=just a glimmer of the narrative of desire. What's glimpsed is very sharply contoured, very brightly lit, but all of a sudden it's gone: a body I catch sight of in a car as it goes around the bend before it plunges into the shadows.

I engage in the exhausting strategies of desire.

Of GMing

I truly believe that for a teaching GM relationship to be effective the speaker GM should know only slightly more about the topic than the listener player--sometimes, on certain points, less--this is the process of exchange.

Of Foes

Animals=Evil. Demons figured in animal form, a vast theme.  Anthonian theme: demons entering Saint Anthony's cave: snakes, lions, bears, leopards, bulls, wolves, aspic, scorpions: all "the wild beasts." Their figurative profusion in painting. Animality=infranature: aggression, fear, greed, flesh: man without law.
Of The Party

But what's the fascination of the small group (the gang, the sanatorium)? The state of autarky (autarkadia: self-sufficiency) contentedness=plenitude. It's not the emptiness that draws us in its the fullness of or if you prefer the intuition that there's a vertiginous vacuity to the plenitude of the group.

Autarky: strong intradependence + 0 extradependence. Independence marks the boundary and so gives the definition the mode of being of the group.

Bion makes this clear “Leaders who neither fight nor run away are not easily understood”.

Of The Dungeon

Description of the protective enclosure: Robinson Crusoe meticulous almost excessive quasi obsessive set of defenses against others as soon there's a suggestion of the presence of another man on the island (footprints)--> mad defensive measures. A house that's completely buried from view, invisible whole system of fortifications, of hiding places, enclosure as craziness, as an extreme experience.

Already in Robinson Crusoe--a "healthy" "rational" "empirical" subject if ever there was one--panics at the prospect of danger (the footprints in the sand) endlessly reinforces his defenses. Absolute protection is never achieved (mirage asymptotic). Stockade enclosure camouflaged by a thicket, no door--unmistakably the theme of absolute enclosure--just a little ladder that Robinson pushes up behind him. The colonists apartment in the granite wall in the Mysterious Island--a ladder that can be pulled up then in an elevator. The symbolism of burying oneself below ground and walling oneself up is based in the empirical fact of protecting oneself (symbolically speaking, the only absolutely protected space is the mother's womb). To go outside is to be exposed, to be defenseless, it's life itself. Making it impossible for enemy to get in gets converted through access through neurotic exaggeration into the self-imposed impossibility of getting out.

Piranesi: prisons are supposed to be the anti-hut (note that they’re vast, anti-cellular structures demonic capsizing of levels)—> Space of crisis, of drama, of the sublime (Burke= “a sort of delight full of horror, a sort of tranquility tinged with Terror.”)  Piranesi: “out of fear springs pleasure."

The Labyrinth: Symbolizes the paradoxical labor whereby the subjects sets about creating difficulties for himself. Walling himself up within the impasses of a system. It is the archetypal space of the obsessive. The Labyrinth is this space of active enclosure. Endless futile efforts expended on finding the way out. In the subjects effort to find the exit he only acts exacerbates his only his own imprisonment. He walks, constantly changes direction, etc yet remains in the same place. Labyrinth: a system that's hermetically sealed by its autonomy. Example: The system of a love affair--once inside there's no way out, and yet the labor it requires is immense. Finding a way out an almost magical act: the glimpse of a thread of a different system through which you then have to pass--Ariadne's thread. The Labyrinth is a very effective symbol of that state, an inextricable system of walls, but one that's out in the open air graph paper there's no roof...To someone looking on from the outside (looking down from above at their notes) the solution is obvious, in contrast to the person inside it: a situation typical of a love affair.


Check it: Red & Pleasant Land is Reddit /RPG game of the month--and it's not even a game.

29 Sep 19:04

Whiskey bottles organized by how many years they've matured

by Rob Beschizza

According to the poster Mystic_L, each bottle represents a year in the cask. A good illustration of how fast (slow?) whiskies age, but also where diminishing returns kick in, and the Angel's Share — the loss of volume over time through evaporation.

29 Sep 14:45

Exclusive TBB guide to the LEGO House experience [News]

by Elspeth De Montes

On 22 Sept, LEGO House opened it’s doors to over 600 adult fans of LEGO and their families, allowing advanced access to this  world of creative experiences. The official public opening is on the 28th Sept, but The Brothers Brick flew over to Billund to attend the preview opening to give you a closer look inside the Home of the Brick.


LEGO House exterior is certainly striking, designed by Danish architect, Bjarke Ingels to look like a stack of bricks from the outside with the keystone white 2×4 LEGO brick on top. The 21 colourful interlocking bricks contain four playful Experience Zones, with tons of creative fun, a Masterpiece Gallery inside the Keystone at the very top, a LEGO History Museum in the basement, three restaurants, and a LEGO Brand Retail Store. Lets step inside.

On entering LEGO House, you find yourself in the main foyer. A cavernous area that reaches from the floor to the Masterpiece Gallery in the roof. The foyer is known as LEGO Square and is where the LEGO Retail Store, two restaurants, Brickaccino cafe and elevator access to the roof terraces can be found.



Also in the foyer are machines to scan your advanced purchased tickets and  the code is converted into a wearable wristband that grants you access into the Experience Zones.  Tickets for the experience zones cost 199DKK/US$31/£23 each for adults and children (free for accompanied children under 2) and are purchased online in advance for an arrival time but you can stay as long as you wish until the House closes at 8 pm. The genius part about this is that the wristband can be scanned throughout the experience zones to allow your creations and experiences that day to be saved and accessible via the LEGO House app at a later date.


Once inside, the central staircase grants access to all the levels of LEGO House (NB there are elevators too of course for prams, those with limited mobility etc) which winds around the awesome  Tree of Creativity standing at over 15 metres tall. Upon the branches, there are scenes representing themes and ideas that have been developed by the LEGO Group over the years.

LEGO House 5

The base and roots of the tree represent the LEGO Group foundation in wooden toys, and up at the very top LEGO minifigure workers are building new branches using a giant crane. The branches in between are decorated with lovely dioramas, each evoking a different theme.

LEGO House 4

There is a lot to see and do in LEGO House so here is  The Brothers Brick Top 10 activities to experience at LEGO House:

1. Visit the Masterpiece Gallery. At the top of the Tree of Creativity Staircase located inside the keystone oversized white 2×4 brick,  you will enter the Masterpiece Gallery. Within this huge gallery space the three massive T-Rex dinosaurs, made from Duplo, System and Technic bricks require that you immediately stop and stare. The concept and the design of each T-Rex was developed with a huge amount of input from fans worldwide.

In the display cases around the outside of the room, there are models from 18 different fan LEGO builders around the world and in time, these models will change to feature other artists. All of the fan artists with models installed in the Masterpiece Gallery have been featured on TBB previously and will be familiar to many of our readers;  Chris McVeigh, Peter Reid, Ian Hou, Imagine Rigney, Jared Chan, Jarek Książczyk, Marin Stipkovic, Rafal Piasek, Samuel Pister, Sean Mayo, Tyler Clites, Cristiano Grassi, Elspeth De Montes, Djordje Dobrosavljevic, Sachiko Akinaga, Jonas Kramm, Martin Redfern.

Elspeth De Montes

Peter Reid

Sachiko Akinaga

The elusive Chris McVeigh

2. Create a minifigure character in the Red Zone. There are a numerous stations set up,  with over-sized minifigures surrounded by a moat of LEGO minifigure parts and accessories.  The Character Creation area is an Aladdin’s cave for fans of minifigures and mini-dolls,  build as many variations as your heart desires.

Minifigure Creation

The volume and variety of minifigure and mini-doll parts and accessories available to chose from is really quite phenomenal. The amount of time some adults spend perfecting their minifigure characters will pale in comparison to the love children have for creating these little people.


Your completed minifigure can be scanned and then a selection of optional backgrounds allows you to instantly become a style icon, rockstar, superhero or even get your mini-self on the front of TIME magazine!

3. Build a fish and let it virtually swim. The digital under-the-sea zone is full of interesting looking, rare fish and sea creatures.  There are plenty of bricks to make your own fish which you can then scan and admire as your brick creation transforms into a digital fish going on some aquatic adventures.

4. Become a movie director and create a stop motion movie that premiers in the LEGO House cinema.
There are fantastic little stop motion movie booths all ready for your movie directing début.  With the scene set, lots of minifigures available and the camera ready, all you need to do is sit down and start getting creative. Once you have finished, the stop motion movie will première at the cosy cinema  in LEGO House with an audience made up of other LEGO House visitors.


5. Set your imagination free with a waterfall of LEGO bricks.
If you fancy just having all the bricks and parts you could ever imagine at your fingertips, head over the the Waterfall of bricks.  There’s no limit to what you can build, and the colour and volume of parts available is really phenomenal.


Younger fans, or perhaps adults who just fancy using some bigger bricks, have not been forgotten as there is an equally impressive Duplo waterfall and pool of parts. We spotted so many awesome Duplo animals relaxing in this pool just waiting to become part of a child’s LEGO House experience.


6. Take on the roles of city architect and town planner in the Blue Zone. I loved this LEGO meets Sim City area in LEGO House.  City layouts have been created that interact with the red, green and yellow and blue 8×8 plates to become part of a interactive city.  The little digital people will flock to the local stadium to watch a game when they are happy or walk in circles waiting for you to create some services when they are unhappy.  It’s all about building what the little people want and utilising your cognitive skills for creativity and understanding the interactions within the city. It is worth pointing out the fantastic 1:1500 scale Copenhagen build in the background of the image, this was built by fan builder, Ulrik Hansen.


Once your creation has been built onto the 8×8 plate using the parts available everywhere around the city zones, you can place your 8×8 plate onto the city layout and watch as the little people start to interact with your build, changing the rhythm of the city and expanding the interactive area.

7. Become a hero with an Arctic adventure rescue mission in the Robo Lab. The mission start with the setting the scene as you are told the story of a polar expedition who have been sent to find and rescue an ancient mammoth.Unfortunately all of the explorers have become frozen in Arctic ice and now you have to find and rescue them. Each team member commands a bot,  a Mindstorms EV3 programmable robot, controlled via a touch screen. You can program your bot to move forwards, backwards, turn 90 degrees, freeze water to move on the ice surface or use a flamethrower to free a minifigure  from its frozen cage.


The mission is a collaboration, not a competition so everyone needs to work together to save all the minifigures around the map.  There are all sorts of interactive changes that can occur in game and  it is entertaining to see how the bots are integrated with the map and the minifigures react to situations. Each game lasts around 10 minutes before the bots are charged and another team takes control. You can take part as many times as you wish by simply scanning your wristband to join the team.


8. Order lunch in the Mini Chef restaurant and have it prepared by minifigures and served by robots. Mini Chef is one of two restaurants in LEGO House that are open to the public (remember that access to the restaurants and Brickaccino cafe does not require tickets) and is more family focussed and relaxed.


Starting with the menu, you make your selection from the polybag of bricks supplied at your table and then pop your build into a scanning machine. A quirky fun animation film is then played which shows your brick selection being turned into a meal. The LEGO chef is not happy if you try to add to sides of fries and ignore your greens – one of each colour must be chosen!


The meal costs 169DKK/ US$27/£20 for adults and 98DKK/US$15/£12 for children. Select the children’s menu by placing the yellow brick into your order and a LEGO House chef minifigure is supplied with your meal. Once your table order is ready,  the console signals the imminent arrival of your stack of boxes and it’s time to head over to the Mini Chef robots who will cheerfully pass your meal brick box to you.


9. Create a Critter and watch it dance or slither. In the Nature-themed area, there is ample space and bricks for plenty of building fun.  Younger LEGO fans can build Duplo brick-built people with emotions in response to an interactive story about Catherine the Caterpillar while the older fans amongst us will probably prefer the slithery race track and the ‘bopping’ lily pads.


The creatures built can be placed either on a 8×8 round tile lily pad or use car wash rollers for legs. The slithery race track and the water surface start to bounce and move in time to some fun music which results in a surprising amount of movement from the creatures on the surface. This seeming simply method is actually a lot of fun and, as always in LEGO House, there are more parts and bricks available than you could ever dream of.



10. Become part of LEGO House with your own 6-brick ‘dna combination’. Your wristband serves another purpose as it supplies you with your own LEGO dna. An actual moulding maching sits at the bottom of the Tree of Creativity within the ticket-required part of the LEGO House foyer. This moulding machine is making red 2×4 bricks in real time and you can watch as the bricks are born, collected and popped into a polybag ready to become part of your LEGO House memory.


There are 915,103,765 different combinations to connect the six 2×4 bricks, and LEGO House is using this mind boggling piece of creative mathematics to give a unique take home memory of your experience.  There is a display of some combinations on the wall at LEGO House and, as I had the honour of being one of the builders currently in the Masterpiece Gallery, my own unique LEGO combination is up on display.


Every wristband can be scanned to supply a plastic card with your name, visit date, code to access all of your saved builds and experiences on the LEGO House app and a unique build using the six 2×4 LEGO bricks.

Phew! Time for a coffee at Brickaccino. Although we have limited our LEGO House experiences to 10, there is clearly more to do within LEGO House as we haven’t told you about the racing track areas, the graffiti Castle, Creativity Labs or the been outside yet onto the terraces nor into the depths of the basement.

LEGO House 14

There is also the opportunity to pop into the LEGO Retail store to buy the two exclusive Pick-A-Model sets (see the Fish tank model instructions to build your own ) or the awesome updated LEGO House 21037 Architecture set.


There’s more to come…so stay tuned.

The post Exclusive TBB guide to the LEGO House experience [News] appeared first on The Brothers Brick.

28 Sep 17:47

My Attempt To Explain The Art

by (scrap princess)

Now I will attempt to explain why I think those pictures are so good.
(all pictures are from here, kudos and gratitude)

Less as individual art works but more how they embody an idea about game material I'm trying to articulate here.

Which ; There is blazing-holy and great window of brilliance flickering in the spectrum of goofiness.

Something which risks being goofy is also standing-out from expectations , and humour is always* surprising; as by definition people have noticed something surprising.

So that works for game content.

The next element of it is for it to not be collapsible into pure humour and/or fail to stoke the emotional energy the players are enjoying.

Generally for this to happen it has then bring something else other than goofiness, something exactly opposite what immediate appeared as goofy.

Doing a weird high pitched voice for a warlord is goofy. Playing him completely serious and making him a serious danger goes against the precedent of the voice, and thus has the potential of being brilliant.

 Has the "potential" though, it's an extreme nebulous window , and it can collapse easily.

"Worm Apocalypse"

The arms are floppy and failing and the idea of walking worms is silly. The feet appear too large like clown shoes. How they stand looks uncomfortable, suggesting a grotesque gait. However the eyes are stretched and narrow , unlike anything in nature , with the head appearing stiff and geometric, unlike a worm or anything. The head's stillness frames the violent energy of the arms by its contrast.

That also suggests intention and purposefulness, ditto with the low stance. They are firmly planted and fixed on flailing. The arms don't appear to have obvious danger to them, except the speed they are moving (the blur and the dynamic perspective gives this) and the still malignancy of  face.

The face looks like it wants to do bad things, and its entire body is focused on whipping these arms at you.

The floppiness of the arms suggests a surplus of destructive energy and crazed unpredictable, again which are potentially goofy, but with the cold regard of the face, are not possible to discount as harmless.

The slightly-odd pauldrons mean a civilisation or at least an intelligence behind them (and possibly solved an art problem where the artist couldn't find a way of joining the arm to the body in way that satisfied them) 

Most Yu gi oh cards have exaggerated perspectives, the small size of the cards benefits from the greater sense of depth , and  here it serves to make the arms flailing pushed at you.

The other aspect here is there's more than one worm , the title of card suggesting an apocalypse of them. This is another thing which acts against it being merely funny. 
One worm warrior would be a weird anomaly , this is too many worm warriors , they are here , there is a lot of them, they stand like clowns taking a painful standing shit, their arms whip through the air like a snapped cable , very little about them appears understandable to you except they deliberately mean you harm and they are here right now

Everliving Underworld Cannon
Less to say about this, but notable: the skull takes up a lot of room which being undetailed giving off the moment of sensory overwhelming of a cannon blast.

Skulls have that goofy smile which is seems inappropriate for a thing of death.

The Chains suggestion a solution to the cannons recoil but also a solution to the cannon possible wanting to wander off like a poorly behavioured aggressive dog.
The artfulness of the skull placement but also sense of jury-rigging and make-do is goo.The title is a great example of the poetic run-on sentences of these cards . The way its an "everliving" rather than an "undying" or "undead" cannon suggests a defiant surplus of life and uncontrollability. They can't kill it or control it they can just point at things as it blasts off chucks of laughingly destructive soul matter at people.

Ritual Raven:
What works here as the more you look at it the more you realise how bad it is as a bird.
The feet grow out of the wings and more akin to frogs than anything avian. It has tiny , unnecessary, child or doll arms. 
The things seen as masks then as eyes then as both are an example of the "surprising twist" which seems to a common element in this kind of brilliance.

However what takes it up a notch is it doesn't stop there, in fact it seems to actively work against this core idea with how shit it is a bird.
There's an uncomfortable of scale here , it looks small but looking at the those arms makes you consider what if those arms were human sized and this thing was fucking massive. Then the smoothness of its surface becomes uncanny, as detail is used to suggest size.

The beak has a weird expression. It's just a peak but it has a almost bureaucratic resignedment to it.

The mask are horrible and the careful white teeth are an apt grossness. An conventionally predatory mouth or a gaping void wouldn't work here as well as these nasty little smirks do.

The contrast between that and the beak is potent. The beak is purely administrative , the smirking cruelty is obviously a necessary element to whatever this thing does. Assholedom as a modular battery.

Statue of Anguish Pattern:

this is a good name. Most of my choice to include this is that name. It has that weird beat to it , sTaTue of AnGuish PaTtern.
Anguish is such a weird word choice, despair or fear or terror would be obvious and external.
Anguish is internal, an anguish pattern suggestive of a forced empathy with something, or an internal summoning of personal pain. 5 stars.
The shape , dunno, hexapod is so-so , the weird flared feet suggestion weight ,conflict with the narrows of the join with the body and plasticity of the bend.
It's not quite magic but its uncomfortable. The sphere that is seemingly turned to look at us But gives no clear vindication for our anthropomorphization (e.g a clear eye or other face feature).

This lack of vindication means we** search for something else , maybe we are mistaken and there is a Clear and Definite Head and Face to be found?
There is a circle behind the sphere, is that an eye, is a blowing a stone bubble?
There is no clear resolve, it is stone being plastic, stone animate with no obvious purpose to it yet it moves.

Door of Destiny
That is a dumb title, the only thing okay about it is looks completely hostile yet it has the usually neutral word "destiny" used.

I think I like this because the purple and yellow work and the chaining suggests the door itself , not what is beyond it , is a problem needing containing.
There is nice depth to the doors surface, a in between state of flatness and relief, suggesting an artisan's craft or its about it resolve itself as 3 dimensional from a flat state (the chains holding it back).
Maybe it only can function as a "destiny door" if it itself is forced to never resolve itself as flattened or fleshed? Opening the door is like opening the quantum box, collapsing you possible paths into just one.

There's some nice grots around the place.

Or sometimes you got appreciate a big old purple demon door

Bite Shoes

The bottom of them is like a exaggerated curve of a snarl or smile , yet the main teeth are above it .
That's good.
The blackness inside the mouth is great suggesting it can keep eating and never be full.

The little teeth thorns below it, I can't explain what they are doing , yet if you imagine them gone, it's not as a good of picture.

This is an evil shoe. However, it's not a shoe to help you do evil ; it's gonna bite the foot off anyone that puts it on.
And yet; it's not a trap shoe. It does not look innocuous . Maybe it started out that way, but something about suggests it's always been a bad shoe.
So this shoe.. what , hops it your face trying to bite it off? hops around on the ground attacking your feet ? This thing is fucked , it knows its fucked and it looks extremely happy about it.
The body of it smiles even as the top is an unfeeling hunger.

Bazzo The Soul Eater.

Okay so the title really pushes this one into next level .
It's  fucked up that something so brutish like this mandrill thug is a soul eater.

Usually a "soul eater" is a term used for something insidious or grandiose.

Not a roided up purple ape.

There's something about its expression that seems like its foremost bestial yet a degeneration into bestialness.

Its bulk and fatness , yet the fatness seems like it doesn't translate into immobility but power.
The delicate texture of the hair , it looks soft , and sweet smelling.

The weird bone growths.. maybe they could go and improve it , but they do add something, a hint of cancerousiness to this thing.

The teeth are incisors , that's great because I get a visceral uncomfortabliness to imaging myself biting down hard with my own on something extremely hard.

Alternatively the teeth will slice through the soul like a soft fruit .

Incisors are for eating passive things and a lot of them. Fruit, leaves , things to be snipped.
That these are for souls is a horror.

Parasitic Ticky. The lack of a face, the equipment carried, the legs like tight clad legs poking out of costume.

All make it not easily resolvable as an obvious thing. It does not seem (though it still could) be a warrior , more of hunter gatherer .

You can see the beak as a blind head, or the chest as a head with the beak as a mouth and then suggesting legs in place of the eyes socket.

Should we think of it as distortion or a naturalness ? The awkwardness of the human calves and knees suggest the first , yet the casualness of its going and presentation suggests the later.

"Gimmick Puppet Egg Head" a example of a run on tile which does not have the magic of Statue Of Anguish Pattern.

The Wig and Expression and the Arms coming out of Ears are the most significant factor its brilliance.

Subtler things are the lines across it, the blood red sclera of the ey,  and the colour of it the facebody.

Also how its carrying its weight is weird. The legs aren't loaded enough , suggestive of a puppets strings (yet the tilt of the head makes it hard to pinpoint where the line of thread would be , indicating  the delicacy of the puppeteers hand and/or an uncanniness).

The wig is silly, puppets are silly, an egg man is silly. Yet it seems charged with a dangerous energy (the colours), that's the twist.

The obvious twist to an evil puppet is contrasting child friendly imagery with obvious evil imagery.

This instead has detached stately-ness to it expression. It is potent and purposeful.

Desertapir. Apparently the pun is better in Japanese. And maybe I'm just overly influenced by the cuteness here.
Yet, how fucking passive and simple these things look (also potentially huge) in a context of war , techno-armour, dragons and superbeasts.

Their ability to be asleep right now (also asleep in a lethal context of a near-noon desert with no shade) suggests an ability for indifference that is absurdly cosmic.

Bubble Breeder.
The title, bubbles being fragile, breeding being base and meat bound, already starts making this interesting.
Is it breeding bubbles inside itself? Can it breed bubbles in you?
The glow is ominous , the asymmetricality alien.

If the view angle was looking down on it  (suggesting it small), the ratio of body parts would merely be part of the lightness smallness would give it.
However this angle suggests person size , so its top heavy-ness is suggestive of the dense shoulder mass of strength .

Alternatively a barely contained strong upward motion , that it has purposefully pulled down .

The contained but considerable movement of either interpretation is suggests if it wants to do things, it definitely has the resources to do them  .

Yet the title is "bubble", not water, or ice , or slime.  Bubbles are temporary and fragile, yet this thing is here and looks like it can definitely do things .
If it were Slime or water or ice , there would be no contrast, slime water and ice do things, they effect change. Bubbles do not.
Because its nature is against it, it comes across as even more potent that we can see its potency immediately.

But what does potent to do ? What is its purpose? It breeds.

A Fortress Whale. It's a whale with a lot of guns. This is good.
There's some fun with the castle to suggest size but then the guns completely over sizing the castle , The anachronistic  clash is good too .
The weird baleen grin (though the head is like a pilot or a sperm whale) seemingly means it likes being a gun castle, it's not a beast of burden.

The castle elements seem to not be signs of occupation , almost like a sarcastic touch by the whale. Look how fucking big I am , I mock the most potent of your houses. I am large and mobile, I am not contained the limits of your securities , even as I out-do their strengths.

Yes the best bit is definitely the whale looking like an active (even maybe the sole origin) participate here. It loves what it does.

Other points of note, a few scars or scratches on its head helping give sense of size and resilience and the horn being ludicrously big as if for destroying things big as or bigger than the whale.
To use such a horn effectively , the whale would need to be highly mobile, and it smugness suggests it confident on having far more than just size to rely on.
The horn also keeps the dynamism of the whale going forward , off the edge of the card.  It's both irresistible force and unassailable object .

Giant Flea.
I mean this shouldn't be a good picture to me, it doesn't sell the flea as particular large (except as fleas go) , it doesn't have a horrible flea mouth knife, yet the colours and the greenness of its eyes give it an overwhelming charm.
There's just something about it resembling a video game playable sprite, one which you find yourself jumping constantly, just because jumping feels really good with it.

* Maybe there is humour that is not surprisingly like when you laugh when someone does something so obviously them that it is funny. Then you could argue the humour is because we are surprised about seeing an expectation that we didn't expect to happen , happened?  whatever, what I can say is "surprise is often a element of humour" and that's fairly objective.

**(as in the critics "we" , as in "I" but doing a possible unreasonable assumption and assuming an objective response) 

22 Sep 15:49

'Boil the Frog' creates a seamless playlist between any two musical artists

by Rusty Blazenhoff

This is cool. "Boil the Frog" is a 2012 web app by Paul Lamere that creates a "seamless playlist between any two artists."

Boil the Frog lets you create a playlist of songs that gradually takes you from one music style to another. It's like the proverbial frog in the pot of water. If you heat up the pot slowly enough, the frog will never notice that he's being made into a stew and jump out of the pot. With a Boil the frog playlist you can do the same, but with music. You can generate a playlist that will take the listener from one style of music to the other, without the listener ever noticing that they are being made into a stew.

It's kind of like that game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" but for connecting musical styles.

Naturally, I had to gave it a whirl. I discovered that it takes 23 songs to connect Nancy Sinatra to Insane Clown Posse, but only 11 songs to connect her to Vanilla Ice.

You can give it a try and learn how it works here.


Previously: Infinite Gangnam Style: realtime, beat-matched remix that goes on forever

19 Sep 13:22


by Rob Beschizza

Google images could not uncover the origin off this fluffy yet menacing elder one. If this is your adorable abysm of immemorial lunacy, drop us a note. [via]
14 Sep 20:37

Landscape with the Fall of Icarus - World Landscape Campaign Setting

by (noisms)
world landscape is a made-up backdrop of beautiful European scenery in a painting. They are arguably examples of the shadow fantasy genre. Here is one:

A: The Gerontocracy of Basiney. A city where one in a thousand citizens is born an immortal struldbrug, who gradually accrues more and more wealth until he wields immense power and influence (but is too decrepit to enjoy it). A place in which corporatism not merely dominates but has run amok, like renaissance Florence or early modern Amsterdam as imagined by Gordon Gekko.

B: The Platinum Mountain. Ruled by a white dragon demigod who spins platinum thread, mined by his dwarf serfs, into webs and coils which he then magically animates into automata to serve him.

C: Servasser, the Sea Wolf Port. A fishing settlement which now lies largely abandoned; the population of fishermen and fishwives were infected by lycanthropy which spread through them like a plague. Now they inhabit its dilapidated ruins and raid the surrounding seas to assuage their ravenous hunger.

D: Gwenteliver's Castle. A fortress owned by the storm giant Gwenteliver, who surrounds herself with human slaves who she gradually interbreeds with giant insects, reptiles and other beasts. Her collection of art is unrivaled and strongly desired by almost all the Gerontocrats of Basiney.

E: The Smugglers' Cove. A small, secluded bay where smugglers from the neighbouring land of Celquinox come to liaise with rogue traders sneaking goods for trade past the tax collectors of Basiney. The people of Celquinox are a race of mutes who extend their necks with metal bands until their vocal chords no longer function; they employ their children to communicate on their behalf with strangers, and talk to each other with secret gestures they do not teach to outsiders.

F: The Entrance to the Spirals. An underground network of caves extending far beneath the surface of the earth, created in the ancient past by a burrowing worm which dug in endless repeating spiral tunnels. Somewhere these spirals connected with the tunnels of underground denizens such as the duergar, neogi, kuo-toa and the like, and they now throng with busy subterranean life which boils up from the bowels of the earth towards the surface.
14 Sep 13:19

The real story behind Mister Rogers' joyful flipping of the bird

by Jason Weisberger

No single GIF better represents my days than Mr. Roger's throwing the double bird with a giant smile on his face. I never once bothered to doubt its legitimacy, but a friend asked me if it was real. Of course it is.

06 Sep 16:48

Shopping Cart Alignment Chart

by Rob Beschizza

I just read Krystal D'Costa's article about Why Don't People Return Their Shopping Carts and was astounded to learn that no-one had created a shopping cart alignment chart. I have rectified this failure.
05 Sep 19:57

Our technology is haunted by demons controlled by transhuman life-forms

by Cory Doctorow

In my latest Locus column, "Demon-Haunted World," I propose that the Internet of Cheating Things -- gadgets that try to trick us into arranging our affairs to the benefit of corporate shareholders, to our own detriment -- is bringing us back to the Dark Ages, when alchemists believed that the universe rearranged itself to prevent them from knowing the divine secrets of its workings. (more…)

29 Aug 16:26

Westeros: trailer for spoof Thrones spinoff set in their equivalent to the 21st century

by Rob Beschizza

Nicely done.

22 Aug 16:04

The five stages of margarine grief

by Mark Frauenfelder
22 Aug 14:43

Learn dirty words in sign language

by Rusty Blazenhoff

I learn something new every day. Today I learned some valuable dirty words and phrases in sign language from the deaf folks in this video. Thanks to each and every one of you.

("Bullshit" signed is especially satisfying, imo.)


22 Aug 00:52

The Oatmeal looks into our reality tunnels, the "backfire effect," and the nature of belief

by Gareth Branwyn

Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal is at it again with a smart, funny, and very relevant look at how we construct our beliefs, build our reality tunnels, and why we react so forcefully when the core assumptions of that belief system are threatened.

Read the rest of it. Nice touch that there are two version, one with colorful language and one clean, "classroom-friendly version."

David McRaney's You Are Not So Smart did a wonderful 3-part series on the backfire effect. You can access the first episode here.

15 Aug 17:47

CEOs quit Trump: The 1% can't win elections unless the 99% turkeys vote for Christmas

by Cory Doctorow

Yesterday, Merck CEO Ken Frazier quit Trump's advisory council and today the CEOs of Intel and Under Armor joined him, which raises the question: why were these guys on the advisory council for an avowed white supremacist who campaigned on a platform of racial discrimination against Mexicans and Muslims? (more…)

14 Aug 13:18

Practice Makes Perfect(ly Nice)

by (noisms)

How to think about practising and role playing?

Well, what does it mean to be good at an RPG?  Basically, it means that, by your presence at the table, other people have a good time. As the DM you create a setup and run it so that the players have a good time. And as a player, by your actions, being proactive and thoughtful, you make it so that the DM and other players enjoy themselves.

Creating a detailed and intricate campaign setting means nothing if the players don't enjoy interacting with it. Getting your PC to level 20 doesn't matter if you're an arsehole and stop being invited to play.

So practice in the context of RPGs isn't really about getting good at the skills involved - doing voices, lateral thinking, puzzle solving, drawing maps, whatever - although those things all help. Instead, it's about being a better person. More engaged, more considerate, more amiable, more interesting and interested.

That's a good recommendation to take part in a hobby if ever there was one.

08 Aug 12:29

#1150; In which a Harp is huge

by David Malki

we sell novelty scale replicas of the world's largest harp. while aficionados of the world's largest harp will consider them comically small, in actuality they are around the size of a regulation orchestra harp

07 Aug 17:06

For $1.5M, buy your own Chesapeake Bay island — and some goats

by Sean Welsh

wanna buy an island?

You can have an island in the Chesapeake Bay for your very own — that is, if you don’t mind having some goats as neighbors.

A 55-acre island inhabited only by about 30 goats is on the market.

The island is located just off the shore from the tiny Somerset County community of Ewell on the larger...