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16 Jun 22:18

Why Are There Righties & Lefties? [Video]

by Geeks are Sexy

About 10% of the world population is left-handed. But why does handedness exist and what determines which hand is dominant? Scientists have suggested several theories, but the answer may well lie with evolution.


15 Jun 03:12

Little Boy Learns That He'll Meet Iron Man, Cries When He Meets Robert Downey, Jr. Instead

by John Farrier


Jaxson Denno was so excited when he learned that Iron Man was nearby and would be glad to meet him. Alas, he had been deceived. Only Iron Man actor Robert Downey, Jr. was available:

Only problem: Downey, in the Western Massachusetts towns of Sunderland and Shelburne Falls to shoot his latest, The Judge, was not wearing his Iron Man outfit.

That did not please Jaxson, as this photo shows.

Not to worry, though – Downey, 48, soon brought a smile to the boy's face. 

"He was fine as soon as he talked to him," Jaxson's mother, Heather Denno, told PEOPLE, explaining that her young son "was so confused because I kept telling him it was Iron Man and he knew it wasn't. Well, not Iron Man in the suit."

Link -via Gawker

(Photo: Heather Denno)

13 Jun 13:27

Quote of the Day

"I think that he's a moron and he proves that stupid has no specific political affiliation. I have no idea what goes into the mind of a moron like that... These kinds of comments only come from a moron and they shouldn't be tolerated one bit."

-- Massachusetts U.S. Senate candidate Gabirel Gomez (R), quoted by ABC News, on Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) claiming that few women who are raped end up pregnant.
03 Jun 16:43

Throwback to Doctor Pepper flavored misogyny 

Throwback to Doctor Pepper flavored misogyny 

03 Jun 16:23

'Fast 6' Hangs Onto First Place At Box Office


I hope this means they will never stop making movies in this franchise.

'Fast 6' hangs onto first place at box office

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03 Jun 16:14

The Legendary ET Video Game Dump Site Is Set For Excavation

by Jill Harness

Most Neatorama readers have probably heard the story of Atari burying a whole warehouse full of unsold ET video games at a dump in New Mexico. As it turns out, there was likely a whole lot more than just ET games burried by Atari, though no one really knows for sure what was tossed in the dump, especially since the whole thing was later burried in concrete.

But all that's about to change now that the city of Alamogordo, home of the legendary landfill, has officially voted to allow a film company, Fuel Industries, six months to dig up the landfill and report what, exactly, they end up finding in the ruble. 

Link Via BoingBoing

31 May 03:06

Stop Letting Your Life Distract You From Your Gaming

by Jill Harness

Yes, for only $2500, you too can own your own personal gaming chamber so you can escape all those distractions like friends, family, bathroom trips, etc. Hey, at least it has A/C and heat so you can feel comfortable in your own filth.

Link Via Geekologie

31 May 03:04

This adventure has taught me that adventures are TERRIBLE

by Josh

Isaac, Heathcliff is on a roll of insanity that I hope never ends!

Ads by Project Wonderful! Your ad could be here, right now.

Mark Trail, 5/30/13

Well, all’s well that ended well for Mark and Cherry and Wes and Shelly! Someday Wes will be able to put weight on his inexpertly set ankle again, Cherry only got lightly mauled by a bear, and probably no more than a few hundred acres of protected forest went up in flames when the gang’s propane tank blew up. It was all worth it, though, if the end result was the final panel: Shelly weeping tears of glorious relief at being within range of a delicious, life-affirming cell phone connection one more.

Marvin, 5/30/13

Marvin’s dad, meanwhile, has encountered kindness in the form of an invitation from a co-worker whose existence is not defined by catering to a squalling, pooping hell-infant. He appears to have gone into shock as a result. Presumably the tears of relief will come later.

Heathcliff, 5/30/13

At first, I thought that the government of Heathcliff’s town had broken the sanitation workers’ union and replaced them all with non-human primates, but then I realized that this ape is apparently … delivering garbage cans? As described by talking owls? Anyway, this has been your daily installment in the Chronicles Of Heathcliff’s Descent Into Total Madness.

This post originally appeared as "This adventure has taught me that adventures are TERRIBLE" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.

29 May 17:07



Best movie ever? Yes.