Shared posts

13 Oct 21:42

tastefullyoffensive: The Potoo bird always looks like it just...


The Potoo bird always looks like it just saw something horrifying. [via]

13 Oct 21:41

breathesuniverse: The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever...


The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos stir us — there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries.

Carl Edward Sagan

13 Oct 19:26

Amazing Animal Portraits by Tim Flach

Submitted by: roykan21
Posted at: 2012-11-13 19:35:08
See full post and comment:

06 Oct 19:07

Meanwhile, in a hospital somewhere…

by Jonco

Meanwhile in a hospital ward


05 Oct 22:54

Master Shot - Posters Bizarros: O caso Polaco (extra: Parte 3)

by Close-Up


Há coisa de um ano, falei-vos aqui do caso peculiar dos posters de cinema polacos que muita fama adquiriram pela web ao longo dos anos pela sua representação curiosa (e muitas vezes confusa) de títulos tão nossos conhecidos.


Depois de me cruzar com um considerável número de pérolas "lost in translation" e fruto de trabalho de artistas que muitas vezes não chegavam a ver os filmes em questão (true story), resolvi ressuscitar essa saga de artigos com mais dois posts, mesclando desta vez uma terceira edição com - quem mais? - alguns outros exemplos da genialidade polaca e num segundo post, alguns exemplos de posters bizarros dos vários cantos do mundo.


Atentem então e sejam maravilhados...


*** *** ***


“Menos é mais” dizemos tantas vezes… mas, às vezes, “menos é… mais valia estar quieto”. A menos que a minha memória me esteja a atraiçoar, e na verdade "The Godfather" seja a história dramática da paixão proibida entre um polegar gigante e um pequeno homem de patilhas proeminentes.



Para a Polónia, a melhor forma de representar a comédia de Mel Brooks é com uma figura encapuçada que arrancou a pele de metade da cara e, com uma mão mecânica, força um sorriso na metade que restou.



... (...) ...



Todos temos andado errados, porque não existe símbolo mais romântico para a história de amor ambientada a era da Guerra Civil do que uma ventoinha com lâminas em forma de coração.



Não é bem clara a natureza “osmótica” entre o demónio e a cavidade craniana da outra criatura – de todo o modo, envolve alguma transmissão perturbadora de fezes ou necessidades fisiológicas que prefiro não explorar com detalhe.



As analogias - apesar de pouco subtis - da arma e do sol significando a morte são pormenores interessantes... mas não consigo prestar atenção a mais nada que não ao requinte do design de um poster que, certamente, foi cronometrado para não demorar mais do que três minutos a fazer.




É possível que seja eu e a minha memória incapaz que já não estejamos aí para as curvas, mas não me recordo de o filme de Spielberg ser protagonizado pelo primo drogado do E.T. em poses de Pedro Abrunhosa.



Alguém tem alguma coisa muito grave contra a saga do Planeta dos Macacos, e nunca chegou a resolver o problema. Isto é obra do demo. Isto é a face de todos os nossos pesadelos.



Antes de mais, penso que é importante assinalar que o título polaco de “Aliens” não é “Orgy”, mas “Obcy” – lamento. Depois… a quantidade de droga que foi necessário ingerir para chegar a este resultado final deve ter sido cavalar dando origem a uma conversa que se terá processado mais ou menos da seguinte forma, entre os artistas responsáveis pelo poster da direita: “ouve lá mano, quantos olhos tem um alien?”, ao que um colega responde “epá todos mano, todos”.

05 Oct 22:53

Master Shot - Posters Bizarros: À volta do Mundo

by Close-Up

 Porque nem só de polacos se fazem os posters esquisitos, e depois de ontem termos visitado alguns outros exemplos da sua genialidade (?), neste segundo post vamos explorar alguns exemplos bizarros de posters de filmes nossos conhecidos vindos de outros cantos do mundo.


*** *** ***



Não há necessidade de ver mais do que dois ou três minutos de “A New Hope” para perceber que se trata de um par de robôs que deambulam pelo deserto à espera de enfrentar inimigos mortíferos, que eliminarão um a um com os seus golpes de Kung-Fu. Mas para vencer o vilão dos vilões, terão de se juntar para formar um novo super-robô capaz de salvar a galáxia.



Não vamos ser picuinhas e argumentar que não há nenhuma senhora chinesa no filme e que a raça do cão está completamente errada (esta é a verdadeira, já agora)… mas quem fez o poster sabe perfeitamente que o Cujo é um cão raivoso que ataca e mata pessoas (eles próprios escreveram isso)… então porque é que a criatura está a chorar lágrima de sangue numa pose estóica? E porque é que as pessoas estão mesmo ao pé dele, com cara semi-sorridente de quem está em transe? O que significa isto, Gana? Por favor, precisamos de respostas…



Na Rússia, o inolvidável Darth Vader é um puma robótico adepto da cena disco.



Eu… não consigo… não percebo… não…



Há uma série de coisas neste poster que sinto que não consigo processar, mas basicamente o clássico de Hitchcock onde, de repente, os pássaros nos querem matar a todos, é representado pela levitação de uma senhora nua com um grande casaco de peles, um anjo (ou será uma outra senhora com cabelo esvoaçante?) e uma cegonha – porque, afinal, era necessário haver algum pássaro.



Briefing para o artista que desenhou o poster: “Então, é o novo filme do Jack Nicholson que deve ser basicamente o “The Shining 2” portanto podes usar as mesmas fotografias do original, com a atriz e tudo… mas desta vez acrescentamos uma mão-cheia de zombies a acordar das suas campas, para pôr a aquilo tudo a mexer”.



A adaptação para cinema do simpático jogo “snake”, que antigamente habitava alegremente os nossos Nokias.



Homens de peitos insuflados, mulheres com cabelos incendiados a chamar por Charlton Heston e macacos com mãos de polvo e que se vestem à Michael Jackson. Basicamente, a sinopse.



Os espectadores à espera de um drama de guerra psicadélico passado numa lata de salsichas gigante no meio do mato devem ter ficado ligeiramente desapontados com a real natureza do filme com Peter Sellers….



Vamos ignorar a animação fora-de-série do Walt Disney e vamos focar-nos no coração da intemporal história da criança que não quer crescer e que pode ser exemplarmente representada por uma figura humana desenhada por um garoto de cinco anos. Já agora, este mesmo poster também lhes serviu para anunciar a nova temporada do Noddy e a remasterização de “Citizen Kane” (vá…esta última parte é mentira).



A história comovente de um homem que tem perpetuamente uma pomba como órgão sexual e que só pode salvar o seu destino com a ajuda de um homem com cara de cavalo.



No terceiro episódio da saga Star Wars, Luke Skywalker tem de contar com a ajuda dos primos do Q*Bert para derrotar… cenas.



Estão a ver o que eles fizeram ali, certo? O ator principal chama-se Bruce Campbell… enlatados Campbel… não?



Secretamente, o Arnold Schwarzenegger tem a caligrafia de uma menina de 12 anos, e põe corações em vez de pontos nos finais das frases e em cima dos “i’s”.



Só para que conste – e porque me sinto demasiado aterrorizada para fazer qualquer outra piada – este é o poster para o policial estiloso protagonizado por Steve McQueen.



Este poster encontra o queridíssimo do King Kong a limpar o sebo a uma cobra gigante (porque desenhar um dinossauro era complicado…e com muitas pernas), a um tubarão de “Sharknado” e, curiosamente, ao Titanic.


05 Oct 22:46

We've Been Had! Last Week's Incredible Twerking FAIL From Last Week Was a Stunt by Jimmy Kimmel

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. This amazing twerk video turned out to be a product from Kimmel's show. That said, he still knows how to have a laugh about it - just watch until the end!

Submitted by: Unknown

05 Oct 22:42

Daycare Decor

Daycare Decor

Submitted by: Unknown (via life--on--the--edge)

Tagged: FAIL , Awkward , parenting , funny
05 Oct 22:42

This is Pure Trickery

This is Pure Trickery

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: gif , mind blown , funny , illusion , g rated , win
04 Oct 19:06

Tensioned Suspension

by Geoff Manaugh
[Image: "Cavity Mechanism #12 w/ Glass Dome" (2013) by Dan Grayber].

We've looked at the work of Bay Area sculptor Dan Grayber here before, but he's got a small show of new work opening up at Oakland's Johansson Projects gallery next month and it seems worth stopping by.

[Image: Another view of "Cavity Mechanism #12 w/ Glass Dome" (2013) by Dan Grayber].

Grayber describes his work as a study in "self-resolving problems," where highly-tensioned devices hold themselves aloft inside glass vitrines, as if floating in space, fighting their own weight while pushing relentlessly against the walls that contain them.

[Images: "Cavity Mechanism #9 w/ Glass Dome" (2013) by Dan Grayber].

Graybar uses an over-arching description for many of pieces seen here, writing, for example, that each piece is "a counterweight driven mechanism that wedges itself into the inside of a cavity (the glass dome in this case), suspending itself."

[Image: "Cavity Mechanism #11 w/ Glass Dome" (2013) by Dan Grayber].

They are as much displays of gravitational potential energy—like staged moments in some avant-garde machine-ballet whose only plot and purpose is to resist the pull of the earth—as they are "art objects."

[Images: "Cavity Mechanism #10 w/ Glass Dome" (2013) by Dan Grayber].

While the highly contained, desktop scale of each piece adds to the overall feel of pent-up force and concentration, it's hard not to want to see this guy working at Richard Serra-like proportions, scaled-up to the point of architecture.

[Image: "Display Case Mechanism #1" (2013) by Dan Grayber].

You walk into Madison Square Park in Manhattan only to see a giant steel mantis weighing five or six tons, painted in fluorescent construction orange, poised kite-like inside a polarized glass dome, holding boulders the size of Fiats, sprung, tensioned, and impossibly buoyant, as if somehow lighter than air.

[Image: "Cavity Mechanism #7 w/ Glass Dome" (2013) by Dan Grayber].

There is an artist's reception and opening on October 4, so mark your calendars ahead of time and stop in to meet the machines. More examples of his work can be seen here on BLDGBLOG or at the artist's own website.
28 Sep 21:15

therhumboogie: The Arte Sella, looks to be one of the most...


The Arte Sella, looks to be one of the most magical, fairytale woodlands in the world. Since 1986 this astounding destination in the Sella Valley in Italy has been dotting the landscape with the amazing works of over 200 contemporary artists from all over the world. A future holiday destination for sure!

28 Sep 21:10


28 Sep 20:54

Surreal Drawings, Paintings and Murals by Rustam QBic

by Christopher Jobson

Surreal Drawings, Paintings and Murals by Rustam QBic  street art murals drawing

Surreal Drawings, Paintings and Murals by Rustam QBic  street art murals drawing

Surreal Drawings, Paintings and Murals by Rustam QBic  street art murals drawing

Surreal Drawings, Paintings and Murals by Rustam QBic  street art murals drawing

Surreal Drawings, Paintings and Murals by Rustam QBic  street art murals drawing

Surreal Drawings, Paintings and Murals by Rustam QBic  street art murals drawing

Surreal Drawings, Paintings and Murals by Rustam QBic  street art murals drawing

Surreal Drawings, Paintings and Murals by Rustam QBic  street art murals drawing

Surreal Drawings, Paintings and Murals by Rustam QBic  street art murals drawing

With a wildly surreal imagination, artist Rustam QBic from Kazan, Russia creates fish adorned with houses and windows, elephants sprouting giant buildings, and a goose whose feathers are made from a ocean of angry waves. Almost every one of his creations, be it on paper or on a wall is brimming with wonderful ideas and often have to be viewed up close to appreciate their full detail. He most recently completed murals for the LGZ Festival and for Art-Ovrag 2013, and you can see many more paintings, illustrations, and other work over on Facebook. (via StreetArtNews)

28 Sep 20:18


23 Sep 22:10

SNAP SNAP SNAP                 SNAP            SNAP        SNAP ...


23 Sep 21:51

Unrestored Packard Henney hearse to cross the block in Philadelphia

by Kurt Ernst

1951 Packard Henney Nu-3-Way Hearse. Photos courtesy Bonhams Auctions.

While Truman-era Packards are not exactly an uncommon sight at auction, examples bodied by Henney and presented in as-found condition are few and far between. When Bonhams returns to the Simeone Automotive Museum for its Preserving the Automobile auction next month, however, one of the more interesting offerings to cross the block will be an unrestored 1951 Packard Henney Nu-3-Way Hearse, fresh from long-term storage.

Freeport, Illinois-based professional vehicle builder Henney, which once enjoyed the distinction of being the world’s largest producer of ambulances and hearses, entered into a semi-exclusive arrangement with automaker Packard in 1937. Though Packard provided the chassis for all of Henney’s hearses and ambulances, the coachbuilder also produced limousines underpinned by Lincoln mechanicals; in fact, Harry S. Truman himself was transported in a 1960 1950 Lincoln Cosmopolitan Limousine, built by none other than the Henney Motor Company.

1951 Packard Henney hearse
The side doors allowed for easier casket loading curbside.

Despite the semi-exclusive arrangement, Henney continued to innovate new hearse configurations to meet market demands. Henney’s Nu-3-Way side service feature, as seen on this Packard hearse, allowed the loading and unloading of caskets at curbside, eliminating the need for pallbearers to step into the street (although some Nu-3-Way models also featured a rear door for additional loading options).

1951 Packard Henney hearse

This 1951 Packard Henney Nu-3-Way Hearse is part of a collection of vehicles recently pulled from long-term storage in Lynchburg, Virginia, which also includes a 1932 Pierce-Arrow Eight Model 54 Five-Passenger Sedan and a 1929 Packard Standard Eight Series 626 Five-Passenger Sedan. The Packard Henney is reported to be in generally sound condition, complete with the original hydraulics for the “Nu-3-Way” rear table, which itself is not pictured in the images of the car and may not be included in the sale. Power comes from a Packard Thunderbolt L-head inline eight-cylinder engine, originally rated at 180 horsepower and mated to a “Selective-Silent” automatic transmission. This unique professional vehicle is being offered without reserve, though Bonhams expects it to sell for $4,000 to $6,000.


Worth noting, the 1929 Packard from the same collection looks even more weathered. It too will cross the block with no reserve and a pre-auction estimate of $4,000 to $6,000.

Bonhams’ Simeone Foundation auction is scheduled for October 7. For more information, visit

23 Sep 21:42


20 Sep 21:32

caterpillarcowboy: Unbelievable. I think my mouth was open the...

caterpillarcowboy: Unbelievable. I think my mouth was open the whole time. 

seriously take a minute to consider this.

20 Sep 21:16

xcyclopswasrightx: alittlegrownup: sick. That is radtastic.




That is radtastic.

20 Sep 21:16

lifeinflames: kinokorin: 「butt pudding」 I can’t

19 Sep 22:25

Artist Turns London's Garbage Piles Into Bizarre Monsters

by John Metcalfe

Most people don't give garbage a second glance. Artist Francisco de Pájaro gives it a second, third, and fourth glance, and then returns later to doll it up into something resembling a really mess-up human face.

Well, not just human – using bright, messy paints and a knack for arranging trash that rivals Japanese ikebana masters, Pájaro has transformed a construction dumpster into a toothy shark, a stack of cardboard boxes into a lecherous centipede, and piles of bin bags into what looks like a Smurf snuggle party. "Art Is Trash," as he is known in street-art circles (in his native Spain, it's "El Arte es Basura"), has never met a heap of rubbish that he can't in some way make googly-eyed hilarious.

James Buxton, an editor at Global Street Art, recently interviewed Pájaro through a translator to find out how he became the Banksy of dreck. It seems he was almost forced into this odd line of personal expression, according to part of the interview:

Rubbish is the only legal place you can make art on the street. There was a law in 2006 in Barcelona which outlawed painting on the street, suddenly all of the freedom was eliminated – all the best artists from Barcelona left. I couldn’t paint on the floor, on the walls, anywhere, but I had a need to express myself, so where? Three undercover police officers came when they saw me painting on an electricity box, so I started on rubbish, on a chair, on a mattress, little by little, I made little discoveries. First of all I just painted on cans, objects, and then I thought I can put an arm, as a way of getting round not being able to paint on the walls on the floor, I started painting on rubbish. You’ve got to improvise. (Tears a piece of a tape sticks it to my beer can) That’s an arm or a leg. The police in Spain they are much stricter, they don’t let you do anything, here the police are different, they are more tolerant, here they see it and they say: “Hey okay, it’s rubbish, it’s intelligent.” Street art has a short life, you make it, it lives and dies.

Pájaro's installations have such a short life that they're often gone by the next day, rearranging by garbage collectors, the wind and rain, and presumably animal and human scavengers. Fortunately, the artist photographs them for future generations to chuckle over. People in London currently can see some of his new works at the West Bank Gallery. Below are photos from the street component to that show, taken in Notting Hill, Manor House, and east London's famed Brick Alley, a destination spot for heavy-hitting urban artists like ROA and D*Face:

From the gallery show in London:

These are earlier works in Barcelona, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, and Ibiza. The creatures have sloppy-looking features, like they put on makeup during a roller-coaster ride. That's because the artist had to work fast to avoid the police:

Images used with permission of Francisco de Pájaro. H/t to Vandalog


19 Sep 22:24



19 Sep 22:23

What it Looks Like to Soar Through a French Mountain Range on the Back of an Eagle

by Christopher Jobson

What it Looks Like to Soar Through a French Mountain Range on the Back of an Eagle France birds

In this short clip filmed earlier this week using a GoPro camera strapped to the back of an eagle, we see what it might be like to soar through a mountain range near Chamonix, France. (via Kottke)

19 Sep 13:15

Maxim Degtyarev插画作品

by lushsight

Maxim Degtyarev插画作品

Maxim Degtyarev,乌克兰自由插画师,作品细腻精致,擅长表现透视关系和复杂结构,个人博客:可能需要代理)。

以上这幅名为《A day in the life of a bench》(长椅生命中的一天),点击图片可查看大图,点击阅读全文可见更多作品。[via]

Maxim Degtyarev插画作品Maxim Degtyarev插画作品Maxim Degtyarev插画作品Maxim Degtyarev插画作品Maxim Degtyarev插画作品Maxim Degtyarev插画作品

Eduardo Salles插画作品

Vladislav Erko插画作品:扑克牌

Nikita Veprikov插画作品

Franck Graetz插画作品

19 Sep 13:13

rasdivine: yannickbrouwer: This little company from Kenya...



This little company from Kenya makes toys from slippers that wash up on the beach. Pictures by Ben Curtis


19 Sep 13:04

tylerslittleshit: thegodlessatheist: Celebrity and historic...

by aishiterushit



Celebrity and historic figure doppelgangers

can you not

19 Sep 13:02


19 Sep 13:01

cremedocreme: <3

19 Sep 13:00


19 Sep 12:58

Un GRAN amigo.

Un GRAN amigo.