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18 May 08:41

All of’s alleged co-owners arrested on extortion charges

by Cyrus Farivar

Thomas Keesee (left) and Sahar Sarid (right) were arrested in Florida on Wednesday and await extradition to California. (credit: Palm Beach Sheriff's Office / Broward Sheriffs' Office)

Two alleged owners of—Sahar Sarid and Thomas Keesee—have been arrested in south Florida on a recently issued California warrant. The notorious website publishes mugshots and then demands payment for their removal.

On Wednesday, the attorney general of California brought criminal charges against not only Sarid and Keesee, but also Kishore Vidya Bhavnanie and David Usdan. The quartet has been charged with extortion, money laundering, and identity theft.

Bhavnanie was arraigned by a Pennsylvania state judge also on Wednesday—his bail was reportedly set at $1.86 million. According to Tania Mercado, a spokeswoman for the California Attorney General's office, Usdan is also in custody.

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14 Mar 08:27

Superhero Bits: Finn Jones Reacts to Iron Fist Reviews, New Suit for The Tick & More

by Ethan Anderton

Superman MAD Magazine Book

What does Finn Jones have to say about negative Iron Fist reviews so far? What is the projected opening weekend box office for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 as of now? Is there a Punisher announcement coming from Netflix tomorrow? Want to see the new outfit being worn by The Tick? Who is playing Artemis in Wonder Woman? All that and more in this edition of Superhero Bits.

Marvel fans think this post on the Daredevil Facebook page could be a tease for a Punisher announcement tomorrow.

WWE wrestling star Cody Rhodes will be coming back to Arrow this season as as the villainous Derek Sampson.

The video game YouTube channel Up Up Down Down reveals that Firestorm will be playable in Injustice 2.

Yes, of course Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will have a scene after the credits, because that’s what Marvel does.

Iron Fist Banner

IGN debuted a new banner for Netflix’s Iron Fist series with the cast and a little Avengers tower cameo in the back.

Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld gave his seal of approval to the casting of Zazie Beetz as Domino in Deadpool 2.

Superman MAD Magazine Book

This fall, Superman will have a miserable, rotten, no fun, really bad day, thanks to a MAD Magazine parody book.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is projected to rake in $160 million for its opening weekend when it debuts in May.

Continue Reading Superhero Bits>>

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the next page of Superhero Bits.

The post Superhero Bits: Finn Jones Reacts to Iron Fist Reviews, New Suit for The Tick & More appeared first on /Film.

13 Mar 22:22

Thieves saw through bike-racks, cover the cuts with tape, wait for bikes to be locked to them

by Cory Doctorow


PC Mark McKay, a police officer in Camberwell, London, tweeted this warning to locals to beware of bike racks that thieves have sawn through and camouflaged with gaffer tape; once the bikes are locked up, the thieves return, remove the tape, and make off with the bikes. (more…)

15 Dec 09:34

This steampunk machine helps anyone make their own cooking oil at home

by Springwise

In an era when learning a new skill is often simply a case of loading up a tutorial video on YouTube, it's no wonder that craft and homemade goods are starting to provide healthy competition against mass produced items. Consumers are already creating their own authentic homebrews or selling their wares on Etsy. But there are some products that remain elusive. How the heck does the average person go about making their own cooking oil, for example? Well, Taiwan's The Daily Expeller is a machine that helps anyone turn nuts and seeds into their own custom oils.

A graduate project of a group of students at the National Cheng Kung University’s Department of Industrial Design, The Daily Expeller looks a lot like an insane piece of lab equipment, and that's partly because it is. It's a miniature version of the large expellers used in industry.

Using it is a bit more simple — after placing whatever blend of nuts or seeds the user likes into the bottom compartment, the ingredients are gently heated and then grinded using a lever on the side. Boiling water is then added to make the ingredients moist before they're transferred to the second chamber. Turning the crank then creates enough pressure to squeeze any oil out of the nuts. Users can get 20cc of oil out of 100g of nuts.


Although the process is fairly lengthy considering the amount of oil that's produced, it's no more complicated than making a coffee from grounds. Artisans can enjoy their own custom oils and avoid buying from the supermarket.

Watch the video below to see the device in action:

Are there other foods or beverages that could be made at home by redesigning industrial equipment for home use?


20 Jun 22:28

Old Files

Wow, ANIMORPHS-NOVEL.RTF? Just gonna, uh, go through and delete that from all my archives real quick.
06 Feb 09:48

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design

by Caroline Williamson

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design

Everyone’s days look different and Brian Flynn is proof of that. The San Francisco-based creative heads Hybrid Design with his wife Dora Drimalas where they work with such clients as Nike, FRS, and TEDGlobal. But that’s not all. This busy duo also runs Hybrid Home, where Dora creates designer home goods, and Super7, a company that cranks out awesome vinyl toy collectibles, all under the same roof. Want to see how they make the magic happen? Follow along with Brian’s alter ego, a muppet version of himself made by Sean Johnson at Swazzle, as he tackles a day in his life in this month’s Designer Dailies.

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

Breakfast of Champions w/ Relaxing Music

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

Reinvent Innovative Design

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

Inspire Staff with Criticism

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

Super7 Brainstorm

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

Lunch Time

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

Naked Lunch = Fried Chicken Sandwich – Coleslaw + Arugula

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

Bond with Staff through Suffering

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

Donut Research

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

New Alien Prototypes!

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

A Quiet Moment with the Mohawk Maker Quarterly

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

Flaunt Toy Collection

A Day in the Life of Brian Flynn of Hybrid Design in technology style fashion art Category

Contemplate Existential Crisis

14 Jan 21:38

Reclame maken voor kruiden? Zo doe je dat. (via @tomroes)

Reclame maken voor kruiden? Zo doe je dat. (via @tomroes)

09 Jan 08:27

The Ultimate Home Show for Tech Lovers: Gadget Man

by Elizabeth Giorgi

Moss lovers rejoice! On a recent trip to the United Kingdom, I discovered my favorite new home and design TV show: Gadget Man. The BBC 4 program gives host Richard Ayoade (Moss from the hilarious IT Crowd) access to the weirdest, coolest and most innovative home technologies, and he tests them out in real life situations like painting a room, designing a nursery, or going camping. Good news, you can watch it too — and you definitely need to.


02 Jan 21:52

Ford testing plug-in hybrid that charges via rooftop solar panels

by John Timmer
Not shown: the giant lens that makes this all worthwhile.

The efficiency of solar panels and electric drivetrains has reached the point where the Sun can easily send cars across Australia. But fully solar-powered vehicles involve a lot of compromises in terms of performance, carrying capacity, and driver comfort. Such vehicles are not something you could use for your daily commute, while commuter cars simply don't have enough surface area to host the panels it would take to run them. But Ford has come up with some clever compromises that will let solar panels partially power one of its concept cars.

The design is based on its C-MAX Energi plug-in hybrid, which has enough battery capacity to cut into its use of an internal combustion engine on shorter trips. The result is a car that the EPA rates at roughly 100MPG. To that, Ford has added an array of solar panels on the roof, enough to generate about 300W of power—nice, but not enough to fully recharge the car's batteries during the daytime.

To get there, Ford added an additional part: a canopy you park the car under. The roof of the canopy is a Fresnel lens, a compact, thin lens that can be manufactured out of inexpensive and light materials; in this case, Ford will use acrylics. The lens will focus light from a broad area onto the roof of the C-MAX Solar Energi, boosting the amount of power it generates.

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28 Nov 15:53

Hersengolven houden je nek warm

by Ingeborg van Lieshout

Met neuroknitting brei je een sjaal volgens het patroon van je hersengolven.

Breien is hip. Het sluit aan bij de hang naar slow en local, je maakt iets met je handen en het is een heel rustgevende handeling in een leven vol impulsen. Probleem is wat je gaat breien. Inmiddels ben je voor patronen niet meer aangewezen op de Burda maar kun je online duizenden instructies vinden. Veel is helaas nog steeds in de stijl van de truien van Loes Veenstra, waar alleen mevrouw Veenstra zelf nog mee over straat kan.

Knitic brengt breien naar het nu. Het project neuroknitting van ontwerpduo Varvara Guljajev en promovendus Sebastian Mealla biedt software die je in staat stelt om je eigen hersengolven te breien. Of moet ik zeggen: 'je hersengolven te 3D printen in wol'. Met behulp van een EEG headset leggen ze hersenactiviteit vast terwijl je naar een aria van Bach luistert. Wat je hersenen doen, zie je terug in een warme sjaal.

De registratie duurt tien minuten. Iedere seconde werd het signaal uit de 14 kanelen van het EEG-apparaat gesampled. De drie hoofdmetingen waren mate van onstpannenheid, opwinding en de cognitieve belasting. Dat zijn de data die omgezet zijn in een breipatroon. Zo is je reactie op muziek van seconde tot seconde vastgelegd in een tastbaar stuk textiel.

De hersengolven die je ziet zijn van de in Zwolle geboren Sytse Wierenga, die via IO aan de TU in Delft, Antwerpen en de HKU in Barcelona terecht kwam waar de neuroknitting plaats vond.

Eerder zagen we sjaals gemaakt naar geluidsgolven van je stem en sjaals met infographics.

04 Nov 22:15

Everyone's Favorite Part of Halloween

Submitted by: Unknown

23 Sep 12:01

Het graf van Andy Warhol

by Martine
wat het graf van Andy Warhol
waar Pittsburgh

Ter gelegenheid van Andy Warhol’s 85e verjaardag heeft het Andy Warholmuseum in samenwerking met EarthCam een webcam geplaatst op the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cemetery. Op de stream van deze webcam – dag en nacht te bekijken op – is het graf van Warhol te zien. Het graf bestaat uit een bescheiden steen met een struikje ernaast. Achter de steen staat een grotere steen, vermoedelijk het graf van zijn ouders die daar ook ergens begraven moeten liggen.

Vanwege de honderden Warhol-fans die jaarlijks een bezoek brengen aan de dode kunstenaar verandert het uiterlijk van het graf regelmatig. Bovenop de grafsteen staat standaard een rij van de beroemde Campbell-soepblikken, soms hangt er een ballon. Het duurde lang voordat ik daadwerkelijk leven zag in beeld: er rende een grote hond voorbij. Een dag later (ik was inmiddels overmatig gehecht geraakt aan het rustgevende beeld) hoorde ik opeens mensen praten. Ik zette het geluid harder. Verdomd, het was niet alleen beeld, ook het geluid werd gestreamd. Ik kon een conversatie tussen twee Amerikanen letterlijk volgen, ook al stonden ze buiten beeld. De ene vroeg waarom er een camera stond opgesteld: ‘Is it a security thing?’ Dat vond ik meteen zo lekker Amerikaans. Ik zette het geluid nog wat harder. De andere man verzekerde hem dat dat niet het geval was en vertelde over het kunstproject met de webcam. ‘Warhol?,’ antwoordde de eerste weer, ‘never heard of him. He’s an artist you say? I should bring my niece.’ Het was even stil. Ik vroeg me af waarom zijn nicht moest komen kijken. ‘She’s an art student,’ verduidelijkte hij, alsof hij mijn gedachten hoorde.

Heimelijk fantaseer ik nu over hoe ik op een dag een ticket boek naar Pittsburgh International Airport, naar de begraafplaats rijd in een gehuurde auto (Interstates 376 en 79, de fantasie is vrij gedetailleerd) en dan – bij voorkeur midden in de nacht – naast het graf van Warhol ga staan en de link van de webcam stuur naar vrienden. En dat ik daar dan sta, naast de rij soepblikken en een leeggelopen ballon voor mijn 15 minutes of fame.

08 Sep 22:06

Cacoon Hanging Chair

by Caroline Williamson

Cacoon Hanging Chair

Looking for a cozy spot to lounge in the great outdoors? The Cacoon Hanging Chair was made just for that. Hang it from a tree in your yard or take it when you go camping and you have a suspended tent-like space to chill out in. Decide if you want to relax alone in a single or with another person in the double, either way it’s the perfect hanging outdoor oasis.

Cacoon Hanging Chair in home furnishings Category

The minimalist design is constructed with weatherproof fabric to resist the elements and it’s also sturdy – it has been tested to hold 200kg or 440lbs. Available in five colors, including Chili Red, Sky Blue, Leaf Green, Mango Orange, and Natural White. You can order a single or double version.

Cacoon Hanging Chair in home furnishings Category

P.S. You can even sleep in them!

Cacoon Hanging Chair in home furnishings Category

You can buy your very own here.

Cacoon Hanging Chair in home furnishings Category

Cacoon Hanging Chair in home furnishings Category

21 Aug 09:47

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno

by Caroline Williamson

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno

Artist and architect Tomás Saraceno (you know, the Cloud Cities guy) created a massive layered installation that’s suspended more than 25 meters (approx. 82 feet) in the air of the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen museum in Düsseldorf, Germany. “in orbit” stretches across the piazza under the mammoth glass ceiling of the K21 Ständehaus with its three levels of steel wire netting. Situated on the three levels are six inflated spheres that range in size, with the largest being 27 feet in diameter.

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

Visitors to the museum can climb around the nets, if they dare, becoming a part of the surreal installation. If you’ve ever wanted to feel like you’re floating amongst the clouds, now’s your chance as the exhibition will be around until Autumn 2014 (estimated).

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

in orbit: A Gigantic Floating Installation by Tomás Saraceno in news events art Category

Photo by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

12 Jul 09:45

Creative class: Elk object kan een drone zijn

by Ingeborg van Lieshout

Nog een oude schoen over? Met de DIY (Drone It Yourself) Kit v1.0 van Jasper van Loenen verander je elk object in een drone.

Cool, een drone, willen we hebben! Jasper van Loenen studeert af in Networked Media aan het Piet Zwart Instituut en geeft ons de mogelijkheid van elk object een drone te maken. Maak de motortjes ergens aanvast, en je kan er mee vliegen. Een vliegend fietswiel, een zoevende handtas, verzin het maar. (Kunstenaar Bart Jansen liet zelfs zijn overleden kat vliegen.)

20 Jun 14:22

Unauthorized Installations: The Fine Art of Urban Subversion

by Urbanist
[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

street art brad downey

Brad Downey is familiar with both sides of the art world, with a fine arts degree and gallery exhibitions, on the one hand, and run-ins with the authorities about his sometimes-unsanctioned street art on the other.

street sidewalk ripped up

His work is harder to describe that it is to simply see, since it is often in the most public places you could imagine (or documented via extensive photography) – erupting from sidewalks, disrupting bicycle lanes or literally ripping up cobbled streets

street art object manipulations

Per the pictures, sometimes these installations transpose ideas and objects from other contexts, but they also frequently warp existing everyday objects like bicycles, cars, signs, benches, shopping carts and garbage cans.

street alley art wedging

Sometimes he works alone – sometimes collaboratively. Some of his pieces are stand-alones and one-offs while others form sets, like Wedging (shown above), which is a series of experiments of balance and obstruction in alleys with ordinary household items.

street art impossible bicycles

He has had run-ins with police while working in cities ranging from London to Amsterdam, on both art and guerrilla marketing projects performed in that gray area of public and possible vandalism.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

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