Shared posts

08 May 14:45

What city pigeons talk about.

A comic called "What City Pigeons Talk About". In panel 1, two city pigeons are standing on the sidewalk in a city amidst detritus. One says "Hey, do you ever think about the past?" The other says "The past?"ALT
In panel 2, there's a closeup of the first pigeon. They say "Yeah - do you ever think about where we came from? Sometimes I forget that city pigeons are domestic animals."ALT
Panel 3: A hand reaches out to three wild pigeons. The narrator pigeon says "Humans domesticated us many millennia ago in the Middle East. We provided meat, feces used for fertilizer, and much more." There are two very fancy pigeon breeds with interesting head shapes and feather patterns. "Over time, people split us into hundreds of pure breeds - some quite elaborate! Kings and queens proudly kept pigeons, and colonists spread us worldwide."ALT
Panel 4: A closeup again of the first pigeon, who says, "But we fell out of fashion.  Now we peck at the dusty concrete, our past glory all but forgotten. Do you ever think about that?"ALT
Panel 5: The second pigeon says "No. I can't say that I do." The first one says "Huh. Yeah." The second says "Huh."ALT
Panel 6: Both pigeons stand silently on the concrete.ALT
Panel 7: The first pigeon says, "Hey, do you ever think about what it would feel like  to swallow an entire bagel?" The second says, "All the time!" The first says, "Right??"ALT

What city pigeons talk about.

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08 May 14:45

Flightless birds

by Janelle Shane
Flightless birds

I enjoy asking DALLE-3 to label things. I learn so much!

Here I asked it to generate a labeled grid of flightless birds.

Flightless birds

I think it's trying to do ostrich (a female apparently! unusual for a bird poster but I approve), an emu (definitely not an emu's head), a casowary (pretty good except for the TWO HEADS), penguin (with hilariously long legs), rhea (...what), and ...maybe a weka or a penguin?

Or this attempt:

Flightless birds

As far as I can tell, it's the same group of attempted birds, with the possible addition of the dodo. In this set we have some birds with excellent head tufts, another two-headed cassowary, and one bird with creepy hands.

I also like this set. Some of them remind me of cats.

Flightless birds

I asked ChatGPT (which was passing my requests to DALL-E3) what the unlabeled bird in the center was, and it replied that it was a penguin. I don't think it had any ability to label images it had generated, I think it just picked a likely answer based on what it knew the prompt had been.

DALL-E3's flightless birds aren't fit for purpose as scientific illustrations (or as much else, really), but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like them. I like the ones with big chunky fluffy legs, the shaggy ones, and the ones with head tufts especially. I wonder if this is what the Mesozoic was like.

Bonus: more chunky flightless birds!

02 Jan 01:42

[Article] RSS Zero isn’t the path to RSS Joy

by Dan Q

Feed overload is real

The week before last, Katie shared with me that article from last month, Who killed Google Reader? I’d read it before so I didn’t bother clicking through again, but we did end up chatting about RSS a bit1.

Screenshot: Google Reader Notifier popup advises of "461 unread items".
I ditched Google Reader several years before its untimely demise, but I can confirm “461 unread items” was a believable message.

Katie “abandoned feeds a few years ago” because they were “regularly ending up with 200+ unread items that felt overwhelming”.

Conversely: I think that dropping your feed reader because there’s too much to read is… solving the wrong problem.

A white man with dark hair, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, moves to push over a stack of carboard boxes, each smaller than the one beneath it. From bottom to top, the boxes are labelled: stress, email client, mobile pings, doomscrolling, social media silos... and the very top, very smallest box, which glows with sunbeams emitted from it, reads "rss reader".
About half way through editing this image I completely forgot what message I was trying to convey, but I figured I’d keep it anyway and let you come up with your own interpretation.

Dave Rupert last week wrote about his feed reader’s “unread” count having grown to a mammoth 2,000+ items, and his plan to reduce that.

I think that he, like Katie, might be looking at his reader in a different way than I do mine.

FreshRSS sidebar, showing 567 unread items (of which 1 are comics, 2 are friends, 186 are communities, 1 are distractions, 278 are geeky, 1 is "me", 57 are youtube, 13 are strangers, 1 is software, 7 are rss club, 29 are podcasts, and 3 are polyamory. A further 107 are marked as favourites. The "friends" and "rss club" categories are showing warning triangles.
At time of writing, I’ve got 567 unread items. And that’s fine.

RSS is not email!

I’ve been in the position that Katie and David describe: of feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of unread items. And I know others have, too. So let me share something I’ve learned sooner:

There’s nothing special about reaching Inbox Zero in your feed reader.

It’s not noble nor enlightened to get to the bottom of your “unread” list.

Your 👏  feed 👏 reader 👏 is 👏 not 👏 an 👏 email 👏 client. 👏

The idea of Inbox Zero as applied to your email inbox is about productivity. Any message in your email might be something that requires urgent action, and you won’t know until you filter through and categorise .

But your RSS reader doesn’t (shouldn’t?) be there to add to your to-do list. Your RSS reader is a list of things you might like to read. In an ideal world, reaching “RSS Zero” would mean that you’ve seen everything on the Internet that you might enjoy. That’s not enlightened; that’s sad!

Google Reader's "Congratulations, you've reached the End of the Internet." Easter Egg screen, shown when all your feeds are empty.
Google Reader understood this, although the word “congratulations” was misplaced.

Use RSS for joy

My RSS reader is a place of joy, never of stress. I’ve tried to boil down the principles that makes it so, and here they are:

  1. Zero is not the target.
    The numbers are to inspire about how much there is “out there” for you, not to enumerate how much work need have to do.
  2. Group your feeds by importance.
    Your feed reader probably lets you group (folder, tag…) your feeds, so you can easily check-in on what you care about and leave other feeds for a rainy day.2 This is good.
  3. Don’t read every article.
    Your feed reader gives you the convenience of keeping content in one place, but you’re not obligated to read every single one. If something doesn’t interest you, mark it as read and move on. No judgement.
  4. Keep things for later.
    Something you want to read, but not now? Find a way to “save for later” to get it out of your main feed so you. Don’t have to scroll past it every day! Star it or tag it3 or push it to your link-saving or note-taking app. I use a link shortener which then feeds back into my feed reader into a “for later” group!
  5. Let topical content expire.
    Have topical/time-dependent feeds (general news media, some social media etc.)? Have reader “purge” unread articles after a time. I have my subscription to BBC News headlines expire after 5 days: if I’ve taken that long to read a headline, it might as well disappear.4
  6. Use your feed reader deliberately.
    You don’t need popup notifications (a new article’s probably already up to an hour stale by the time it hits your reader). We’re all already slaves to notifications! Visit your reader when it suits you. I start and end every day in mine; most days I hit it again a couple of other times. I don’t need a notification: there’s always new content. The reader keeps track of what I’ve not looked at.
  7. It’s not just about text.
    Don’t limit your feed reader to just text. Podcasts are nothing more than RSS feeds with attached audio files; you can keep track in your reader if you like. Most video platforms let you subscribe to a feed of new videos on a channel or playlist basis, so you can e.g. get notified about YouTube channel updates without having to fight with The Algorithm. Features like XPath Scraping in FreshRSS let you subscribe to services that don’t even have feeds: to watch the listings of dogs on local shelter websites when you’re looking to adopt, for example.
  8. Do your reading in your reader.
    Your reader respects your preferences: colour scheme, font size, article ordering, etc. It doesn’t nag you with newsletter signup popups, cookie notices, or ads. Make the most of that. Some RSS feeds try to disincentivise this by providing only summary content, but a good feed reader can work around this for you, fetching actual content in the background.5
  9. Use offline time to catch up on your reading.
    Some of the best readers support offline mode. I find this fantastic when I’m on an aeroplane, because I can catch up on all of the interesting articles I’d not had time to yet while grounded, and my reading will get synchronised when I touch down and disable flight mode.
  10. Make your reader work for you.
    A feed reader is a tool that works for you. If it’s causing you pain, switch to a different tool6, or reconfigure the one you’ve got. And if the way you find joy from RSS is different from me, that’s fine: this is a personal tool, and we don’t have to have the same answer.

And if you’d like to put those tips in your RSS reader to digest later or at your own pace, you can:  here’s an RSS feed containing (only) these RSS tips!


1 You’d  be forgiven for thinking that RSS was my favourite topic, given that so-far-this-year I’ve written about improving WordPress’s feeds, about mathematical quirks in FreshRSS, on using XPath scraping as an RSS alternative (twice), and the joy of getting notified when a vlog channel is ressurected (thanks to RSS). I swear I have other interests.

2 If your feed reader doesn’t support any kind of grouping, get a better reader.

3 If your feed reader doesn’t support any kind of marking/favouriting/tagging of articles, get a better reader.

4 If your feed reader doesn’t support customisable expiry times… well that’s not too unusual, but you might want to consider getting a better reader.

5 FreshRSS calls the feature that fetches actual post content from the resulting page “Article CSS selector on original website”, which is a bit of a mouthful, but you can see what it’s doing. If your feed reader doesn’t support fetching full content… well, it’s probably not that big a deal, but it’s a good nice-to-have if you’re shopping around for a reader, in my opinion.

6 There’s so much choice in feed readers, and migrating between them is (usually) very easy, so everybody can find the best choice for them. Feedly, Inoreader, and The Old Reader are popular, free, and easy-to-use if you’re looking to get started. I prefer a selfhosted tool so I use the amazing FreshRSS (having migrated from Tiny Tiny RSS). Here’s some more tips on getting started. You might prefer a desktop or mobile tool, or even something exotic: part of the beauty of RSS feeds is they’re open and interoperable, so if for example you love using Slack, you can use Slack to push feed updates to you and get almost all the features you need to do everything in my list, including grouping (using channels) and saving for later (using Slackbot/”remind me about this”). Slack’s a perfectly acceptable feed reader for some people!

03 May 01:50

basketweave blues

by opusanglicanum


this weeks episode of the undersdie couching masterclass was basketweave pattern so I decided to have some colourfun on my teaching sampler

27 Apr 15:41

The Route of Ice and Salt, by José Luis Zaraté, transl. David Bowles (1998)

by Emera

Yay! I recommended her this book and am happy to hear she liked it

02 Feb 00:15

Epbot Is Changing: It's Time To PIVOT

by Jen

kinda' sad to read... damn that video content... modern social media is the worst :(

Hi, friends! Happy Friday!

You probably noticed I've been doing more video content lately, mostly to stay afloat on social media. It's been a hard adjustment, and I've grumbled the whole way, but it's also kind of exciting to create in a new format and see Epbot numbers actually grow again.

Meanwhile, readership here on the blog continues to dwindle. And hey, I get it, most people don't read blogs anymore. The fact that you're still here is incredible, and your support means everything to me, but the online world has moved on. Unfortunately all I can do from here is continue to lose readers.

Also at stake are my mental health and stress levels, as I juggle what is in essence a second full-time job creating and promoting videos and social media posts, all to push people towards this blog, when most are happy with just the videos and posts! John and I've been running full speed since October, giving it our all, but our all isn't working, and something's gotta give.

So starting today, Epbot the blog is going on the back burner. It will still be here - for all of us - but I don't plan to post here again anytime soon. Instead, I'll be doing three things:

First I'm going to rest, because I can't remember the last time I was bored. I can't remember the last time I felt like I'd done enough to take the night off. I've made my living online for 15 years. Fifteen years! The increasing demand to do more, to be more, to craft an update so compelling the algorithm might show it to even a fraction of you... it's a lot. So I'm going to breathe, be still, reset my brain, and let myself dream big dreams again.

Second, John and I are going to spend more time offline, helping people in real life. Our greatest passion has always been serving others, and we already have a list of projects scheduled to get us started. Over the next few months we'll be painting, organizing, decorating, and offering home repairs around Orlando again, all for free. Y'all. I can't wait to work a job that gives me confidence again, without the second-guessing. I can't wait to measure the value of my day by more than post reach, and feel that bone-deep satisfaction of leaving something better than we found it. I want to make helping others in a tangible way my priority, and give Epbot the extras - not the other way around.

And third, I'll continue posting on social media as usual, plus experimenting with longer videos for YouTube later on. Yep, don't worry, I'm not really going anywhere! I'll still be sharing fun builds, events, and silly life stuff. So if you already follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube, not much will change. In fact you may see me more!

I can't promise much as I figure out what this next chapter looks like, so I understand if this change leaves you sad or disappointed. I love and appreciate every one of you, and your friendship has given me life, joy, and purpose for the last 12 years. For those of you who've supported John and I financially - well first, thank you - and also please know we won't be hurt or offended at all if you step away after this. Truly. It's ok. John and I have game-ified being frugal to the point that it's second nature, and we're fortunate to have enough little irons in the fire - online and off - that we'll be fine. If you do want to keep supporting us, then know your money will go towards our work for others. (Work I hope to share more of!)

Like I said, this site isn't going anywhere: it will still be my home base of archives, templates, FAQs, etc. The Squeegineer give-aways will also continue every month. Community wise, both Fans of Epbot on Facebook and the Epbot Discord are going strong, and are independently run by amazing Epbot volunteers so we have a place to hang out together. Plus who knows, I may post here again! I just know for now, for this season, I'm ready to spend more time offline, get my hands dirty, and find fresh ways to share my joys and passions with you.

This decision has been YEARS in the making, but I don't mind telling you I'm scared spit-less. I don't like change. I'm even more terrified of failure. But I also believe we should make decisions based on hope, not fear, and this decision gives me so much hope.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

See you out there, friends and FoE.

02 Feb 00:11

Charming Little “Fairy Dresses” Made Entirely Out of Flowers and Leaves

by Regina Sienra

AAAHHH! This is amazing!

Charming Little “Fairy Dresses” Made Entirely Out of Flowers and Leaves

Botanical Artist Creates Charming 'Fairy Dresses' Out of Flowers and Leaves

Flowers and leaves are full of creative possibility as much as regular art supplies like paper or paint. On top of that, their ephemeral and fragile qualities add a layer of melancholia and wonder to works created with them. The work of Momotsuki, a Japan-based botanical artist, is a great example of this. She is the mastermind behind Fairy's Dress, which sees her fabricate miniature garments with flowers, petals, and leaves. If forest fairies do wear outfits like this, not only are they magical beings, but they’re also fashion icons.

On her website, the artist explains that despite her account only being started in 2021, the idea of making fairy dresses dates back to her childhood. She was not able to make it a reality until much later; however, she did start gardening at a young age. A couple of years ago, while recovering from depression, she took a walk in the garden, suddenly saw a flower, and set her sights on fashioning a fairy dress made out of roses, ivy, periwinkle, and hydrangea. Now, her works are so popular that one of her dresses earned over 160,000 likes on Twitter.

While she seems to work mostly with preserved flowers, like roses and geraniums, the occasional bit of cotton and leaves make it to her creations. She is especially prone to diversifying her materials for dresses celebrating holidays like Christmas and the New Year. And with each dress, Momotsuki always shares her list of used materials, including what kind of blooms she incorporated to each miniature dress. The artist displays her creations on decorated moss-covered or wood mountings. Each display typically features a natural backdrop, enhancing the beauty of each creation, and perpetuating the idea of these outfits being for mythical woodland creatures. It’s as though she’s pitching her designs to the fairies for them to come and select their favorite.

If you love her work, the artist offers calendars, greeting cards, and other goodies featuring her fairy dresses on her web store.

Japanese artist Momotsuki fabricates miniature garments with flowers, petals, and leaves inspired by the magical creatures of the forest.

Botanical Artist Creates Charming 'Fairy Dresses' Out of Flowers and Leaves

The artist displays her “fairy dresses” on decorated moss-covered mountings against a natural backdrop.

Botanical Artist Creates Charming 'Fairy Dresses' Out of Flowers and LeavesBotanical Artist Creates Charming 'Fairy Dresses' Out of Flowers and Leaves

Each creation is like a display pitching her designs to the fairies for them to come and select their favorite.

Botanical Artist Creates Charming 'Fairy Dresses' Out of Flowers and LeavesBotanical Artist Creates Charming 'Fairy Dresses' Out of Flowers and LeavesBotanical Artist Creates Charming 'Fairy Dresses' Out of Flowers and LeavesBotanical Artist Creates Charming 'Fairy Dresses' Out of Flowers and LeavesBotanical Artist Creates Charming 'Fairy Dresses' Out of Flowers and LeavesBotanical Artist Creates Charming 'Fairy Dresses' Out of Flowers and LeavesFairy's Dress: Website | Twitter | Instagram
h/t: [Grape]

All images via Fairys Dress

Related Articles:

Japanese Art Teacher Rakes Fallen Leaves Into Floor Illustrations of Beloved Pop Culture Characters

Artist Forages for Flowers and Leaves in Forest to Create Ephemeral Bird Portraits

Real Dried Flowers Dangle From Ceilings in Immersive Botanical Installations

Ethereal Mirrors Reflect Pretty Pressed Flowers Preserved in Resin

READ: Charming Little “Fairy Dresses” Made Entirely Out of Flowers and Leaves

24 Jun 03:19

Flat-Packed Pastas That Pop Open When Cooked

by Jason Kottke

Flat Packed Pasta

Inspired by space-saving flat-packed furniture, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a technique for making pasta shapes that start out flat when dry but “morph” into their final 3D shapes when cooked. The secret is stamping different groove patterns into the pasta dough.

The solution: something Wang, Yao, and their co-authors term “groove-based transient morphing.” They found that stamping flat pasta sheets with different groove patterns enabled them to control the final pasta shape after cooking. According to the authors, the grooves increase how long it takes to cook that part of the pasta. So those areas expand less than the smooth areas, giving rise to many different shapes.

The team found that the pasta reached its maximum bending angle after about 12 minutes and retained this angle for around 20 minutes before it began to bend back. The researchers were able to produce simple helical and cone shapes, as well as more complex saddles and twists (the latter achieved by introducing double-sided grooves).

I am assuming those grooves would also aid in holding sauce better, a topic we’ve delved into recently. You can read the full research paper on the morphing pasta here. (via the prepared)

Tags: design   food   science
08 Jun 14:01

Why virtual conferences are antisocial (but they don’t have to be)

I like conferences, and I’ve made a lot of friends through them. 

I also like the internet, and I’ve made a lot of friends through it. 

And yet somehow, as conferences were pivoting to online in 2020, I was finding myself at a lot of online conferences where I wasn’t even managing to catch up with my existing friends who I knew were also attending, let alone make new ones. Surely, we could do better. Let’s start by taking a step back and thinking about what makes each of these formats great for meeting people. 

The conference format is great not because of the program alone but in the structure of the conference around the program — being in the audience of a talk together means that afterwards everyone knows that everyone else in the room has experienced the same material and it is therefore a relevant topic of conversation. A conference program is not about raw information transmission — frankly, a decent blog post or paper would probably be more efficient and accessible for simple info transfer. Instead, a conference program is about creating a “magic circle” — a structure that brings together for a focused amount of time a group of people who care about the topics in the program, and that provides springboards for conversations within that group.  

This emergent benefit of conferences is easy to overlook because it often happens at the margins, disguised by physical and logistical needs. Grabbing some people from the conference to go out for dinner, running into people from the conference at the hotel breakfast buffet, striking up a conversation in a registration lineup, staying in the conference city a day early or late to meet up with fellow attendees, proposing a meetup on twitter with other people from the conference hashtag — it’s so much more than just the official post-plenary reception or networking hour. It took me several years to figure out how to “do” conferences effectively by creating more occasions like these because of how the “third place” aspects of conferences are so often neglected from the point of view of the official scheduling. (Ray Oldenburg, the sociologist who coined the term “third place” points out that third places are often “shabby” and overlooked.) Not surprising then (disappointing but not surprising) that the social part of conferences is overlooked in the pivot to online. 

But, you could argue, maybe online is inherently unsuited to forming social connections? Wait, but like, hold on a sec. 

The internet is great because it allows people to find others who share their impossibly niche interests, dramatically reducing barriers to access, especially in terms of geography, cost, and findability. Although the internet doesn’t remove all barriers (timezones, language, and access to devices are still relevant, for example), we now take it for granted that you can easily find other people talking about a book that’s now out of print or stumble down a rabbit hole of an obscure musical genre that could never have gotten a mainstream record deal. People are willing to be real with each other in ways that matter: I have longtime internet friends where I know quite a few details about their mental health status even though I don’t know, for example, how tall they are. Marvelling at the capacity for the internet to connect people with niche interests or secret feelings across geographical barriers is so utterly mundane now that it makes me sound like a nineties tech utopianist to even lay it out. But that doesn’t mean it’s not still real. 

With two such promising ingredients, it almost seems like the combination of online + conference should be better than an offline conference. What went so spectacularly wrong? And it’s not just one lackluster event — why is an enjoyable online conference so difficult across the board? 

The problem is that in a physical conference, the social side comes essentially for free. Sure, there are things that organizers can do to enhance it, like providing food on site, designating ample breaks and social hours, choosing venues with well-positioned common areas to run into people and a good neighbourhood density of offsite food options, and communicating clearly about ancillary digital spaces like hashtags. But I’ve been to conferences that do none of these things (ahem, especially academic ones), and while it does make for an event that’s unfriendly for first-timers, once you know a few people and a few conference-management tips, you can still hack the conference into a reasonable social experience. After all, you can still run into people in the lobby, hang back after a talk to chat with someone, or grab a few people to go to lunch with.  

Physical events come with decades and centuries of social infrastructure disguised as practical necessity and conference ritual that organizers have never really had to think about as social. Organizers put coffeebreaks in the schedule because every other conference they’ve been to has coffeebreaks and because of a vague assumption that people need caffeine, without considering the social benefits of giving people a reason to move around and shared objects to strike up conversations about. Imagine if every conference organizer also had to take on the architecture and interior design and urban planning of the conference space, and we can understand why the pivot to online conferences has gotten off to a rough start. 

The reason why virtual conferences are antisocial is that conference organizers aren’t used to thinking of the social side as a core part of their jobs, because they didn’t have to care about it as much offline. (It’s not just conferences, by the way — this post from danah boyd makes many similar points about knitting together a healthy social fabric among students during online teaching rather than just having them hear from instructors in isolation, and I’ve also been greatly inspired by The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker, which is about the principles that can make social gatherings of all genres effective and even transformative, and which I’d strongly encourage reading whether you’re planning on hosting a conference or a birthday party. I’m just focusing on conferences here for simplicity.) 

So if we accept the premise that conference organizers have a social responsibility to their attendees, not just an informational responsibility to them, and that this responsibility is both more challenging and more important for online conferences, we’re now left with a second question: how is this social responsibility to be accomplished? 

In the next post I’ll talk about how I figured out a structure for a better online conference, the ideas from other people that I was inspired by, and the organizational team that put together a model online-first conference called LingComm21, the first International Conference on Linguistics Communication, which we hope you can draw inspiration from. 

Part of a series called LingComm21: a case study in making online conferences more social. Stay tuned for the following posts on subsequent Mondays, or subscribe to my newsletter to get the full list of posts sent to you once they’re all out

  1. Why virtual conferences are antisocial (but they don’t have to be)
  2. Designing online conferences for building community
  3. Scheduling online conferences for building community
  4. Hosting online conferences for building community
  5. Budgeting online conferences or events
  6. Planning accessible online conferences
15 May 14:22

Selfie boy – 3 living and 3 dead update

by opusanglicanum

I love opusanglicanum's mix of traditional methods and wacky subjects- love those skeletons!

Boy number one – athlieasure is intersting to translate into the opus style.

like the rest he will need a few details adding with underside couching

04 Mar 15:54

Legend, The 36 Year Old Movie That's A Love Letter To Tom Cruise's Thighs, And Other Thoughts

by Jen

oooooo Legend 💛🍿 this is a fun look back at it

This review will be an extremely long read riddled with spoilers, a little snark, a lot of silly, some hilarious photos, and INTENSE NERD-DOM.

You have been warned.

So a week or two ago I suggested we watch the infamous 1985 fantasy flop, Legend, and discovered something alarming: John had never seen it.
That's right, he'd never seen Tim Curry in bull horns. Or Mia Sarah from Ferris Bueller dramatically flouncing through a Claritin commercial. Or Tom Cruise rescuing a fairy with a chicken foot for a hand out of a giant pie shell in hell.

This could not stand.

Let's get one thing out of the way first: Legend is not a good movie. Roger Ebert gave it two stars, and to this day it has a 38% from critics on Rotten Tomatoes. It flopped HARD at the box office, and is often blamed for killing fantasy movies in general until Peter Jackson came along with Lord of the Rings.

Nope, Legend is not a good movie.

But it is a GREAT movie.

Pretty much everyone agrees you don't watch Legend for the story, you watch it for the jaw-dropping visuals. And when I say jaw-dropping, I mean take-your-breath away STUNNING, even 36 years later:

If one of your aesthetics is "running barefoot through the misty moors in a shredded ballgown", then THIS IS YOUR MOVIE, fam.

I was amazed how well I remembered it, too, considering I haven't seen Legend in probably 20 years. I could even recite some of the dialogue, and immediately noticed when the version we rented cut Meg Mucklebones' scene short.

That cut scene nagged me, so I turned to Google... and immediately fell down a 20+ hour rabbit hole of all things Legend. (Haha, whoops.)

So now, in no particular order, here come my favorite fun facts and personal observations from this amazingly beautiful, amazingly bad movie:

- Legend Is a Love Letter To Tom Cruise's Thighs

Tom Cruise was 22 during filming and fresh off the set of Risky Business - the movie that gave us the world-famous underwear dance. Not to be outdone, the producers of Legend decided Tom would not only be pants-less the entire movie, he would also be prohibited from walking upright for most of it.

» Read More
26 Jan 16:07

Trash Compactor Party


OoOoo! Exciting LARP idea!!

What an incredible smell you've discovered.
18 Jan 18:43

filmnoirsbian:WHY ARE YOU HAUNTED? A survey


this is awesome and definitely a strong foundation for a future tabletop game! 😍



A survey

14 Jan 05:58

Figurine of Wondrous Boredom: Glass Dragon

by Dyson Logos

Inspired by our Monday night game where we discovered that the “enemy” wizard had a whole collection of little glass figurines of dragons from various craftsfolk around the lake…

In fact there are a near-infinite selection of these Figurines of Wondrous Boredom – the Soapstone Bear, the Little Earth Mother, Big-Eyed-Clay-Kitten, and so on. Each has the same general function – they break into pieces if dropped. Most are less dangerous than the glass dragon as they don’t break into razor-sharp nearly-invisible bits of glass.

28 Nov 16:21

Today is Worldwide Backup Day

by Seth Godin

Google is not your friend, it’s a tool.

It’s been 2,702 days since they shut down Google Reader and people still remember.

Or consider that Google can shut you out of all their services with no recourse or appeal possible. All your data, photos, calendars, emails… gone.

But yes, you can back up your data. Do it today…

Visit this page to start the process. It’s free. Hopefully, you’ll never need it. Press a few buttons and back up your data to a cloud service so that it’s in two places–This should happen automatically, but since it doesn’t, it’s worth doing.

The internet was originally designed as a resilience machine, designed to heal itself and work around interruptions. And the essence of it was a distributed, peer-to-peer network that worked precisely because it was open. As data is hoarded, manipulated and monetized, that original intent has been turned upside down.

Resilient systems don’t have to trend toward monopoly. In fact, it’s better when they don’t. And don’t forget to backup your data.

[PS the post from earlier today was skewed by homonyms. Thanks to alert readers for pointing it out… sorry about missing it, but the metaphor is still worth thinking about.]

28 May 14:23

Regency Novel or Pandemic Life

by Wrong Hands

I've been saying something (less eloquently) like this to anyone who would listen... thought the idea of "living in a regency novel" would be more fun :(

21 May 02:02

The Thrilling Tale Of How I Managed To Give Myself Jet Lag During An International Lockdown

by Jen

Suko, I'd wonder if this is a fate you're narrowly avoiding... but I'm sure you're much more responsible about your sleep... right... right?? 👀
(or rather, this will be you after retirement and freedom from the chains of a normal work schedule)

One of the best/worst parts of staying home these past months is that time has lost all meaning. I quickly discovered that the only thing keeping my night owl tendencies in check was life outside the house, so once that life evaporated, I took it as permission to shed my last clinging remnants of "normalcy" and embrace my Best Vampire Life.

And it was glorious.

At least for a while.

Nighttime is so peaceful, you guys. If you've never stayed up all night to write then I highly recommend it. There are no leaf blowers going, no phones ringing, no notifications clogging your screen. You can be alone with your thoughts and actually focus on a single thing at a time. So I leaned into the siren call of productivity and stayed up later and later, working all night and going to bed around dawn.

That schedule wasn't TOO bad, considering I usually stayed up 'til 3AM anyway, but there was a problem. I'd opened Pandora's box, y'all. I'd unleashed the beast. My internal clock was off the chain, drunk, and staggering around the living room in its underwear demanding we "KEEP THIS PARTY GOING WOOOOOO"

So I stayed up later. And later.

I told myself this was actually a good thing, because I was seeing the sunrise for the first time in decades. I'd open all the shades around 6:30 and watch the house slowly lighten with dancing rays of light, and listen to the nesting cardinals and mocking birds sing. It was so beautiful, so restful. The perfect way to end my day.

Once I was staying up 'til 7 or 8am, though, I realized I could get even MORE work done if I wrote the Facebook updates before going to bed. Except the CW post doesn't go up 'til 9AM.

So I stayed up past 9AM.

Once I was awake past 9AM I discovered more things I could do before going to bed: Now I could return phone calls and DMs, even chat with my early-bird friends who I usually never got to see.

I'll spare you the rest of this word journey, and skip to the part where I woke up to start my day at 11 o'clock... PM. By this point I never knew what day it was, because I'd wake up on a Tuesday and go to bed on a Wednesday. I lived in the in-betweens, a hazy purgatory of days... and it felt like it. To quote a famous scientist, I felt "so funky" 24/7: a little spacey, a lot disconnected, and I can only imagine what my poor cortisol levels were doing.

Sleeping through my online therapy session was a wake-up call... literally, since my therapist had to text John to ask where I was. (John was going to bed himself around dawn, so we'd both forgotten what day it was.)

I tried reining in my hours a bit, but by this point my internal clock was completely upside down. I was going to bed between 1-3PM, a full 12 hours off from my usual schedule - so I didn't know if I should move backwards or forwards!

Then came Mother's Day weekend, and the infamous Key Lime Donut Incident.

Many of you know I'm on a modified Low FODMAP diet to manage a lifetime of gut pain. Happily I can eat most donuts without issue, so long as they don't have milk in them, but I forgot how heinously bad High Fructose Corn Syrup is to me - and how most fruit-flavored donuts are packed with it.

So I ate a delicious Key Lime Krispy Kreme, and 8 hours later was in so much pain that it started to scare me, and triggered my first panic attack in 4 months. I spent the next day on the couch spooning a hot-pack, and since I couldn't sleep through the pain anyway, my addled brain decided I may as well add on to this misery pile and try to turn my sleep schedule around.

» Read More
16 May 04:08

Alive or Not


👌I think about this a lot

Computer viruses currently fall somewhere between prions and fire.
25 Mar 15:07



Yes. All of them.

07 Dec 10:11

Flu Shot


This is the best advertisement for a flu shot ever... ... which reminds me I still need to get mine... but Suko, you should go be good! Go click on a risky URL and let me know how it goes ;)

"Wait, how often are you getting bitten by snakes? And why are you boiling water?" "Dunno, the CDC people keep showing up with complicated questions about the 'history of the property' and 'possible curses' but I kinda tune them out. At least one of them offered me the flu shot."
03 Dec 16:19

More Love Letters : 12 Days of Letter Writing

by Donovan Beeson

Hmmm... might jump in on some of these... have never written a letter as part of a larger group... but would like to write smaller/briefer letters as practice... can I be nice enough though? Hmmm...

More love
If you're looking for a meaningful postal connection beyond just your annual holiday cards, I highly recommend getting involved with More Love Letter's 12 Days of Letter Writing. Their's is a project we at L.W.A.H.Q. wholeheartedly support and champion at any time of year, but we felt like this project in particular was a good highlight of the spirit of the season. They have selected twelve people in need of support and are posting an address a day. From December 2 - 13, they'll share a new letter request each morning. You'll have the day to write to someone who needs more love, encouragement, and light. Write as many letters as you want! I find their Instagram page to be the easiest way to find out who to write. Our love goes out to all the letter writers and all the letter readers. Sig

03 Dec 16:02

How Generative Music Works

by Paul

really enjoyed the presentation of this site

How Generative Music Works 🔊 2019-12-02 14-35-22

Tero Parvianen has en excellent introduction to Generative Music with lots of live examples. Well worth 20 minutes of your time with lots of food for thought.

How Generative Music Works

27 Nov 05:30

Braveheart's Speech


OoOOo! The Old Reader Trending section yields some fun posts...

Description: William Wallace is giving his speech before a battle, like in the movie Braveheart.

William Wallace: \
25 Oct 07:09

Vewy bad wabbits

by opusanglicanum

"Bad Rabbits"

I’ve been trying to get a new kit or two done for the Harrogate knit and stitch show at the end of next month, and I decided I needed bad rabbits

but I’ve also put them in the shop, if anyone wants one before that.

I normally take my handbag embroidery into schools to work on at breaks etc, but decided to put this on a small frame and take it to work with me, because My sewing time at home is taken up with other things at the moment – plus I was doing some crime and punishment storytelling with some year sixes last week, so it seemed kind of appropriate. Children are often interested in my embroidery, but I used this to talk about the dangers of travel by road in the middle ages, and the fact that all medeival rabbits are actaully hares and therefore female also makes this a picture of two women beating up a man.

The whole time I’ve been working on it kids have been more interested than usual. Today, as I was doing a history visit and was putting the final touches whilst the children handled the artefacts we’d been talking about, one particularly sneaky Y3 sidled up behind me while his teacher wasn’t looking, and asked what I was doing.

“sewing” says I

“sewing what?”

“bad rabbits” i says

“is that a movie?”

“hmmm”, I says “I don’t think so, but it sounds cool. I would definitely go and see bad rabbits the movie.”

“me too,” he agrees, and sidels back to his seat.

So if any Hollywood types are reading this, when you make “bad wabbits – the motion picture” myself the and sneaky young gent from Year three would like a large cheque for creative consultancy, thanks.


Gareth has been insisiting for the last week that no one, not ever, will buy  an embroidery kit of two rabbits beating some poor bloke up, so ffs, would someone please buy one just to shut him up?

(he also says telling you so someone will buy one is cheating – see how insufferable he is? This man can not be allowed to be right, there’s some sort of feminist principle at stake)

21 Oct 17:19

Haven’t been writing, have been reading

by B. Zedan

I’m going through some old public posts from my Patreon that never got shared here and cross-posting in an attempt to get back into blogging, like them old days of the early 2000s. This one is from November 2018.

The mentor from the SFWA I was recently paired with recommended Wonderbook by Jeff Vandermeer, a book I 100% would not have picked up on my own.  I’m reluctant to read guide and writing process books, partially because I hate what their tone tends to be and partially because it’s all about stuff I cannot even give two shits about. But I’ve connected with my mentor well enough that I trusted her judgement and I liked how she’d presented it, as a way to think about the writing process and get more receptive to ideas. I often feel a little overwhelmed by fragments and figments, so why the hell not give this book a try?! Also, I had a big ol’ Amazon gift card from winning an employee of the month equivalent at work (??!!) so I got a physical copy as per her recommendation, since it’s full of illustrations and diagrams. 

I pretty much fell in love with it right away. I feel so blessed whenever someone can recommend something to me, and this book really seems written for anyone, on any level of skill, who wants to tell stories. I’m going to share some of my favourite bits in the first two chapters I’ve read.

The first quote is from the first page of the first chapter and basically sold me on this book. The second is from basically the end of the second chapter and I like how they work together.

“Inspiration” is often inadequately defined as the initial spark or sparks that lead to a story. In fact, the word describes a continuing process that occurs throughout the development of a particular piece of fiction—an ongoing series of revelations put together by your subconscious and conscious minds working in tandem.

The particles known as words accumulate, each sentence building up or changing in ways both minute and potentially earthshaking, our perception of characters, the mood and events.

Storytelling is something that happens in layers and moments that rely on each other, like adding washes to a painting or the process of stitching and ironing and stitching and piecing a piece of clothing. These are things I know but I need to see and be reminded of. Related to the above quotes is this, from somewhere in the second chapter:

Don’t become impatient with the amount of time it takes for a story or novel to come alive in your mind before you start writing. Thoughtfully considering what you write is an essential part of the process.

Remembering it’s okay to let an idea stew is good. I make food this way all the time, why can’t I remember it’s okay to let thoughts render all the fat off the bone! Like food also it’s good to remember you have fuckups and failures to know what not to do, and that the writing process can be a flexible one.

The layout of Wonderbook is sort of like a textbook, with insets and margin notes and special sections by people who know what they’re talking about. This is a bit from a section by Kim Stanley Robinson on exposition: 

It’s also always okay to have one character explain something to another. This needn’t be an “As you know, Doctor” embarrassment, because in reality we teach each other things all the time, sometimes crucial things: so moments like these are simultaneously exposition, characterization and plot.

A lot of the book so far isn’t really so much saying a lot of the formulaic, hero journey, seven-point-plot, Save The Cat advice is wrong as it is spending time explaining the organic nature of storytelling and the range of ways to tell a story available.

My mentor encouraged me to just try to do one short story a month, which is what I had been trying to do and failing, but I think with her encouragement it’ll be easier. Get in this grind! Get in this pattern! Don’t keep getting distracted by the things I’m reading!

My mentor also suggested some very awesome short stories to me and I tore the hell through them, so let me share some faves with you!

The Ticket Taker of Cenote Zací by Benjamin Parzybok
Immersion by Aliette de Bodard
The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere by John Chu
Makeisha in Time by Rachael K. Jones

The post Haven’t been writing, have been reading appeared first on B.Zedan.

19 Sep 14:39

Keep The Post Office Public

by Donovan Beeson


Post office public
Lately, it seems like nothing but doom-and-gloom reporting when it comes to the U.S.P.S. Just yesterday, the court found that the latest stamp increase of a nickel was illegal. Every other op-ed I read about it has a new speculation, and none of them are good, if you want my own opinion about it. Recently, Amazon announced they wouldn't use FedEx for a portion of their shipping anymore. That touched off a rumor that Amazon is going to launch a bid for privatizing the U.S.P.S. 
The U.S.P.S. is already working with Amazon in a deal that might look good on paper, but seems to be running the postal people into the ground. Everywhere one looks, it seems like the "experts" want to solve the problems of lower revenues with cuts in service, both to the public and the postal worker. In addition to pension and insurance changes, 5-day delivery is being floated; so based on what is happening right now, that would probably mean only Amazon delivery on Saturday/Sunday. 
If the U.S.P.S. becomes privatized, we will all suffer and not just those of us in America. Almost half of all the mail in the world is processed by the U.S.P.S.  It delivers more in sixteen days than UPS and FedEx deliver together during the entire year. I don't have the answers here, but I do think that the congressional mandate that benefits for future employees of the post office be pre-funded is ludicrous and should be eliminated. The U.S.P.S. should also have greater control over themselves. They run without any tax dollar benefits, but are constricted in their operations as if they were funded by the government. It really seems like a rock and hard place situation for them. 
As long as they keep taking our letters, we'll keep sending them. We value what the mail and the postal service do for our community, both in life and online. We should keep the U.S.P.S. ours. Sig
P.S. Instagram image from the Arizona Correspondence Society, featuring a rubber stamp from The Well-Appointed Desk.
12 Sep 15:13

Unreachable State


Sounds like comments I've written before in my code...

ERROR: We've reached an unreachable state. Anything is possible. The limits were in our heads all along. Follow your dreams.
28 Jul 19:18

hi hello alert so that classic tumblr flowing jungle river post...


I look forward to reading this section! My copy arrived this week!

hi hello alert so that classic tumblr flowing jungle river post is now cited in a real book like an actual paper book and it’s called because internet and it’s all about the evolution of internet language and how TUMBLR DID THE THING and you can get it here

25 Jul 05:43



To real

My brother once asked me if there was a function to produce a calendar grid from a list of dates in Google Sheets. I replied with a single-cell formula that took in a list of dates and outputted a calendar. It used SEQUENCE(), REGEXMATCH(), and a double-nested ARRAYFORMULA(), and it locked up the browser for 15 seconds every time it ran. I think he learned a lot about asking me things.
23 May 14:52

Alternate Histories


I love this one more than usual for some reason...

"So their universe wouldn't have the iconic photo of a screaming Truman being hoisted aloft by the newspaper-printing machinery..."