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07 Mar 21:45

Fotópályázat a közelgő Föld Világnap alkalmából

by info

A Hulladékkommandó Társadalmi Járőrszolgálat valamint a Magyar Repülő Szövetség 2017. március 1-jével fotópályázatot hirdetett a közelgő Föld Világnap alkalmából.

Pályázni időjárással, égi jelenséggel, valamint éghajlatváltozással kapcsolatos, saját készítésű fotóval lehet. A képeket max. A/4-es méretben jó minőségben kinyomtatva (kiállításra készen) zárt borítékban, névvel ellátva, leadhatók nyitva tartási időben a Hamvas Béla Városi Könyvtárban.

A fotókat kérjük elektronikus úton is megküldeni a címre. Szakembereink által legjobbnak ítélt 3 db fotó, valamint a Facebook oldalunkon legtöbb szavazatot (like-ot) kapott fotó készítője díjazásban részesül.

Föld Világnap

Pályázati feltételek

· 25 év alatti életkor
· Saját készítésű, maximum 3 db fotó
· Beküldési és leadási határidő: 2017. április 10.
· Kérjük feltüntetni a fotó készítőjének nevét, életkorát, valamint a fotó címét!

A beküldött és feltöltött képek (2017. április 10 után) a Facebook oldalunk „Föld Világnapi fotópályázat 2017” albumban lesznek megtekinthetők, és itt lehet szavazni a legjobb képre 2017. április 17-ig. A pályázott fotók a kiíró civil szervezetek tulajdonában maradnak, s azok kiállítási tárgyként, vagy illusztrációként felhasználhatók.
További információ:

A beérkező fotókból kiállítást szervezünk. Eredményhirdetésre és a fotók kiállításának megnyitójára a Föld Világnap alkalmából rendezett ünnepségünkön, a Hamvas Béla Városi Könyvtárban, 2017. április 25-én 17 órakor kerül sor.

I. Légi felvételek készítésére lehetőség biztosítása Százhalombatta légterében, oklevél, ajándéktárgy.
II. Oklevél és ajándéktárgy.
III. Oklevél és ajándéktárgy.

Közönségdíj: Légi felvételek készítésére lehetőség biztosítása Százhalombatta légterében, oklevél.

A fotópályázat célja: Az éghajlatváltozás hatásaira szeretnénk felhívni a fiatalok figyelmét, valamint az egyre drasztikusabban jelentkező globális klímaváltozásra és a mai kor emberének felelősségére.

Pályázati adatlap itt tölthető le!

A pályázónak a kitöltött pályázati adatlapot (egyben szándék-, valamint jogi nyilatkozat) a e-mail címre kell eljuttatnia 2017. március 10-ig.

The post Fotópályázat a közelgő Föld Világnap alkalmából appeared first on

25 Dec 16:16

Állami földprivatizáció – intézményesített földrablás 2

Itt a greenfon két hete publikáltuk Ángyán József professzor teljes körű elemzését a Fejér megyei állami földek árverezési eredményeiről. Most itt a folytatás a Győr-Moson-Sopron megyei földprivatizációs zárójelentés szintén helyi specialitásokkal: pl. a Simicska érdekeltségű Lajta Hanság Zrt. bérelt területeinek kiárusítása, külföldi és kettős állampolgárok a nyertesek között, FIDESZ alapító tag a nyertesek élén, vásárlás szinte kizárólag kikiáltási áron, licitálás nélkül, stb.
17 Dec 14:56

Review: Treasures from the Map Room

by Jonathan Crowe

treasures-map-room-obliqueIf all maps must necessarily be selective, choosing what to show and what to leave out, surely map books must do the same. That thought came to mind as I perused Treasures from the Map Room—no relation—a book that presents maps from Oxford University’s Bodleian Library, collected and curated by the Bodleian Map Room’s senior library assistant, Debbie Hall.

“Although maps have formed part of the Bodleian’s collections from early on, they have been collected actively only since around 1800,” Hall writes in the introduction. Broadly speaking, the Bodleian’s map holdings come from a combination of bequests and legal deposit requirements. The latter in particular means that the Bodleian’s holdings of British maps—including virtually every Ordnance Survey map and a large number of commercially published maps—are very extensive. The bequests are sometimes much better known: maps named for their owners and donors rather than their creators—the Gough Map, the Selden Map—falling into the Bodleian’s hands.

Hall organizes her selection—some 75 maps—into seven chapters organized by theme: Travel and Exploration, Knowledge and Science, Pride and Ownership, Maps of War, The City in Maps, Maps for Fun, and Imaginary Lands. Sometimes those themes make for unlikely juxtapositions: Hall mentions the Tabula Peutingeriana and American highway maps in very nearly the same breath; and Maps for Fun, a chapter dealing with tourism, recreation and travel, includes a 15th-century Holy Land pilgrimage map—Reuwich’s Peregrinatio in Terram Sanctam—alongside the MountMaps 3D Navigator Map. But apart from that the chapters present us with some very interesting maps indeed: Travel and Exploration gives us the Gough and Selden maps; Knowledge and Science discusses Mercator, Ortelius and early astronomical maps, John Speed, Christopher Saxton and the Ordnance Survey; Maps of War gives us fortifications and plans, siege and trench maps, but also silk escape maps of World War II; Imaginary Lands ranges from Hole’s Poly-Olbion maps to Leo Belgicus, Tolkien and Lewis, and the art of Layla Curtis.

We get, in other words, a taste of just about everything—but only a taste. The breadth of Treasures of the Map Room is both a blessing and a curse. We’re made aware of the volume and diversity of the Bodleian’s map holdings, but we never get a chance to drill down beyond the most cursory of examinations, never more than one example of something. On the other hand, Hall’s approach brings to the fore maps that might not otherwise be included in books like this—books that can privilege the rare and the ancient over the more mundane but more significant. For example, the map I found myself staring at the most was the 1864 Ordnance Plan of the Crystal Palace and its Environs, a 1:2,500 map of incredible detail and delicacy. You might find yourself lingering over some other map. Discoveries like this are, I suspect, the whole point of book that is, after all, about a library’s hidden treasures.

I received a review copy from the North American distributor for this book, the University of Chicago Press.

Treasures of the Map Room edited by Debbie Hall (Oxford: Bodleian Library, 2016). Hardcover, 224 pp., £35/$60. ISBN 978-1-85124-2504. Buy at Amazon.

Previously: Treasures from the Map Room.

09 Apr 10:18

The planet is a big, wobbly top — and melting ice is changing how it spins

by Brian Kahn

earth axis tilt

The spin of the earth is a constant in our lives. It’s quite literally why night follows day.

And while that cycle isn’t going away, climate change is messing with the axis upon which our fair planet spins. Ice melting has caused a drift in polar motion, a somewhat esoteric term that tells scientists a lot about past and future climate and is crucial in GPS calculations and satellite communication.

Before 2000, Earth's spin axis was drifting toward Canada (left globe). Climate change-driven ice loss in Greenland, Antarctica and elsewhere is pulling the direction of drift eastward.

Before 2000, Earth’s spin axis was drifting toward Canada (left globe). Climate change-driven ice loss in Greenland, Antarctica and elsewhere is pulling the direction of drift eastward.NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Polar motion refers to the periodic wobble and drift of the poles. It’s been observed for more than 130 years, but the process has been going on for eons driven by mass shifts inside the earth as well as ones on the surface. For decades, the north pole had been slowly drifting toward Canada, but there was a shift in the drift about 15 years ago. Now it’s headed almost directly down the Greenwich Meridian (sorry Canada, no pole for you, eh).

Like many other natural processes large and small, from sea levels to wildfires, climate change is also playing a role in this shift.

“Since about 2000, there has been a dramatic shift in this general direction,” Surendra Adhikari, a researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said. “It is due to climate change without a doubt. It’s related to ice sheets, in particular the Greenland ice sheet.”

That ice sheet has seen its ice loss speed up and has lost an average of 278 gigatons of ice a year since 2000 as temperatures warm. The Antarctic has lost 92 gigatons a year over that time while other stashes of ice from Alaska to Patagonia are also melting and sending water to the oceans, redistributing the weight of the planet.

Adhikari and his colleague Erik Ivins published their findings in Science Advances on Friday, showing that melting ice explains about 66 percent of the change in the shift of the Earth’s spin axis, particularly the rapid losses occurring in Greenland.

It’s a huge, mind boggling process on the global scale, but imagine it like a top. Spinning a top with a bunch of pennies on it will cause wobble and drift in a certain pattern. If you rearrange the pennies, the wobble and drift will be slightly different.

That’s essentially what climate change is doing, except instead of pennies, it’s ice and instead of a top, it’s the planet. Suffice to say, the stakes are a little higher.

Ice loss explains most but not all of the shift. The rest can mostly be chalked up to droughts and heavy rains in certain parts of the globe. Adhikari said this knowledge could be used to help scientists analyze past instances of polar motion shifts and rainfall patterns as well as answer questions about future hydrological cycle changes.

Ice is expected to continue melting and with it, polar motion is expected to continue changing as well.

“What I can tell you is we anticipate a big loss of mass from West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets and that will mean that the general direction of the pole won’t go back to Canada for sure,” Adhikari said.

If it continues moving down the Greenwich Meridian or meanders another way remains to be seen, though.

“This depends highly on the region where ice melts, or if the effect of ice melt would be counterbalanced by another effect (for example sea level rise, increased water storage on continents, changes of climate zones),” Florian Seitz, the director of German Geodetic Research Institute, said in an email.

In the here and now, polar motion shifts matter for astronomical observations and perhaps even more importantly for the average person, GPS calculations.

Filed under: Article, Climate & Energy, News
15 Aug 16:00

Drought-sensitive butterflies face 'widespread extinction' in UK

by LiveScience

Green-veined white butterflies with pale-yellow wings, among other butterfly species, could disappear from southern Britain in the next 35 years if climate change and habitat loss continue, according to new research.

"The results are worrying," Tom Oliver, lead author of the study and an ecological modeler at the Center for Ecology & Hydrology in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, said in a statement. "For drought-sensitive butterflies, and potentially other taxa [group of organisms], widespread population extinctions are expected by 2050."

Climate models predict that higher levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, will intensify weather events, meaning summers could get much hotter and drier in some parts of the world. Read more...

More about Uk, Climate Change, Drought, Us World, and Climate
13 Aug 21:29

16 spectacular meteor shower photos from the UK and Ireland

by Blathnaid Healy

LONDON — While most of us were tucked up in our beds, the serious sky watchers were out in the great outdoors, many with cameras in tow to capture some of the best of what the Perseid meteor shower had to offer

The show, which happened between late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning, was particularly spectacular with the moon close to its new phase, which meant that light reflected by it didn't block out faint meteors from being seen

Photographers across Britain, Northern Ireland and Ireland managed to snap some stunning captures. Here are some of the best of them. Read more...

More about Uk, Perseid Meteor Shower, Meteor, Us World, and Perseid
09 Aug 19:32

Foggy Forests of Ancient Trees Pruned for Charcoal in Basque Country Photographed by Oskar Zapirain

by Christopher Jobson



Oskar Zapirain's photographs capture eerie forests cast in thick fog, hazy light descending upon the foliage in the same green shade that blankets the floor in moss. Zapirain has been attracted to this landscape for years because of the homogenous light as well as the way it forces the viewer directly into a mystical atmosphere.

The forest Zapirain features is a beech forest in Oiartzun, Basque Country in Northern Spain. This particular forest is unique due to the history charcoal production within the region. Instead of clearcutting like we do today, the trees were instead pruned to preserve the trees and maintain the integrity of the forest across generations. The trees have since regrown with short trunks and dramatically long limbs that shoot outward like arms from almost every angle, adding a ghostly feel to each of Zapirain’s photos. You can explore more of his work on Flickr.










09 Aug 16:04

The Original, Real-Life Dystopian Cityscape of Kowloon Walled City, and the Artwork It Inspired

Kowloon Walled City was a crazy social experiment, except there were no scientists in charge; the test subjects were.

On the site of a dismantled Chinese fortress in Hong Kong, refugee squatters began building makeshift homes in the 1940s. What started out as 2,000 refugees in huts gradually grew into 50,000 people crammed into ramshackle, unregulated skyscrapers leaning on each other for support. (It's reported that no architects or engineers were involved in building the structures, which went up to 14 stories, but were somehow erected by the community that lived there.) And amazingly, it all formed a cohesive—and largely contiguous—structure, resembling a castle or fortress.

KWC had water and electricity siphoned from wells and the rest of the city, but was an unregulated mess of ad-hoc infrastructure largely unsupported by government. Police were afraid to venture inside (though unbelievably, postman were reportedly forced to deliver mail there!). It was filled with criminals, drug dealers and prostitutes, as well as honest families, schoolchildren and one-man manufacturing shops. The following illustration shows what a slice of it might look like:

Larger version of this image is viewable here

Tiny, cramped spaces did double duty, with units that were classrooms during the day transformed into strip clubs at night. There were restaurants and gambling dens, hair salons and convenience stores, unlicensed doctors and dentists. So close were the buildings that sunlight was hard to come by on street level; thus fluorescents were hung outdoors at ground level for illumination. Rooftops, meanwhile, became social spaces.

The government finally shut it down in the 1990s and razed it. But in the years during and since, Kowloon Walled City has captured the imaginations of everyone from architects to sci-fi authors to set designers to artists.

Image by Greg Girard
Image by Greg Girard

Speaking of artists, photographer Greg Girard, who documented KWC in the 1980s, probably has the best photo essay on it (shot both inside and outside) right here. We also wanted to show you the fantastic KWC-inspired work done by a handful of illustrators:

Image by Keith Perelli
Image by Stefan Morrell
Image by Stefan Morrell
Image by Stefan Morrell
Image by Andrew Suryadi
Image by Nivanh Chanthara
Image by Nivanh Chanthara
Image by Nivanh Chanthara
Image by Nivanh Chanthara
13 May 21:31

Satellite eye on Earth: April 2014 in pictures

by Eric Hilare and Sajid Shaikh

Antarctica's crumbling glaciers, Argentina's guitar forest and a 621-mile dust storm over Sahara are among the images captured by European Space Agency and Nasa satellites

Continue reading...
06 Apr 08:55

Incredibly Creative Stop-Motion Film Made with Only Rubber Bands & Thumbtacks

by DL Cade

It’s been a while since we’ve shared a stop-motion film, but ‘A Girl Named Elastika’ by French filmmaker Guillaume Blanchet was a no-brainer. At once simple (equipment wise) and incredibly complex (how long did it take to move all those thumbtacks!?) the video is impressive from start to finish.

And fortunately for Blanchet, we’re not the only ones that think this. The video only made it to Vimeo a couple of days ago, but over the last year he has been collecting animation awards left and right for something that was created almost entirely on a bulletin board!

Screen Shot 2014-04-03 at 7.51.11 AM

Unfortunately there’s no behind the scenes video or list of gear used or really any other information about the project other than this tongue-in-cheek Vimeo description:

She’s young, dreamy and fearless, she drives cars way too fast, she’s also a yamakasi. She likes adventure, fireworks and unrelenting seas. From the day I conceived her, I’ve been a worried father. And a proud one too.

Don’t get us wrong, we love a good joke, but we’re also hoping to get some more technical info about how this all came together.

If you haven’t already, check out the video at the top, and then head over to Blanchet’s website or Facebook to see more of his work and keep up with him as he sets off on his next project.

(via Colossal via Laughing Squid)

28 Mar 21:00

Fourth Annual AOSS Photo Contest: Announcing the Winners

by billb

by Leanne Avila

Steam fog rising from a Montana lake, methane bubbling up in Lake Mendota only to be trapped in ice to form “pancakes,” a rare glimpse of an aurora borealis from our iconic rooftop… For the fourth year in a row, staff and students in the Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences (AOSS) building have sought to capture the beauty and natural forces of weather for the AOSS Photo Contest.

Administered by the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC), the contest invited weather photographers to submit photos representing a “weather event, anywhere in the world.” This year 18 individuals submitted 32 photos. While many of the images focused on winter weather in Wisconsin, they take us across the country and even around the globe, simultaneously showcasing each scene’s unique artistry and the allure of weather phenomena.

The winners of the contest are:

  • 1st place: Bill Bellon for Steam Fog over Fort Peck Lake in NE Montana
  • 2nd place: Hank Revercomb for Lake Mendota Methane Pancakes
  • 3rd place: Dave Jones for A Near Miss
  • Honorable mentions:
    • Dave Stettner for Smoke and Lenticular Clouds over Denali
    • John Lalande for SSEC Direct Broadcast Antenna and Aurora Borealis

Photos will be on display in the gallery outside the Schwertdtfeger Library, located on the 3rd floor of AOSS, throughout the year.

North Bay ice on Lake Michigan
Photographer: Sam Batzli

Rain chain, Ephraim, Wisconsin
Photographer: Sam Batzli

Wingra, view of UW Arboretum
Photographer: Sam Batzli

Fog surrounding Blasket Islands, Ireland
Photographer: Tim Schmit

Pot of gold, Dane County, Wisconsin
Photographer: Matt Hitchman

Cumulonimbus with pileus cloud above State Capitol building, Madison, Wisconsin
Photographer: Tracey Dorian

Second Place
Methane pancakes, Picnic Point Bay, Lake Mendota
Photographer: Hank Revercomb

Ice stressed by temperature and wind, Picnic Point Bay
Photographer: Hank Revercomb

Hoar frost, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Photographer: Ed Eloranta

Glowing hoar frost, New Glarus, Wisconsin
Photographer: Tristan L'Ecuyer

Moonlight fog, New Glarus, Wisconsin
Photographer: Tristan L'Ecuyer

Snow covered tree, north shore of Lake Wingra
Photographer: Fred Best

Ice from wave spray, McKinley Breakwater, Lake Michigan
Photographer: Fred Best

Fog wisp, Alaska coast
Photographer: Dave Stettner

Sunset, Alaska coast
Photographer: Dave Stettner

Honorable Mention
Smoke and lenticular clouds over Denali, Alaska
Photographer: Dave Stettner

Frost crystals on windshield, Fitchburg, Wisconsin
Photographer: Grant Petty

Fog and snow at sunrise, Wisconsin
Photographer: Dave Jones

Third Place
A near miss, late afternoon storm, Wisconsin
Photographer: Dave Jones

Lake ice, Lake Monona, Madison, Wisconsin
Photographer: Margaret Mooney

Cold front moving through Petrified Forest, Arizona
Photographer: Paul Menzel

Rainbow, Niagara Falls, New York
Photographer: Bill Bellon

Early morning fog, Milk River Valley, Montana
Photographer: Bill Bellon

First Place
Steam fog over Fort Peck Lake, Montana
Photographer: Bill Bellon

First view of 40,000 year old ice, 3000m below West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Photographer: Chris Gibson and IDDO Drilling Team

Shore ice, Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin
Photographer: Denny Hackel

Fiery sunset, Wausau, Wisconsin
Photographer: Denny Hackel

Sunset reflections, Willow Flowage, Wisconsin
Photographer: Denny Hackel

Golden Gate Bridge in fog, San Francisco
Photograher: Paul Czerniak

Aurora Borealis, Dodgeville, Wisconsin
Photographer: John Lalande

Aurora Borealis and UW-Madison from AOSS building roof
Photographer: John Lalande

Honorable Mention
Aurora Borealis and the SSEC Direct Broadcast Antenna, AOSS building roof
Photographer: John Lalande

28 Mar 20:42

Ecuadorian elevations

by European Space Agency

Earth observation image of the week: Ecuador’s northern highlands captured by Envisat, also featured on the Earth from Space video programme
28 Mar 20:42

Colourful cultivations

by European Space Agency

Earth observation image of the week: radar vision over southwest Iran, also featured on the Earth from Space video programme
10 Feb 15:30

Jaguar (Wild Brazil - BBC)

Jaguar (Wild Brazil - BBC)

10 Feb 09:40

Can we save Chesapeake Bay from chicken crap?

by John Upton
chicken factory farm

It sucks to be crapped on by a bird. So imagine being crapped on by hundreds of millions of them every year.

That’s the reality for Chesapeake Bay.

In the adjacent state of Maryland, more than 300 million chickens in factory farms produce more than a billion and a half pounds of waste every year. Most of that waste is spread over farmland — ostensibly as a fertilizer, but that just happens to be the cheapest way of disposing of all that crap. Now almost half the farms in the state are saturated with phosphorous from the manure; that phosphorus runs off the farms and into the estuary and bay, where it fertilizes algal blooms that threaten the seafood and tourism industries.

Last year, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) backed away from proposed new regulations to deal with the problem, caving to pressure from the poultry industry. But now two state lawmakers have stepped up by introducing legislation that would compel poultry companies to pay to help protect and restore Chesapeake Bay.

“Poultry companies are polluting with impunity while the public pays for the cleanup,” said one of the lawmakers, Shane Robinson, a Democrat.

The Poultry Fair Share Act would tax poultry companies five cents per bird, with revenue used to cover most of the $20 million annual cost of a state program that helps farmers grow cover crops to reduce soil erosion and nutrient runoff.

According to Food & Water Watch, which has advocated for such legislation, Maryland residents pay $110 million of taxes every year into a bay restoration fund. “Meanwhile, a company like Perdue enjoys annual chicken sales of $4.8 billion and pays nothing into the fund despite the significant impacts the industry has on the health of the Bay,” the nonprofit wrote on its website.

Poultry companies are making the ridiculous claim that the five-cent tax would utterly ruin their industry, which is a big employer in the state. “That bill, if passed, will guarantee that there won’t be any poultry left in the state of Maryland,” one of them told The Daily Times.

When the legislation was being floated in November, a Perdue spokesman dismissed the proposal as “part of an ongoing campaign by radical environmental groups against contemporary animal agriculture.”

If contemporary animal agriculture means dumping shit-derived nutrients into treasured water bodies, ruining water quality and the industries that rely on it, then we’ll take the old variety of agriculture, please.

Filed under: Business & Technology, Food, Politics
26 Jan 13:49

Bird flight paths

by Nathan Yau

Dennis Hlynsky, an artist and a professor at the Rhode Island School of Design, recorded videos of flying birds and in post-processing shows previous flight positions for less than a second. The results are beautiful. It's like the video version of long-exposure photography.

This is just one video in the series. Also see this, this, and this. [via Colossal]

24 Jan 07:42

Map: The Countries That Drink the Most Tea

by Roberto A. Ferdman

China is far and away the largest consumer of tea, at 1.6 billion pounds a year. But per person, as illustrated in the map above, the picture is a lot different: Turkey, Ireland, and the United Kingdom are home to the world’s biggest tea drinkers.

The Turkish, for one, don’t merely enjoy drinking tea; they downright adore the stuff. Turkey’s nearly 7 pounds per person per year is easily the largest in the world. Here’s the full list:



24 Jan 07:35

#TwitterTuesday: Bridges

by Ursula Rodriguez


Passing By Gwangalli Beach

Bridge Forth Bridges

De Hef Quiet Morning


Golden Gate, di nome e di fatto Gas is cheaper here

Pont du Carrousel vu du Pont des Arts, Paris

Daybreak at the Wharf: Bridges and water illuminated in warm sunlight.

Pont Neuf & neige Balcombe Viaduct

51113_Manhattan Bridge_44

Bridges have a particular meaning. They are special as the union between two places or the second part of a story. Enjoy the view from both sides and have a look into all your submissions.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter to see the next challenge directly in your feed. We will be back with the new theme next Tuesday.

Photos from Antti Tassberg, Leigh MacArthur, Susanne Nilsson, Robert Pack, Vincent van Dam, MelissaCamille, Glasgow Celtic, Michele Agostini, Trea Brown, Jean-François Pfeiffer, David Kidd, Kate Benjamin, and Petra Gaum.

24 Jan 06:47

These photos of glowing beaches are seriously stunning

by hrichmond

Meet bioluminescent phytoplankton, the fireflies of the sea. When the li’l marine microbes get stressed out — say, by crashing waves or you rowing your boat over them — they glow in the dark. Bad for them, but good for anybody who appreciates an algae bloom of fluorescent Smurf dandruff!

Will Ho

Taiwanese photographer Will Ho took the above shots of bioluminescent phytoplankton while on vacation in the Maldives. Here’s another gorgeous one, taken in Pacifica, California, by San Francisco photographer Charles Leung:

Charles Leung

Scientists are still working out how and why this magic blue ocean-starlight happens, but those slowpokes are making progress, according to NatGeo:

The most common type of marine bioluminescence is generated by phytoplankton known as dinoflagellates. A recent study co-authored by [Harvard biologist Woodland] Hastings has for the first time identified a special channel in the dinoflagellate cell membrane that responds to electrical signals — offering a potential mechanism for how the algae create their unique illumination.

Pretty gorgeous for something that can kill fish and wildlife

Filed under: Living
29 Dec 00:02

The first high-res HD video of Earth from space is amazing and kind of unnerving

by jesszimmerman

This is the world’s first high-resolution HD video of the planet taken from space, and it’s visually amazing (change the quality to 1080p to see it in full-resolution):

But also maybe kind of a little alarming? Skybox Imaging, which took the video, assures us all that the applications are benevolent and the resolution isn’t high enough for them to watch you get undressed:

The resolution is high enough to view objects like shipping containers that impact the global economy while maintaining a level of clarity that does not determine human activity … The business applications for satellite imagery and now, dynamic satellite video, are innumerable – ranging from supply chain monitoring to maritime awareness, industrial plant activity monitoring to environmental and humanitarian relief monitoring. 

However, we’ve seen Real Genius and you know we’re thinking about this:

And this:

Although actually, that second one doesn’t seem so bad — maybe we can get the satellite to make us some popcorn to eat while we watch the awesome HD satellite video.


Filed under: Business & Technology, Cities, Living
28 Dec 23:36

16 Astronomical Events in 2014 and How to Watch Them

by Denise Lu

Few instances of regret are worse than missing rare astronomical events that come (sometimes literally) once in a lifetime. From witnessing breathtaking eclipses to experiencing the first time a significant comet passes by Earth, celestial events are humbling reminders of the universe's great vastness.

We rounded up some of the best shows the stars will put on in 2014, so you can plan well ahead and mark these in your calendars. Check out the gallery above and let us know what you think.

Image: Flickr, Kartik Ramanathan.

More about Space, Lists, Nasa, Features, and Astronomy
28 Dec 23:26

51 Useful Lesser Known Commands for Linux Users

Tecmint: Linux command line is attractive and fascinating, and there exists a flock of Linux user who are addictive to command Line.

23 Dec 17:39

Stunning Birds Photography by Mommam Tripleseven

by Radek

thirsty - Stunning Birds Photography by Mommam Tripleseven

Birds are the lovely creature of this world. Mommam Tripleseven is not a professional photographer but he is a pilot who loves taking pictures of birds. Here we have selected some best bird’s photographs from Mommam’s photography collection.



Cute spotted owlet



fly... by mommam

Food, mama....i'm hungry..

Green tail

Gurney's Pitta










too close...



yumyum kangkachan

zzzz  Owl

Bee-eater Love

Brahminy Kite

21 Dec 22:30

#TwitterTuesday: Darkness

by Kay Kremerskothen

Eric Staller's Bubbleboat

No Troublems Underground Party?

The Lone Photographer


Meteor Over Woodstown Johnnies Glenn Ave Grill

Confined Space Training

#London Necropolis (9 of 29)

Comet Watchers

not alone

The theme of this week’s Twitter Tuesday brought us movies, sunsets, sunrises, cities at night and tunnels by day. You shared Darkness around the light, and here are some of our favorites.

Thanks for all your contributions yesterday. You can check out all of them and follow us on Twitter to see the next challenge directly in your feed. We will be back with the new theme next Tuesday.

Photos from Nan Palmero, andrickthistlebottom, Francois Cattin, Daniel Hadley, Raymond Larose, Leah Burgess, GmanViz, Manchester Fire, phil plunkett, Glasgow Celtic, Kelson Vibber, and Pablo Andrés Rivero.

21 Dec 22:24

Veja o horizonte, olhe para cima

by Da redação de Casa Vogue

  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)
Nas grandes metrópoles os prédios não param de ficar cada vez mais altos. Agora junte os cenários urbanos ao olhar precioso de um fotógrafo. Foi o que fez o francês Romain Jacquet-Lagreze ao clicar esses momentos e reunir as imagens no livro Vertical Horizon,160 páginas. Porque tão lindo quanto olhar para cima e ver um belo céu é ter como moldura arranha-céus de tirar o fôlego.

Quando o artista mudou-se para Hong Kong o hábito de olhar para o alto começou a ser feito com mais frequência. “Sempre o pratiquei em florestas, mas aqui passei a ver os edifícios por outros ângulos. Aos poucos fui fotografando o que via e isso acabou por se transformar em um projeto”. Romain passou então a explorar muitas áreas da cidade até conseguir imagens de grande parte dos distritos.

Seu olhar sobre uma das cidades mais verticalizadas do mundo foi apelidado, por ele, de corrida arquitetônica para o céu. O trabalho reflete essa visão de competitividade no skyline de Hong Kong, mas também tem o objetivo de estimular a reflexão nas pessoas. “Nossas vidas são como edifícios: começamos de baixo, querendo alcançar o céu, mas para isso é fundamental criarmos bases sólidas”, conta Romain. Além disso, o francês quer chamar a atenção para os detalhes que passam desapercebidos devido à correria do dia-a-dia. Para ele existem muitos horizontes que não levam somente à luz no final do túnel, e o horizonte vertical é apenas um deles – talvez um dos mais belos.

  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


  (Foto: Romain Jacquet-Lagreze)


21 Dec 09:02

Flying Over Vostok Station

21 Dec 07:18

Nmap6 cheatsheet

by Alejandro Ramos
Han pasado ya 3 añazos desde que liberásemos la chuleta para Nmap 5 en este mismo blog. Más de 33.000 descargas de los PDF y decenas de versiones nuevas de la herramienta.

Tampoco es que haya cambiado demasiado en todo este tiempo, un par de parámetros se han renombrado (como el caso de -sP que pasa a ser -sn o -P0 que se convierte en -Pn). También he añadido la opción  --script-updatedb que actualiza los scripts NSE de la herramienta a su última versión.

Los ejemplos de ejecución los mantengo porque me siguen pareciendo adecuados, aunque con los cambios arriba mencionados:

Análisis rápido: nmap -T4 -F
Análisis rápido (puerto 80): nmap -T4 --max_rtt_timeout 200 --initial_rtt_timeout 150 --min_hostgroup 512 --max_retries 0 -n –Pn -p80
Análisis de ping: nmap -sn -PE -PP -PS21,23,25,80,113,31339 -PA80,113,443,10042 --source-port 53 -T4
Exhaustivo lento: nmap -sS -sU -T4 -A -v -PE -PP -PS21,22,23,25,80,113,31339 -PA80,113,443,10042 -PO --script all
Trazado de ruta rápido:  nmap -sn -PE -PS22,25,80 -PA21,23,80,3389 -PU -PO --traceroute

Imágen reducida de la chuleta de Nmap6 

Podéis descargar la versión en español: Nmap6 cheatsheet esp v1.pdf
El mismo documento en inglés: Nmap6 cheatsheet eng v1.pdf

20 Dec 14:02

Our development model

by sharhalakis

image by Mark

18 Dec 08:39

Today the Department of Unexpected Interspecies Friendship shows...

Today the Department of Unexpected Interspecies Friendship shows us a real life example of The Fox and the Hound currently taking place in a forest in Norway. Sniffer the wild fox and Tinni the domestic dog first met by chance while Tinni was out for a walk with his human, photographer Torgeir Berge. The unlikely pair became fast friends and now Torgeir photographs their heartwarming daily encounters. Sniffer and Tinni frolic in their secluded woodland playground until they’ve tired each other out, at which point they settle down and relax together.

The tender and playful relationship between the two is captured in these photos and Berge was so inspired by it that he decided to release a book chronicling the canine duo called The Fox and the Dog which will feature fairytales based on their friendship.

More so, Berge noted how similar his dog and Sniffer were and his thoughts on Norway’s controversial fox-fur trade changed so much that he is now campaigning to have it banned. Berge observed ‘how similar foxes and dogs actually are’ and labels the fox, the ‘dog of the forest’.

Berge will donate a large portion of the proceeds from the book to help his conservation and anti-fur trade campaign.

In addition to their book, Sniffer and Tinni also have their own Facebook page where you can follow their ongoing adventures.


18 Dec 08:34

techstuffhsw: Ancient technology: How Rome’s Aqueducts Worked....

by joberholtzer


Ancient technology: How Rome’s Aqueducts Worked. (Further reading listening » TechStuff Gets Thirsty: How Water Infrastructure Works [mp3])